Monday, December 14, 2020

So this is how Idiocracy dies? (Electoral College Day, Yo.)

Rita: You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?
Joe: Yeah. Hadn't thought of that.
Rita: Now you know why he built that bomb. ~From the film "Idiocracy."

 The Electoral College voted today, and certified Joe Biden as the President Elect.

So this is how Idiocracy dies, with Constitutional procedures and voting?

Meanwhile, over the weekend the Proud Boys scuffled with protesters and random people in the streets, and some of them wore skirts (No, those are not kilts) wrote "Fuck Antifa" on their butts and then mooned the crowd.

In the 2006 cult classic Mike Judge film 'Idiocracy' there's this scene where the main character goes to a movie theater only to find that the feature film "Ass" is basically nothing more than three hours of a shapely cartoon ass, farting.

That's kind of the vibe I get from these morons, at best. The alternative is much worse.

Just sayin' if you're bent over with a skirt hiked up and your ass hanging out, "Fuck you" isn't really the message you're sending out into the world. They did this, and then acted like they'd won a great victory. If this is immanentizing the right-wing Eschaton, just leave me the fuck out of it.

A friend of mine asked me the other day, if the Proud Boys were a bunch of confused homosexuals.

I had to tell him I don't really have much of an answer, but according to the idea of what conservatism is that I was raised with, it sure looks like the answer could be "Yes." Certainly, as another friend of mine pointed out today, these are men who were never taught properly how to be men.

These are people who learned their idea of manhood from old John Wayne movies, "Promise Keepers" preachers and rap videos, never mind that if you ask anybody who knows anything, all three of those things were lies.

And this is what's at the heart of Trumpian cultism; Anger without reason, confusion, and lies.

Veneration of a Man instead of God, done in proud defiance of what the Bible says about people who seem to have "bringing about the End Times" on their bucket list. I used to be a Christian, I can tell you how that ends, but you ain't gonna like it.

Christianity without Christ, conservatism based on capability, rather than purpose, and Manhood without the conduct of being a Man, or at least without what we were taught back in my day was the acceptable way to conduct yourself.

And why? Why is this happening, what made it come to this?

Capitalism, Fear, Selfishness.

Functionally, it's because conservative elites and the wealthy thought it would work better for them if more people were stupid, and if they could set up an environment where people would be "free" to follow their base impulses, where there was no truth and "feelings" were the currency of the realm.

And now the mob they've ginned up is turning on them.

How's that working out for you now, Republicans?

Y'all deliberately, and with malice aforethought, framed every cultural disagreement with the rest of us, or even your own moderates, literally every single conflict, as a great battle or existential crisis, and then when our country actually had one you were nowhere to be found, or out there actively making things worse, and yet I guarantee you, that will not be enough for the howling mob.

Have fun in hell, idiots.

You bought the ticket, now you get to take the ride.

Now that conservatism itself is spiraling into a state of existential crisis, and about to be eaten alive by the drooling mob it helped to create, no one who's in a position to do anything about it seems to care. And no one but the mob is listening, and they're angry, at you.

And you can't litigate your way out of that. Like I said, have fun in hell with your mob, idiots.

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