Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Evil Empire.

We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev...Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! ~Ronald Reagan

I want to ask you a question.

How much longer are you willing to let this crap go on?

Trump said last night, on camera, on TV, that if somebody handed him some kind of dirt on his Democratic opponent, in violation of US law, that he would take it and he would not call the FBI.

He basically implicitly admitted to everything he's been accused of...and probably more.

It's not just the act itself, not just the corruption of the 2016 elections and all the stupid bullshit since that burns my ass. It's that these absolute motherfuckers took information from a country ruled by a former KGB agent. You know, the "Sword and Shield of the Party" of what Ronald Reagan called the Evil Empire...the Soviet Union.

Doesn't that bother you?

How about the fact that during my lifetime we've gone from "Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" in Berlin to "Build the Wall!" on our southern border IN MY LIFETIME?!

And the same political party was in charge for both statements. Think about that for a second.

How exactly did the Republican Party go from standing for freedom and peace to demanding that we wall off the country and shoot down our neighbors in just 32 years?

I strongly suspect that it has something to do with people like this guy, Rick Wiles. He's the guy that runs "TruNews" a conspiracy theory website run as a "Christian ministry" out of Dallas, Texas, which daily features a hell of a lot of anti-semitic and racist content...and apparently now he's also actively excusing fathers lusting after their own daughters and "Grooming" them for the presidency because "he has lust for her." I'm sorry, but I've read the Bible...and I have no fucking idea where in the hell this asshole is getting the idea that that's Okay.

So, you might start trying to solve this problem by asking where the hell religion got bent sideways in this country, just sayin.'

I'm serious, speaking as an experienced gamer here, if somebody came at me with a character concept for my Vampire: The Masquerade game involving something like this, I'd send it back and tell them no, with extra profanity. Stuff like this is sick and wrong and disturbing and I want no part of it.

I'm fucking sorry, but I couldn't even make this shit up and my brain flatly cannot process how this shit came out of the mouth of any person who claims to believe in Jesus Christ, much less have a "Ministry."

Look, I'm fine with disturbing if the people involved are consenting adults or otherwise in the same general age group and willing to take the consequences if they get caught. I'm fine with whatever if the level of power of the participants is pretty equal. But that's not what this is.

When one of the parties involved is basically revered as a god by millions of creeps like Rick Wiles though, much less a rich old white man who is currently the head of a government? I'm sorry, but there's no way you can even in a remote sense bend the idea of consent into any kind of workable shape there...and that's before you get to the fact that Trump is, ya know, married.

I'm just saying didn't these fools put a lot of time and effort, 20 years ago, into trying to nail a Democratic President to the wall for adultery? And ya know, I gotta give Slick Willie credit for one big thing, despite his being from Arkansas, he wasn't lusting after somebody he was related to.

But that's all Okay now because #1 Republican, so there IS no Sin, and well #2 it's Trump so things that would make the mutants in "The Hills Have Eyes" say "Fuck No" are apparently perfectly cool as long as you can somehow manage to hang the label of "Conservative" on yourself one way or another.

Does any of this seem...I don't know, fucked you yet?

How about Rick here, again, openly insinuating that one's DNA determines "Salvation." I mean, when you're saying that hamburgers will alter human DNA somehow something something gazpacho to create "Soulless people" that's basically what you're saying.

One's soul doesn't come from "DNA" according to what I was taught, it's your immortal essence that was created by God, and this flesh which we inhabit is basically a side-effect of that fact.

Let me tell you what a "Soulless person" is. A soulless person is exactly what you have when you have a supposed "Christian" preacher saying that our souls come from DNA that can be altered by something or other in a hamburger. I'm going to call that my "Hamburgers are more powerful than God" theory.

Because to these fucking people, God isn't the eternal creator of the infinite universe who exists no matter what we think about Him or what interpretations we believe because He is, after all, God. No, to motherfuckers like Rick Wiles "god" is just some card you play or words you say to get what you want, some little trinket that you keep in a box until you need it and then you pull it out because you need to impress somebody or manipulate the feeble-minded.

I'm sorry, but I was taught better than that. I was taught I'm going to have to answer to a higher power when I die, and that everything I ever did is gonna be looked into...a situation for which shouting "Jesus!" is not an automatic get out of jail free card, I might add.

What we're dealing with here, is people who literally believe in nothing. Anybody in government who will stand up already has. We need to, as a people, get down on our collective knees and thank whatever Gods we believe in, or whatever else if ya don't...that roughly two out of every three of us is against this shit.

And then we all need to stand up and do something. What that is, I have no idea, but we better get to figuring it out and we better accept that it's going to be messy and require us taking responsibility for what happens. We are going to have to do something as a people instead of getting others to do the heavy lifting.

50 years of bigotry, dumb shit and yellow-eyed spittle-flecked hate brought us to this point.

We're going to have to start trying to do something about that...or even if we beat this Trump problem, the next one will be on us in probably a matter of just a year or two given the short half-life of things these days.

But we'd best get after it anyway.

Because if you think people who believe that them being in power is more important than all of us being free, or that our country should be some kind of subsidiary to brutal, murderous dictators, or who think that fathers lusting after their daughters is Okay or that eating the wrong hamburger will suck your soul right out through your nucleic acids...are going to go quietly when they're voted out or that they give a damn what the rest of us think of have another thing coming.

And that's before you factor in the misogyny, racism, sexism, and yellow-eyed drooling religious hatred.

As I've said before, I've hit the point where I think when the rest of us kick these people out of power...they're just going to take what they can including whatever people and states will side with them and form their own little Banana Republic Idiocracy so they can have a place where they can protect all the stupid fucked up bullshit that they want to believe.

Yes, you have to want to be this dumb.

And all the rest of us can do is hold the majority that's left together as best we can so that it stays that way...and do the best we can to protect ourselves while protecting others.

Yes, the simple fact is, we're soon coming to a point where the rest of us are going to have to act to protect ourselves. We'll have to cross the bridge of figuring out how to deal with what these idiots do in the places where they retain control when we come to it.

But if we don't stand up, that's on us.

Vote the bastards out, and if they don't go willingly we run them out of power by whatever means are necessary. Anything less is no longer sufficient.

It's just that simple.

Because otherwise we're the ones that history is going to view as the next Evil Empire, or as the glassy-eyed passive bovines that let it happen.

I don't want to live with that, do you?

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