Sunday, June 6, 2021

Blood is all of one color, Again (American Revelation VII, Prequel.)

Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on a race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength of the world. That is the American way. ~Ronald Reagan

It's June 6th, 77 years ago the Allies landed armies at Normandy and began the long, grueling fight to free Europe from the Nazis.

77 years later, we are engaged in a fight to prevent those same kinds of people from regaining power right here at home after they lost it in an election they contested well past the point of having any right to do so, and indeed are still trying to find some magic woo woo workaround for the fact that they lost.

Perhaps we're fortunate that the Republicans chose as their Godhead a demented, doddering, drug-addled old fool who's now reduced to giving speeches of Castro-esque length to state party conventions, having apparently put his pants on backwards, who genuinely believes that he's going to be "reinstated" in August in some kind of a magic voodoo do-over that neither our Constitution nor our laws actually have a provision for.

And he apparently got the idea from a coked out dumbass who sells pillows in late-night infomercials and via Walmart. 

And while you're watching this demented goober act the fool, Republicans are plotting to actually take away our Democracy as if they think they will magically both live and stay in power forever, as if it would not tear the country apart in an orgy of blood and fire, because quite frankly they could give a fuck if that's what actually happens.

As for the rich assholes that bankroll all this shit? The wannabe-aristocratic wealthy? They don't want anybody in power who knows anything, and they have nothing but contempt for all the rest of us.

Worst case scenario for them? They're all off playing grab-ass political fuckery with each other in some bunker somewhere while the world burns and we don't even get to know where the bunker is, much less go inside. Or they jet off to a warm non-extradition country like the UAE and live in posh apartments in the residential sections of the Burj Khalifa.

And if you wonder why they don't give a shit, well, they've never had to before. 

Such people have been held accountable far too little in this country's history and when they lose, they just try a different tactic and hold grudges forever. Even after the Civil War, too goddamned many of these people faced token consequences if any at all. Bobby Lee and Jeff Davis and a few others lost their citizenship and some property. They should have been hanged.

And for all that, there's an entire school of American historical revisionism dedicated to the Lost Cause of Southern Secessionism that directly fueled (and continues today to feed) generations of American racial grievance politics.

And you know, if you don't believe me, I was reading a Twitter thread this morning that basically was about a far-right Republican in Oregon spewing all the same fascist, racist bullshit that we associate with MAGA nuts *1965.*

If they lose in their current endeavors...well, I guarantee you there's already a Trump Lost Cause myth being worked up that'll make sure there's still these fucking people's descendants fulminating about all this bullshit in *2121.*

Because functionally, these fucking people never change and there's nothing new under the sun.

Well, except maybe for the fact that a retired US Army General and Trump-pardoned felon, Michael Flynn, is advocating for a military coup in the United States like the one that just happened in Myanmar. 

Speaking as a veteran here, I find this personally offensive. Doubly so that this asshole said it over Memorial Weekend.

I've a feeling the 'Boys of Point Du Hoc' as Reagan called them, would have collectively ran this fucker out on a rail.

He was fired by two Presidents, and arrested and charged because he's a thoroughly corrupt nutcase and the only reason he's trotting out this coup bullshit now is he thinks he's going to get to be the dictator.

Never mind that something like that would rip the military and the country apart and a majority of the population at this point wouldn't stand for it. Never mind that the American population itself probably has more guns than the Burmese military does.

These chucklefucks don't give a shit about that. Remember, even if they lose they'll be in a bunker playing political grab ass with each other or (in the words of Hands Gruber) sitting on a beach collecting 20% (on the money they stole from you and me, that is.) Unless, and I'm looking at you Joe Manchin, we start holding these motherfuckers accountable for their fucking anti-Democratic horse shit and making it stick. If that means federalizing elections via the For The People Act, you do it. If that means doing whatever you have to in order to protect the vote, you do that.

And we'd better do it fast...

Because I'm here to tell you that these fucking people are busy constructing an alternate universe based on stupid conspiracy theories that exists only in their own heads, just like Trump himself the average Republican voter is now officially Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, as in certifiably rubber-room crazy and the lot of them should be wearing those funny jackets with the zipper that's out of reach.

But more than that, there's something that troubles me here. In all of my encounters with the Q-niverse I can't help but notice that in Q-Land, nobody ever really seems to die. It's chock-full of body doubles and clones and robots of all these famous people and (if I had to guess) brains in jars and shit eventually. For all their talk of secret firing squads and hangings, even in their telling of it nothing ever really changes, no one ever seems to visibly die. Because, well I don't know, 87th-dimensional chess or some shit.

...And All Will Be Revealed, Someday, by Donald Trump. You know, the guy who wears adult diapers because he can't remember he's supposed to use the toilet. Pardon me if I'm a bit skeptical of this whole business based on that alone. The fact that this Q shit seems to attract grifters and murderous assholes in equal measure does not to it any favors.

I can't help but feel like these people reducing death to an academic concept, or something that happens to other people far away if it happens at all, is a bad thing.

I'm a veteran, though I've seen far more death out of uniform than I ever saw in those days. Death is a real thing, a part of human existence whether we like it or not. But one hell of a lot of these people have been trained by generations of rabid Creationism, Prosperity Gospel bullshit and trash-talking the legitimacy of anything they don't like to just ignore anything that contradicts their worldview or makes them feel uncomfortable.

Now, apply that mentality to the loss of human life, and it's not hard to imagine what happens. We've all just seen a preview of it with COVID-19. These people sacrificed 600,000+ Americans and that number is still going up, albeit much more slowly now.

And after all this there's still people who refuse to get vaccinated, or wear a mask, or give a shit about other people in their own neighborhoods for any reason whatever. Does anybody really think we could have won WWII with that kind of mentality?

Now, apply all that knowledge to the prospect of some kind of internal conflict where these kind of monstrous assholes control even a small slice of America's territory and have attracted even a minimal number of military units to support their cause, which they add to by taking any idiot that can shoot an AR-15 and throwing them into huge light-infantry militias.

As I wrote over a year ago at the height of the pandemic these fuckers don't want America, they want the Killing Fields of Khmer Rouge Cambodia with an Applebees and a mall.

Do you really think people who ignored 600K Covid-19 deaths would somehow not be able to ignore civil war, ethnic cleansing in Alabama or Texas, right-wing insurgencies and the inevitable huge US military counterattacks and mass casualties? If they notice anything at all...they'll notice the scruffy dudes with AR-15's (or maybe Russian-produced AK-101's) who pop up out of their foxholes and try to duke it out with the drones and the jets...and they'll side with those people.

More likely they'll low-key follow whatever news is accurate and cackle at the daily casualty figures, at the loyal Americans of all colors and political persuasions who were kicked out of their own homes only to get stuck in refugee camps, and they'll tell themselves if the war comes their way they'll join the bad guys...right up until it does and they get robbed and shot just like everybody else who thought their privilege or their Whiteness or their political priors would protect them.

We can stop this shit. Yes we can. 

At the very least we can reduce these fucking people to being insurgents moonlighting as simple criminals to rob banks and shit to support their "Cause" like so many Latin American Communists.

But that means you have to give a shit. That means you have to be a better citizen. Than means you have to stand up.

And you have to do it now, and keep at it until you get results.

It's not that hard, it's only what Republicans did for 60 years.

Ask this guy:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.  And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. ~Ronald Reagan

That it's come to what it has may not be all of their faults historically, but Republicanism even as I knew it 20 years ago is as dead as Abraham Lincoln.

And it's going to be all of our responsibility to fix it.

Sorry, but those are the facts. 

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