Thursday, June 20, 2019

He that Believeth in Me (Lost Souls, Part Two)

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: ~John 11:25

I may have said this before, but, Seriously?

So, apparently the Jerry Falwell Jr. "Pool boy" scandal is back in the news.

Apparently, there's various nude and semi-nude pictures of Rebecca Falwell circulating.

Okay, whatever. somebody who's accidentally had shit like that get out...I'm a just say one thing. Nobody, Christian or not, married man or not, is going to go to absurd lengths to hide or scrub the shit if it's just normal "Between husband and wife" type of stuff. I mean, sure, some people might really want to protect their privacy or whatever. I get that.

But ain't nobody...nobody...on this Earth, especially somebody with actual principles, especially a person that actually believes in their religion...that's going to be blackmailed into endorsing a scumbag like Donald Fucking Trump if somebody has the kind of vanilla, normal type of shit nude pictures one might reasonably expect of an Evangelical husband and wife. For fuck's sake, they're married. What is anybody who actually cares about anything Jerry Falwell Jr. says even going to say?

Even some kind of scenario involving Rebecca Falwell and another woman, with photos taken by Jerry...would be unlikely to cause anybody to even bat an eye. Normal-range kinky stuff? Same. 90% of the kinky chicks I've ever dated either were conservatives/Evangelicals or had been at some point and as regards bisexual or bi-curious people of either sex I'd say that figure is still over 50%

Which tells me there's probably something pretty messed up going on there, or maybe something involving Jerry with a dude or otherwise something that would piss off his fellow "Believers." I don't know, I don't care. If there wasn't a multi-million dollar business deal and shitty political shenanigans that have negatively effected the entire country I wouldn't give a fuck about that either.

I don't give a goddamn if Jerry Falwell Jr. likes to suck dicks. It's the 21st goddamned century, most people don't. Most conservatives, most Christians...hell even a decent number of Hard-right motherfuckers. Don't. Care. (If you don't believe me, the French hard-right is full of gay dudes, you can look this up.)

But in the long run it'd be better for everybody if he'd come clean, be open about it, and hell, ask the LGBT Rights peoples for forgiveness and work to make amends. He damn well wouldn't be the first and if he did and was actually serious or on the up-and-up in any way about it I could see him being accepted. He wouldn't even have to change his politics or religion, just his views on LGBT rights.

But that's not what's going on here. This is "Gay stuff and 3-ways for me, but not for thee" like every other debased shitty "Social Conservative" going all the way back to Caesar Augustus (Whose family, the Julii, was the kind of flaming train-wreck that made the Trumps look like pikers.) It's all about libertinism and sexuality as a mark of power...not for enjoyment or love or for its own sake.

And I can't be cool with that, no way, no how.

What's funny/sad here is that all this blackmail and shady shit was probably not even necessary.

Look at this picture. Do any of these idiots look like they needed to be told to vote for Donald Trump? Do any of them look like they'd have been swayed by a hypothetical Falwell endorsement of Ted Cruz?

Do you really think people who are going to dress that foolishly in public give a damn about what Jerry Falwell Jr. says, let alone who he fucks? All they wanna do is act like fools in public.

That lady is dressed like a flag-pimp. Anybody who will dress that ridiculously in public is either in a parade or has absolutely no pride or self-respect whatever.

I wrote yesterday about how conservatism and the Church forgetting their purpose in favor of doing stupid shit has created an enormous tranche of lost souls who, essentially stood for absolutely as the saying goes, they fell for anything. This isn't helped by Capitalism or a culture that doesn't encourage people to give a shit about each other, either.

And the stuff I saw on social media this morning isn't causing me to reconsider my thesis, not one damned bit.

It's funny how so many people can't be arsed to care about their neighbors, and other people can't be bothered to even go outside and know that they have neighbors...but they'll dress like Liberace's stunt double to celebrate hatred of immigrants, liberals and the media in a nation that's built on immigration and the liberal founding principles of the Enlightenment and that Constitutionally has a Free Press.

How the fuck ever did we get to the point where fully a third of Americans basically hate all the things that America was founded on, or that actually were what enabled it to be an exceptional nation in the first place?

You'll note that the doctrine of "American exceptionalism" appears to have died a quiet, unnoticed death in "Conservative" circles since 2015...more or less replaced with belief in the Greatness of Trump and some dumb shit that basically implies that America sucked and apparently never had a "real" President before Trump came along...but I digress. Yes, this shit is a cult.

(I find it interesting that American Exceptionalism is basically a liberal...or at least Never-Trump Republican...thing now.)

But what is this Trump shit a cult of?

I think we've reached the level where it's not enough anymore to say that "The Cruelty Is The Point" although that certainly still applies.

