Thursday, July 4, 2019

Fiery The Angels Fell, Part Two.

Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner (A deliberate misquote of William Blake's "America: A Prophecy.)

So, Trump's dumb-ass military parade is today.

Happy Independence Day, ya'll. 

I'm just sayin' I think this bullshit is silly. But it's also dangerous.

Independence Day is the one time when all Americans, regardless of everything, should be able to come together. But instead, too many people have allowed Trump to make this day about himself, rather than just about America.

Of course, the asshole somehow thinks that he is America, which doesn't help matters.

And then there's the Q-Nuts. Apparently, they think JFK Jr. is still alive, is somehow going to make an appearance or some shit, and I don't know, something something gazpacho, because "It would be wonderful if he did..."

Yeah, and I suppose it would be wonderful if Elvis showed up too, and the two of them joined the President for a rousing sing-along of "Proud to be an American" but both of them are dead, Creationism isn't real, Vaccines still don't cause Autism, Lee Greenwood is still a shitty singer, and I still don't know where these fucking people even come up with this stupid bullshit!

Look, the whole thing would probably actually make more sense if it started out "Twas Brillig and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimbal in the Wabe..."

Because it's complete fucking nonsense. It's nonsense in the most literal of terms. None of this crap makes any sense. For fuck's sake, 

I remember watching it on CNN when Kennedy's plane crashed. His body and the bodies of his wife and sister-in-law that were aboard the Piper Saratoga with him were later recovered.

What is it with these people and their conspiracy theories, which always seem to require crazy shit like time-traveling dead people in order to work.

But then, I suppose it doesn't require any less suspension of human nature or reality than Republican economic theory does, so there's that.

Not to mention, the whole Kennedy family, rather explicitly including the late JFK Jr. are or were Democrats.

But something something gazpacho hand-waving they saw it on the internet.

Youtube is full of WWE clips and that doesn't make professional wrestling real. Why the fuck are conspiracy theories any different?

And ya know, Republicans supposed allies, the Russians...are laughing at them, at us, and even at Trump...and presumably the US military itself, for allowing itself to be subjected to this stupid bullshit, or whatever.

I'm just sayin' Republicans, with friends like that you don't need any enemies and you seem to be going out of your way to make enemies lately.

Do these people even notice that basically everybody with a brain in their head has left or is leaving? Most recently Congressman Justin Amash (R-MI) declared himself a political Independent just this morning. When you lose literally one of the founding members of the Freedom Caucus, it seems to me that alarm bells should be going off in Republican-land.

But of course they're not. Everything is fine, it's all fine. We're all fine are you?

This would be that moment when the voice on the other end of the line tells Han Solo "We're sending a squad up."

The Russians are making fun of Trump because they know they can, because like that obnoxious whale that graces any given Poker table once in awhile, Trump thinks he knows everything and he's sure they're laughing with him and not at him.

Meanwhile the Russians place bets on how soon will be our downfall, over Vodka and Cucumbers while they watch their equivalents of Lou Dobbs and Fucker Carlson crack jokes about us and make up lies about our tanks being rusty and having peeling paint.

Go ahead and give it a shot, assholes. In Desert Storm we proved that compared to the M-1 Abrams anything that you had wasn't shit.

But I suppose it's real easy to talk crap when you can bamboozle a third of Americans into thinking you're their ally against the Hordes Of Brown People or whatever silly bullshit it is this week.

Oh, and speaking of Lou Dobbs, the fucking idiot referred to the chiefs of the various armed services as "Snowflake Generals" when they declined Trump's invitation to stand with him at this stupid rally.

If Lou Dobbs had served a day in his miserable pecker sucking life, or even asked an actual troop or veteran a few honest questions he would know that the military is supposed to be apolitical and the Joint Chiefs damned well know that military regulations prohibit them from attending a political event in uniform.

Listen, people, I don't know how to say this any better or any different than anybody else has, but I'm going to say it anyway: Freedom depends on truth. Freedom depends on rule of law, Freedom depends on the word of one's government and the people around you alike being good for something. 

Respect is earned, by every action every day. It cannot be bargained for, bought, or forced. It must be earned.

Many years ago these were values that conservatives and liberals alike championed.

Now, these scumbag Republicans...having been told "No" by their own packed Supreme Court that was skewed with two judges that the Federalist Society picked and Trump signed off on...are trying to find a way around their defeat regarding getting a citizenship question added to the Census.

If a Democrat had done that, there would be blood in the streets already.

I think today, and Trump's dumb-ass rally, are as good of a marker as any for the moment that conservatism officially fell to fascism.

And that only ends one way. The rest of us had best get on the ball with fighting against this crap in whatever ways we can, and more people than Justin Amash had best get on with firmly telling these people that this crap is wrong...or there is a non-negligible chance that by this time next year, Conservative America and Liberal America could damned well be two separate countries.

We can stop this shit. Why aren't we?

Part One.

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