Monday, May 24, 2021

I'm getting really tired of "Communism." (Fight The Memeocracy, Part Five.)

From Stettin on the Baltic to Varna on the Black Sea, the regimes planted by totalitarianism have had more than thirty years to establish their legitimacy. But none — not one regime — has yet been able to risk free elections. Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root....If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly....Our military strength is a prerequisite to peace, but let it be clear we maintain this strength in the hope it will never be used, for the ultimate determinant in the struggle that's now going on in the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas, a trial of spiritual resolve, the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, the ideals to which we are dedicated. ~Ronald Reagan

Evidently, at some point this morning Robert Reich got into an argument with Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter, which is a little like me getting into an "argument" with my Schnauzer, as in, I'm saying words while he just drools on the carpet and ignores me. 

I mean, the fuck? 

You stupid bitch.

Let me repeat myself yet again, Communism hasn't even been a thing since 1989, my Mom and I watched it fall live on CNN while we ate a Dominos supreme pizza and I complained about there being black olives on it. I cannot stress this enough, Communism literally has not been a thing since November of 1989 and I'm sorry, but you'd have to be fucking retarded to think otherwise.

It's gone, it doesn't exist, even the Chinese are not Communist anymore except in terms of political theory and lately they're mostly using that as a cover while they're exploring switching to outright fascism on the advice of American advisors connected to Peter Theil.

More to the point, you dumb broad, you realize you're arguing with Robert Reich, right?

You know, the guy who was Bill Clinton's Secretary of Labor during one of the most explosive periods of economic growth in the history of this country, and the world for that matter. Maybe if MTG wasn't too busy going full Fatal Attraction on Alexandria Ocasio Cortez she might know that.

Of course, the actual issue here is that she almost certainly does know this, or something like it. 

And it's always about "Real hard work" and "Building the Economy" until it isn't and you wake up one morning to find that the Leader and a bunch of cronies you never heard of before are the only ones who have any money and that you can go to jail for even asking "Why?"

Marge just hopes she'll be the Leader, or at least one of the cronies. In the sense of what's left of the Republican Party at least, she's already most of the way there.

And this is going to end badly.

I mean this is literally the case every fucking time you run this experiment. Plug in whatever other variables you want, God, Guns, the Great Pumpkin, it always ends up the same way. 

Here's how it ends: Somebody else has ALL of whatever it is while you're left with nothing, bathing and shitting in the same water-filled bomb crater and avoiding getting murdered or raped by the armies clashing in the streets, and then the fascist leadership offs themselves so they don't get put on trial by the invading armies and held accountable for their crimes. 

Or they get ganked by partisans and hung from a gas station canopy. Then you still have a better than average chance of ending up with nothing, subsisting on food aid from the allied coalition that liberated your country and whatever you can grow in flower pots at the refugee camp. But at least you're alive and you can stand there and listen to some old guy say a few words about freedom before going on about your day.

And then somebody else comes along and offers you cabbages and you vote for them because well, hot damn, you didn't have any before.

And then some other idiot pops up, calling them Communist for not hoarding the vegetables.

I mean, fucking seriously, does this stupid bullshit ever stop?! 

Communism has literally not been a thing since 1989, while Fascism is continually trying to reboot itself and infect the system...and if you don't think that's what calling universities "Communist" is, you have another thing coming. 

Likewise, with calling the Labor Secretary who presided over one of the most capitalistic periods of American history and certainly of my own lifetime a "Communist." Normal, sane people don't do shit like this.

I was a Republican in the 1990's. I served in the Air Force, got hurt in a car accident, got out and it took me awhile to get back on my feet again, but by the later part of the 1990's I was working two jobs and had a profitable small business on the side and my income never even noticed that the dot-com bubble popped, although the profession I was getting an education to go into sure did and as a result I've never really used my degree all that much. But suffice it to say I never had much of an objection to the economic policies of the Clinton years, or the early Bush years, instead most of the objections I had were on moral grounds.

But of course the lady who cheats on her husband with a bevvy of ugly Crossfit clients and pushes a slew of conspiracy theories and Anti-Semitism while heaping abuse on Latina co-workers can't really say much about that, can she?

I am completely not kidding, the immorality of it all just plain makes me angry.

If Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz or Wheelie-Ghoul Madison Cawthorn worked any other job in this country they'd get fired for cause, denied unemployment, and likely investigated for and arrested for crimes committed on the job...much less their assorted activities away from the workplace.

And they'd deserve it.

But they're in Congress so, NOPE, it's all good, at least if you're a Republican who bows down before that golden statue of Donald Fucking Trump!

This shit is disgusting.

And note I say that as somebody who used to be a Republican.

Can't these fucking people just let the rest of us alone? I'm honestly sick of their bullshit.

Of course the truth is, they fucking can't, they're pathologically incapable of it until you knock their fucking teeth out of their head and then they'll spend the rest of their lives resenting you for it because these people just aren't wired right in the goddamn head.

We as a culture, as a society, need to learn the word "No." We need to figure the fuck out that no amount of money is worth certain things. That those with money have to be held to the same standards as the rest of us, and that money or social status or the ability to talk real good don't grant a person special rights.

We need to internalize the ability to not care if these motherfuckers are mad. We need to be able to say "Go ahead and be mad, I don't give a shit" and fucking mean it, and punch them right square in the face if they try their bullshit again.

And we need to face the fact that a broken culture has created a situation where a third of the population is just plan evil, mentally broken and/or morally deviant, and we need to start addressing this problem right the fuck now.

The idea here is to deprive them of power and strip them of influence so all they can do is gum their food while staring at the TV in impotent rage, or perhaps crash wedding parties at their stupid resort to ramble about the "Good old days" or what the fuck ever. The only reasons these goddamned idiots ever got so much power were Fox News and voter apathy.

And it still baffles me how it took so long for people to get that a network with an unhealthy focus on US politics that's owned by Australian and Saudi Arabian uber-wealthy people might be a bad actor.

And it took people who effectively believe that "Fox News is too liberal" getting to Congress for that shit to really set in. Think about that for a second.

And we need to face the fact that we have a political party in this country that demands you be a member of it first, and all other things after that, even your family rates like sixth or seventh on the list. In most places, that's a cult...and that's what the Republicans have become. All other things must fall before a Republican dogma that is so shitty they can't even tell us what it is most of the time, and when we find out...well even they don't want to own up to it.

If such is the case, why believe it at all?

Of course the answer is, a lot of them don't, they're just utterly amoral people, moral Black Holes who will do or say anything to get what they think they want, if Communism was a sure path to power, they'd take that on-ramp too and don't let them fool you. Just don't expect them to really believe it.

Think I'm wrong? East Germany was full of Communists that used to be Nazis, but were given a pass because the Soviets needed people to run the local government. And modern Republicans are just itching to be somebody else's colonial administration, just so that somebody else meets certain...expectations...and looks a certain way while offering them a regime of petty cruelties to enforce.

I'm getting tired of accusations of Communism from people who'd happily sign on to any totalitarian regime they thought looked like them.

If you want to stop that crap, you know what the answer is.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen.

You have to show up, and you have to keep showing up.

And we have to do it forever, we can't snooze on anything.

They sure won't.

Part Four.

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