Sunday, August 4, 2019

I'm sick of God.

Thou Shalt Not Kill.
~Exodus 20:13

I have a confession to make.

I'm sick of God.

I'm sick of "Thoughts and Prayers."

I'm sick of death and mass murder for no reason, or because of some punk ass being radicalized by racist twerps on the internet.

I'm sick of profit being more important than human life.

And I'm sick of the people who say they believe most ardently in the entity that gave us the Ten Commandments being the most tolerant of their flagrant violation.

I'm sick of Republicans can't be arsed to get off their asses and do their jobs, or because half the citizenry can't be arsed to vote these motherfuckers out even though when you add easy access to weapons to the proliferation of toxic ideologies it very obviously equals mass murder.

So why aren't you?

There were two mass shootings this weekend, one in El Paso, TX on Saturday morning and another in Dayton, OH in the small hours of this morning.

Prayer in schools would not have stopped this crap.

It's funny how conservatives and religious nuts can wax so eloquently about "God" and this and that and the other thing, but in the real world their vision of "God" is strangely absent, and often in reality it's nothing more than the thinnest of covers for nothing more than shitty ideology.

When it's God vs. Murderers, in this life anyway it seems like the murderers usually win. But then, just like back in the day, you give the mob a choice between Christ and the murderer and they'll choose the murderer.

The El Paso shooter wanted to stop the "Mexican invasion of Texas" and prevent his "beloved" state (which he obviously didn't love enough to not murder the people who lived there, or who visited and shopped) from becoming a "Democrat stronghold." Note that as I've said before the vast majority of Latinos are Christians, and could very easily be won over to the conservative side, but for one small variable the Republicans themselves utterly refuse to abandon.


When even somebody like Tea Party Joe Walsh can admit that White Nationalism is our greatest terror threat...and in so doing agree with somebody like Roland Martin...I think it's time to admit that we have a problem when it comes to racism and white nationalism.

We had three mass shootings this week. The El Paso shooting and another in Gilroy, California, specifically appeared to (or explicitly did) target Latino people.

The motive for the Dayton shooting remains unknown, but six of the nine fatalities were African-Americans and one of the white people that was killed was the shooter's own sister. It IS known that the Dayton shooter was a violent bully with a history of threatening people, who was mostly ignored by the Police and those in power.

This seems to be an awful lot like how those in power tend to ignore high-school bullying, or college sexual harassment, or Nazis marching in the streets...until it becomes inconvenient for them.

Just as too many of those in power now ignore growing threats to our country, because dealing with them would upset the status quo in some way.

Listen, we already have a fucking problem. We have 30,000 gun-related deaths per year here in the United States of America.

I am here to tell you that, in this day and age, if we were suffering that many casualties per year in a war...something about our strategy and tactics would change or the war would end in a negotiated settlement of some kind, real fast.

So why doesn't it now? I keep hearing that the NRA is going down the tubes, every so often they shut down some part of their organization or the services it offers, and they (like much of conservatism, oddly enough) now seem increasingly dependent on dark money infusions of Russian cash.

Seems to me like some people are so determined to hang on to the status quo, to keep their places in the magical city...that they no longer give a fuck in the least about the society that holds it up.

I mean, seriously, the service rendered and the taxes paid by Black and Latino citizens are, in real terms, just as good as those paid by white citizens. A visitor from Mexico day-tripping in El Paso to buy groceries pays sales tax just as much as a white resident does, do they not?

It seems to me like we've reached the point where some people would prefer to break America into multiple parts just because they don't like how their citizens look.

And how much fucking sense does that make, really?

It sometimes seems as if the reason that the Alt-Right Nazis or the NRA or this or that shitty conservative organization is going down the tubes is because the Republican Party itself started broadcasting the same bullshit and cut out the need for any sort of middleman altogether, leaving the other guys with no purpose.

And that's a worse problem, because it's leading to the Republican Party, one of the two primary components of our own political system, condoning and enabling terrorist attacks against Americans.

And that includes white already has.

I've said before, that when these people start shooting they're not going to stop and ask what your politics are, they really don't care what color you are, because what they really believe in is the  gun.

Politics, race, religion and all that...not to mention specific issues like abortion or anti-government however furnish a convenient list of targets.

However, as of 10:40 A.M. yesterday we now have specifically racist terrorists.

Like Rick said if it was Muslim terrorists doing this we'd already be flooding the battlespace with Law Enforcement, Cyber-warfare and JDAM's.

And if America is to remain America, it's going to have to come down to the same thing against white supremacist terrorism...because trust me, among other things, there will be no such thing as White Enough when it comes to these motherfuckers.

It's 2019, people, and we'd best accept that. There are too many people who won't...who can't...go back to what things were like in, say, 1949...and our economic and social systems could not bear the cost of such in any case.

But since we've apparently reached the point where the Turner Diaries have far more influence over Conservatism than the Bible, or Atlas won't be just people of color, or various non-Christians, or women, that these people go after. It will be everybody who doesn't join their cult. They're already basically broadcasting that.

They don't give a shit if their ideology destroys the country, or even the world. They want to squat in the ruins with their guns and shit on their own shoes, because it vindicates some stupid ideological point or something.

White Supremacy is Evil. White Supremacy is Terrorism.

And we'd best start treating it accordingly.

Fuck your "Thoughts and Prayers."

Now is a time for action, before we all die.

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