Thursday, April 16, 2020

And the damned rush in.

If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold. ~Glenn Rhee, The Walking Dead, Season 1 Episode 02 "Guts."

Ever watch "The Walking Dead?"

In the second episode of the first season, the protagonist, Rick, links up with a group of survivors who are trapped in a department store by a horde of Zombies, who are several times shown to be trying to bash their way in through the glass doors in the front of the building. Some of them even have a crude intelligence and use rocks as tools.

In the episode, Rick and Glenn, one of the survivors, cover themselves with Zombie guts to reach a construction site on foot and take a couple of vehicles to reach the loading dock of the department store so that the group can get away.

The snipped photo of protesting Trump Supporters baying outside of presumably locked doors was taken yesterday by a photographer in Ohio. Please, keep in mind that the governor whose policies they're protesting, Mike DeWine, is a Republican.

But not Republican enough, apparently.

I could not help but note the resemblance to the Zombies in The Walking Dead. This was apparently part of a spate of protests against state lock-down policies to slow the spread of Coronavirus that was astroturfed by a number of conservative groups over the last few days in North Carolina, Michigan, and Kentucky. Note that the protesters did not, themselves, in defiance of their own organizers, bother to practice social distancing or mostly use PPE at all.

If only that were the full extent of the stupidity going on with these fucking people.

I found this little gem on Twitter this morning, on Stonekettle's feed.

Apparently, these people really do believe that some kind of Coronavirus vaccine is being developed that will be the "Mark Of The Beast" out of Revelation.

That's the quiet part of this particular Tweet, but it's there all the same. I've heard the words "Mark of The Beast" spoken about some theoretical Coronavirus vaccine enough times to fill in the blanks.

Like it or not, right or wrong, I have as much background in studying Evangelical End Times prophecy crap as any legit Biblical scholar does in studying actual eschatology...probably more. I'm not sure what the hell cereal box these people are getting their eschatology from but there are, to put it mildly, a number of prerequisites from the End Times Prophecy narrative itself that are missing. There has been no war against Israel in the Middle East, no rise of a leader promising peace, no seven-year peace treaty with Israel, and the big one (Drum-roll please) no Rapture.

Given my own background in this stuff, that surprises me, but then there's a faction of these people who have abandoned the idea of the Rapture...not because it's a false doctrine that isn't in the Bible, which is by the way, the truth...but because it's inconvenient to their politics and the various forms of Christian Nationalism and Dominionism that they follow.

Again, the difference between End Times Prophecy Nuts when I was one, and these people now is that back in the day we well understood that there could be no peace or perfection or salvation for the world as a whole without Christ as a catalyst for it.

These jokers think they're going to "Purify" the world so that Jesus can come back. In other words, what I was taught was a Christ-centered theology. It wasn't about me, or any humans. This was about God and when He decided it would, it would happen. But that takes a little faith...

No, this is Man-centered theology, wherein Christ is somehow a condition brought about by the actions of human beings. In other words, it's the complete opposite of what I was taught, and I'll give you three guesses what kind of politics these fools want to use to bring about their false utopia, but you're only going to need one.

All this End Times and New World Order crap is always some kind of a cover for hard-edged right-wing Conservatism, always.

Essentially, the only things that are missing is for COVID-19 to actually be some kind of Biblical apocalypse, which it isn't, as it's a naturally occurring pandemic, and for the extremely irreligious Donald Trump to try to declare himself to be some kind of divine figure.

In other words, as usual these fools are all dressed up, with no one to blow.

But see, while the base is whacking off to fantasies about shooting people and trying to impose some kind of Christian-Taliban type order on the world, their supposed "betters" are pushing the idea of reopening schools because "only" two to three percent of kids would supposedly die.

This is presumably some kind of step in their imaginary plan to "reopen" an economy they didn't make many of the decisions to shut down. Since they can't legally make such decisions, why not rile up their base, to see how much trouble they can cause i.e. what's been going on in Michigan and North Carolina this week. Likewise, a friend sent me a Tweet from Scott "Nazi Dilbert Guy" Adams in which he claimed he'd be perfectly fine with dying off to help reopen the economy, because he's in a higher risk group or something.

Yeah, whatever, Catbert. I'd sooner trust my dog to make these decisions.

Now, here's the thing, and mind you I have a background in this stuff. What in the actual fuck could be more "Antichrist" than letting the kids, the old people, and the sick people die off so that rich people can get money?!

There's plenty of Bible verses about caring for the sick, protecting the young and respecting the aged. I'm not familiar with a single one that says the fortunes of the wealthy are worthy of protection at all. Jesus did, however, say that a rich man could no more enter Heaven than a camel could fit through the eye of a needle.

Keep in mind, also, that we're talking about literally millions of lives here. Millions of children's lives...the future, any way you look at it.

Yet again, these motherfuckers want to sacrifice the future for their profits in the Eternal Now, because they figure they'll be dead by the time the bill comes due or the consequences shake out, and none of these fucking people really believes in an afterlife or an immortal soul that will have to face such decisions.

This is what happens when you elect, or allow to be elected, politicians who literally don't believe in the future.

Now, tell me, if a bunch of Zombies or Trump Supporters (but I repeat myself) were trying to break through the glass to kill you and your kids, you would defend yourself, wouldn't you?? You'd be grabbing guns or whatever other weapons were handy and aiming for some head shots or getting ready to crack some skulls open and damn the consequences if and when the damned...and living or dead, they are that...come rushing in, wouldn't you?

Why is it different when it's some guy in a suit on the TV news and all you have to do, really, is stand up and say no and vote these motherfuckers out at the first available opportunity? Just like in our own apocalyptic mess, you don't have to go out and fight in the streets, and can sit on the couch, order takeout and smoke weed if you want...the solution this time is far easier as well, and you don't get zombie guts all over your coat.




All of them.

Why is this hard?

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