Tuesday, February 16, 2021

For Her Sins Have Reached Unto Heaven (Fiery The Angels Fell, A Series, The End.)

“When a man takes an oath, Meg, he's holding his own self in his own hands. Like water (he cups his hands) and if he opens his fingers then, he needn't hope to find himself again. ~Thomas More, as depicted by Robert Bolt in A Man For All Seasons.

Yesterday, I saw this.

Some Pennsylvania Republican saying that Pat Toomey ought to be censured because "We didn't send him to D.C. to vote his conscience or whatever."

Well then, what's he there for, Mr. Republican?

What are you doing where you're at?

What is even the purpose of going into government, for real, if you're not there to provide leadership of conscience, whether one be conservative or liberal?

What is even the damn point?

I mean, come on, was everything I was ever taught a fucking lie? These days, I ask myself this on a daily basis.

Somehow, going into government for the purpose of exercising power and making money just doesn't make any sense to me, as one can do both with less oversight much faster in the private sector. Why even bother?

I say this as someone who once swore an oath myself, an oath not unlike that taken to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and to obey the orders of the President, government officials and officers duly appointed above me.

Had I broken this oath, I would have gone to prison. But worse than that I would have betrayed the faith and trust placed in me by my own brothers and sisters in arms.

Why is it, that Republicans are being allowed to be in our government if their oaths, their word, doesn't mean shit? When did these people stop caring, when did they stop policing their own? When did, for all intents and purposes, other people cease to matter? When did the Republican Party become nothing more than a vast criminal enterprise dedicated to the worship of Donald Trump, and to disregard and disrespect for literally everybody else?

The Republican Party, insofar as I can tell, has three actual guiding principles:


#2 FUCK YOU! (Note: This applies even, perhaps especially, to other Republicans.)

#3 Donald Trump is, for all intents and purposes, God. (I didn't say it, they did.)

And some of these fucking people have gone so far down this rabbit hole that they'll disown their own family members and call them The Devil for believing anything else. This is exactly the apotheosis of religion into an anti-religion that the Bible talks about in Revelation where people bow down and worship the Antichrist instead of God.

A friend of mine, an old African-American gentleman named Hayes, once told me he believes that Trump is effectively 'A trial run for when the Evil One comes.' and the more I see of how conservative Evangelicals have converted wholesale to the worship of Donald Trump and how the Republican Party has morphed from a secular political party into first a vehicle for Evangelical priorities and then a replacement for Christianity altogether...well, the longer this goes on the more I believe what that old man said to me that day. I feel for people like Adam Kinzinger...because I spent much of the decade of the Aughts being that guy, often simply arguing for a little humanity in the comments section and getting nothing but bug-eyed spittle-flecked hate in return. Far too many conservatives ignored the nuts altogether, until it was too late. Then they either joined them, or were driven out damned near by force.

And what's left of the Republican Party is going through that again, if the numbers are any indication, probably for the final time. It's like how Abraham argued God down to sparing Sodom if ten righteous people could be found...and there were only seven.

Come out of her, my people, indeed.

It's nothing but bad faith on a massive scale, and there's nothing they believe in strongly enough that they won't lie about it. Tell me, Gunbunny, where has any aspect of the "Green New Deal" been implemented? It's just a proposal at this point. And what good does giving the oil companies money do, when we're in the middle of a massive snow season that makes fuel distribution harder and wrecks the power grid, especially in places like Texas where it was already a soup sandwich of epic proportions?

How does any of that work, exactly?

Bitch, you worked for an oil company, you should know exactly how this stuff works and how long it takes, at least at the line level.

So stop lying, and stop trying to use bad weather and other people's pain to create a political or financial windfall for yourself. That shit is wrong.

And if you believed half the shit you say you do you'd know it.

The Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground and replaced with something better, before it turns into something worse. Vote the bastards out, all of them.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like tears...in rain. Time to die. 

~Roy Batty, Blade Runner.


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