Monday, April 26, 2021

The Republican Heresies (Woke Weasels, You Asked For It, Part Three.)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.  And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. ~Ronald Reagan

Yesterday, Marco Rubio wrote an op-ed in the New York Post, effectively threatening corporations for not supporting Republicans, literally comparing supporting voting rights to dumping toxic waste.

Seriously, fuck that guy.

Marco Rubio is a perfect example of the modern Republican mentality of "You can vote for whoever you want as long as it's us." That's all that's going on here, period. Republicans are mad because corporations, culture, democracy, etc. etc. are no longer guaranteed to be on their side, so they're turning inward and towards authoritarianism in an effort to maintain their power, which is the only thing they actually give a shit about.

Marco Rubio, Republican Senator, talking like a goddamned Stalinist Communist.

Ronald Reagan would fucking spit on that guy.

As if to underscore the point, that freedom is only ever one generation away from extinction, there's a fair number of jack off morons out there that are literally pushing the idea of Tyranny as if it's simply a normal philosophy, or a solution to some sort of problem. Of course, I'm here to tell you every one of these little fascist fucks imagines themselves as the tyrant rather than the victim of tyranny.

These are people who not only don't get why so many people have fled from or fought to resist tyranny in all its various forms...they relish the cruelty they imagine the agents of tyranny using to put down that resistance, like David Grossman, AKA that motherfucker who goes around telling cops to shoot people and promising that they'll have really good sex afterwards, or something. And that's always how it is, these motherfuckers seem to think that fascism will make their little dicks bigger.

Somebody coined the term "National Populism" to describe this shit sometime last week, but almost as soon as the term was coined the people it describes openly started pushing for a much more harshly authoritarian Statism. Well, I'm sorry, but the conservatism that I was raised with wasn't that way. People like Adrian Vermeule or Marco Rubio are, in reality, conservative in about the same way that I'm a goddamned toaster oven. In other words, they're not. It's just that simple.

From an American perspective, be it liberal or the conservatism that I was taught, this is just straight-up heresy.

People wormed their way into power. People who'd basically do just about anything for $2 much less actual power or wealth, and now that these craven assholes are out of power they're pretty much like "I'll suck your dick for some power" almost to the point of it being like a Chapelle Show skit.

Seriously the only thing worse than how actively terrible these fucking people are, is how pathetic they sound. They're basically trying to play on people's sentimentality as if they're some kind of underdog, but Adrian, there, is an administrative lawyer. He's far from some member of a persecuted minority.

And frankly, I have absolutely no issue with being labeled as a "Tyrannophobe" and I think these fucking idiots trying to make tyranny sound like some kind of wonderful, cultured thing are just ridiculous, terrible in a "Hans Gruber discussing men's fashion with the CEO before he shoots him" sort of way.

The truth, however, is that it's anything but that. Far more often it's morons like Grady Judd and Ron DeSantis trying to tell people not to vote "The stupid way" that they did somewhere else. You know what? Even if I was still a conservative...if I moved to Florida, talking to me like that is almost certainly going to cause me not to vote for you and I've always felt that way. These fucking people basically think that calling other people stupid makes them smart.

It's like dealing with a thirteen-year-old boy who's in more need of an ass whuppin than any white kid in history. 

Fuck this shit, I'm tired of these racist cocksuckers and their excuses, conspiracy theories and name-calling. Does that quite spell it out for you?

And if you don't think that that racism is exactly the causative factor here, here's Tomi Lahren from last week after Derek Chauvin was convicted for murdering George Floyd, asking "Is the Footlocker going to be safe tonight" knowing full goddamned well that she's perpetuating a racist stereotype in so doing and that's all there even is to it. I've heard some people say this kind of dumb ass shit all my life and yeah, I'm a white guy, but I know racism when I fucking hear it.

These fucking bastards racism is so important to them, that they're willing to institute a murderous, tyrannical state that tells you how to vote in order to try to protect it. 

If you can't find it in yourself to take a stand against that, then fuck you, if you think that you would benefit, or not be harmed by these fucking people you have another thing coming.

You want to know what kind of shitty, snide mentality we're dealing with? Here's Rick Santorum literally saying that white people birthed this nation from nothing, that there was nothing and no one here.

That's horse shit.

There were millions of people here, Native Americans with not just one civilization or culture, but many of them.

And the European explorers almost immediately began enslaving and exploiting those people, those they couldn't enslave they traded with and bided their time until they could build coalitions of those peoples' enemies against them and then once those empires, the Aztecs, for example, were defeated they'd enslave everybody that they could. Cultural destruction, disease and war destroyed those civilizations, yet to a great extent a lot of that Native influence still endures.

If you've ever eaten Tortillas, played Lacrosse, smoked Tobacco, enjoyed any number of treasured American stories like Hiawatha or the Last of the Mohicans, or sat down to a Thanksgiving feast, all that is stuff that came about from Native culture or because of Native Americans.

Squanto, King Philip, Osceola, Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, US Army Indian Scouts, General Clarence Tinker, The Code Talkers, Ira Hayes, Mitchell Red Cloud, my bros over at the local Native American warrior veterans society...and countless others whose names we'll never know...these people are American heroes, American legends. I work with Native American people every night. Their culture is part of our wider American culture, but also American culture has become part of their cultures, many of which have melded some, but most of which still remain distinct in many ways.

And it's not even their land anymore, but Native Americans in general are still pretty patriotic about their country while still being pretty clear-eyed about how things are.

Us white folks didn't create this all by ourselves from nothing. We had help, and not all of it asked to be here either, and we collectively broke our word plenty of times.

People like Rick Santorum don't want to face that.

And they'd be willing to institute a tyrannical, totalitarian government if they could to make sure they don't ever have to.

Never forget that their desire to inflict their tyranny on everybody else stems from privilege and racism and their desire to defend both of those things, and they'll undermine the concept of truth itself and spread all manner of cockamamie conspiracy theories if that's what it takes to do it. They'd spit on God himself if they had to, in order to preserve their earthly power, knowing full well that they might just go to hell later.

But they don't care.

In point of fact a lot of these people are running full-tilt away from freedom for exactly that reason.

They don't care, and they don't even want to.

Do you?

We have the capability to stop this shit. We'd best get after it.

And I mean get after it before these people grind the legacy of every American from George Washington and Abraham Lincoln to FDR and Barack Obama into dust, and stomp all over the efforts and memory of everyone from Crispus Attucks to Mitchell Red Cloud, who tried to defend it, let alone those like Crazy Horse who tried to defend their own.

These people accuse others of wanting to make "Anti-White laws" because Derek Chauvin was held to account for open murder.

They want to make anti-everybody else laws because George Floyd got a little posthumous justice.

These people would destroy America and bomb and burn its cities, destroy its lands and kill everybody they could who didn't bow down and lick their boots and wage endless wars against everybody else if that's what it took to preserve their shitty power.

And they know that there are those who will bow down because they don't want to have to make the adult decisions that it takes nor face the changes nor do the work of life that it takes to remain free.

And they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Even though one hell of a lot of these motherfuckers would never make it in the world they're trying to create.

Think on that, for a second.

If you can't take a stand against that, or if you value your privilege or whiteness or whatever, more than your own and other people's lives, I can't help you and I don't want to. This struggle is never really over, sooner or later you're going to have to stand up.

Freedom isn't free, and if we want to keep it sooner or later we're all going to have to pay our share.

That's all.

That's all there ever is.

And if you can't understand what I'm talking about, you never will and I can't explain it to you.

Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on a race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength of the world. That is the American way. ~Ronald Reagan

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