Friday, December 18, 2020

Fuck These Fucking Fuckers (I'm sick of this shit, Part Two.)

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; ~2nd Timothy 4:3

Hey, Congressman Asshole, I've got two words for ya; Fuck. You.

Hey Jim, I have a job. But right now, a hell of a lot of people don't, because of the pandemic.

No amount of giving money to big business or loans to your friends or immunity to lawsuits for spreading the virus or anything else on the Republican wish-list is actually going to solve that. Donald Trump hasn't done dick to fix it either.

Maybe it's just time you fuckers face the fact that your ideology is shit.

Conservatism used to be about giving people a hand up, instead of a hand out. Teach a man to fish instead of giving him a fish.

You? You just want to give people a clenched fist, and then pollute the river so there are no fish. 

Fuck you, I've got mine. That's literally all you Republicans stand for now, and I say that as somebody who used to be a Republican.

Since the Tea Party wave that made you actually be known outside of Ohio and gave you the Freedom Caucus to be a part of so you had other people to practice foolishness with, that's been the entire Republican mantra. Government exists only to preserve the power and wealth of the few, and should be a malevolent force in everybody else's life, oh, except that everything, literally everything should be a partisan political issue to keep the Unga Bunga flaming shit throwing outrage monkeys that make up the most active part of your base on point all the fucking time, so they run interference for your fucking ass and would vote for a half-empty moldy spaghetti can with an (R) next to it.

All so you can keep power you don't deserve and haven't done jack shit to earn, so you could try to seize minority rule because you know in another four, five, maybe ten years at the most your ass is gonna be obsolete and no one will care what you think, much less vote for you. So you wanted to make sure you'd be the only one on the list, and you thought somebody like Donald Trump could help you with that.

Isn't that right. You thought you could play for all the marbles, get back everything you imagine you've lost over the last seventy or so years.

Except the joke's on you, Jim. First your party lost the election and Mushroom Dick is on his way out, and second, nobody has any marbles right now...except the virus. 

You know, the virus that's killed 300,000 Americans and infected a bunch of your buddies and doesn't care who you are or what your politics are or how much money you have. Congratulations, all you need to be is a warm body.

My workplace is barely scraping by, having to modify practices and leave areas unstaffed because so many people are out sick, either awaiting test results or knowing they have the virus.

I'm doing Okay, but a hell of a lot of the people I work with are struggling.

And lots of those people are the lucky ones, they still have jobs to struggle with

Between the virus and the economic downturn caused by it, and by our government's maliciously incompetent handling of this crisis, one hell of a lot of people simply don't have jobs anymore.

That's not their fault.

And in lots of cases, Unemployment simply doesn't pay enough to get by on. That too, is often maliciously so, because of Republicans.

And in a hell of a lot of cases there's no jobs for them to even go back to, and lots of the 'Essential' jobs that are hiring by nature put people at risk. Not everybody can handle that, or is going to want to.

If you want to leave people to twist in the wind because you simply don't feel like helping them, or it's against your bullshit ideology, well, you're an asshole and you need a better ideology.

If anybody wonders why I'm not a Republican anymore, I present as evidence this guy right here.

Fuck you, Jim Jordan.

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