Monday, August 19, 2019

Punch More Nazis.

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.
~Malcolm X.

Over the weekend, 1.7 Million people protested for Democracy in Hong Kong.

On Saturday, dozens of people from various fascist groups clashed with anti-fascists and protesters in Portland, Oregon.

Whatever they were trying to do appears to have failed...but at the same time they're calling it a win because Trump Tweeted support for them.

What the fuck ever, dude.

Antifa and the protesters started their day off with an interfaith religious service and meditation.

The Proud Boys started their day with a bunch of people getting knives confiscated.

Seems like there's a trend here, already. A particularly critical article that I read earlier today still pointed out that while Antifa can be violent, there's no actual comparison between them and the far-right in terms of either the amount of violence or the threat to life and limb. Antifa might beat somebody up...but the Proud Boys and all these other motherfuckers can't wait to shoot somebody or stab somebody. One side has a proven track record of ass whuppins' but the other side has a hard-on for murdering the people who they see as against them. And ya know, if these idiots wouldn't go to Portland with the express intention to start shit, I highly doubt the Anarchist community in the Pacific Northwest would do much more than mock the fascists on social media. The fact is, there's an order of magnitude of difference between the two sides.

So much for the media's search for a false equivalency between the two. Idiots.

 In point of fact, the Portland protests were far more about dancing, music, solidarity and weird costumes than they were about violence.

That's actually pretty typical for Portland.

Of course, what nobody is bringing up, is that that's the actual problem. There's nothing these fascist dick-bags hate more than ideas that are different from theirs, people who don't conform to whatever their idea of people is, and people having a good time...except maybe that there were those in attendance who were more than willing to use force to defend those who were simply trying to have a good time. That, honestly, is probably the biggest threat of all to the right-wingers self-constructed narrative. They want to stereotype the "Left" as people dancing in unicorn costumes, guys dressed in black who are ready to beat the fuck out of you if you lay a hand on somebody kinda busts their bullshit narrative.

And speaking of bullshit narratives, Right-wing journalist Andy Ngo (?) spent all weekend trying to make it sound like various and assorted innocent conservatives were under violent attack by vicious Leftists. Listen, ya'll, if somebody comes at me with a right-wingers appear to be doing here...I'm not gonna ask their political affiliation, I'm going to defend myself.

The main video I kept seeing was of some ridiculous looking dude who calls himself "Based Spartan" and wears a Marvin-The-Martian looking fake Spartan helmet getting chased off by a bunch of protesters, some of whom threw drinks at him. Mind you, he was the one who kept trying to hit people. Two things about that. First off, if this is the quality of people that your movement is attracting then I think it's safe to say the people dancing in the banana and unicorn costumes are the ones who are winning. Secondly, what the hell is a Vietnamese American doing trying to support actual fascists and white supremacists? Andy, bro, you're "supporting" who'll likely turn on you the first time you says anything even mildly critical of one of them.

And then of course, there was the big conservative meltdown yesterday and today over the fact that the New York Times started its "1619 Project" yesterday...a presumably continuous effort to tell the history of slavery, segregation, racism and the effects thereof. As I've said before, I used to be a conservative. I grew up on history, most especially the history of the Civil War and its causes and effects. I'm just sayin' if you have a problem with history...specifically the true history of the United States of America in particular...don't try to insult my intelligence by calling yourself a Conservative.

History is what it is. Small "c" conservatism is based on revealed truth, the wisdom of our ancestors, and ya know, a hell of a lot of history and hopefully understanding the mistakes made therein, so as to not make new ones.

But that's not what we're dealing with here. Movement conservatism relates to actual conservatism in about the same way that Takfiri ideology relates to mainstream Islam.

I.e. it doesn't.

Of course, trust me, if there was an actual movement aimed at putting Confederate statues back up instead of taking them down, or at lionizing the Antebellum South instead of pointing out the uncomfortable truths about Slavery...guys like Erick Erickson and Newt Gingrich would be all about history.

Hell, I've read books by Newt Gingrich about the Civil War...dude is a competent historian. He should know better than this.

But he doesn't, because of ideology. An ideology, I might add, that even he doesn't want to confess to having.

Ya know what? You can't argue with that sort of logic, you can only punch the person who has it right in the face. I think these Antifa dudes are on to something.

And I think it needs to be said, that the Republican Party appears to be coming out as openly fascist.

If you don't see that as a problem, that means you're a fascist, too.

Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression. ~Malcolm X.

1 comment:

  1. We share similar opinions regarding genuine conservatism, which is guided by history, and the Republican version of conservatism, which seeks to rewrite history.

    And it looks like we agree that "Based Spartan" is a fucking joke.

    J Bennett
    @SpecApe on Twitter