The Sadism is the point.

These people will literally throw away everything they've ever claimed that they believed or cared about away...and dress like absolute clowns in celebrate a government, no matter how temporary or based in illegality or immorality, that hurts the people that they don't like.

And an exceptional nation doesn't do that.

A great nation doesn't do that. Hell, even a good nation doesn't do stuff like that.

In point of fact, if any other country in the entire fucking world were acting like the United States has been under Donald Trump...America would be leading the charge to bomb that country, invade them, destroy everything we could reach and leave an occupation force there for at least a generation.

And "Conservatives" would be foaming at the mouth demanding we do it and offering up their sons and daughters for military service to lead the fucking charge.

But no, they want America to be like that...and I think they know if they want things to stay that way and for themselves not to be prosecuted for being that way...I think they know they're going to have to tear America down first.

You know, we've always had some people with some pretty shitty beliefs, and nativism and racism have always been a big percentage of those shitty beliefs.

We've faced down and destroyed people with those kind of beliefs and worse, and that's a big part of why America has the place in the world that it occupies.

Small wonder, then, that These Fucking People want to tear that place in the world down as well.

You know, I think there's going to be enough of us and I think These Fucking People are incompetent enough and I think people are pissed off enough that this whole country will come flying apart before these fucking people win.

And you know what? That's what scares me.

Because you know what? This country was never set up to deal with a large minority of its own citizens believing in nothing at all.

Except maybe racism...

We've hit the point where a third of us care so little for America, for Democracy, Freedom, or any of our values...and who have so little inside and so few principles...that if he loses at any point all Trump has to say is "Follow me" and they will do it, rabidly and without question.

And why? More to the point, why do I think that it will end the way that I think it will, with a fractured nation, and at least two countries where this one used to be?

Yesterday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to the abusive border detention facilities being run by CBP and ICE as Concentration Camps, and "Conservatives" Republicans and the media fell all over themselves telling her she was out of line, wrong, etc. etc.

Meanwhile experts, historians, rights advocates, most Democrats and pretty much anybody with a soul agrees with her.

And the media, or at least most of it, appears to be hell-bent on trying to avoid hurting the far-right's "Feelings" by referring to these facilities, accurately, as Concentration Camps.

What's going on here is an attempted, preemptive ethnic cleansing.

And the fact that nobody wants to call these things what they are, that the media and too much of our political class wants to just keep letting everybody do what they will do naturally instead of sounding the alarm like it should've been...because nobody wants to hurt anybody else's feelings or take any responsibility...just means the other side is going to keep marching in lock-step in the same direction they have been.

Never mind that the demographics have already started to turn, that in whole states the majority of elementary school kids are People of Color, never mind that white conservative Christians are already a minority and have been one for years. They're going to keep that white supremacy drug high going for as long as they can.

Right now, they're trying to close the barn door and setting it on fire because it's what they can get away with.

It'll come to worse.

If these fucking people can do that to a Guatemalan or Salvadoran kid...they can do that shit to an American kid, or you, or me. I've seen it every day for the last several years. One doesn't have to be Brown or liberal or not a Christian for the howling mob to set itself on them. All one has to do is not worship their false god, or criticize Trump even once, or not vote the "right" way even one time.

Look at how they did George H.W. Bush or John McCain.

You think they'll be any kinder to the living?

It'll come to Americans shooting at each other.

They want to "Re-order" the public sphere to suit badly that they've forgotten what their values even were in the first place. They want to win so badly that they don't care what they win or if anything of it can be sustained save their endless hate and rage.

And, day by day, these people are chipping away at our national life, aided by the Russians. I've blocked multiple obvious bots and trolls just this morning.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

When this blows up, one hell of a lot of white conservative Christians are going to die right along with all the rest of us, at the hands of this goddamned mob, that'll be egged on by foreign powers that we've been against for the whole of our living memory.

If we don't find a way to stop this, vote every last one of these sons of bitches out and then still be prepared to have a fight on our hands...and show up in enough numbers that the other side decides that discretion is the better part of valor...this is going to end with one part of America bombing another part, ethnic cleansing, refugee camps, United Nations peace-keepers, wars and rumors of wars, the whole bit.

And how did we get here?

Because we allowed at least 30% of our people to become so isolated from the common good, from education, from humanity, from their neighbors...that to them Detroit or Los Angeles or Nogales, Arizona or New York City of San Francisco might as well be a foreign country. Because we stopped caring.

Because we allowed the Church to become about debased rich people and gossip and money rather than Christ and because Creationism, conspiracy theories, debased preachers and empty religions have made part of our population so feeble-minded that the only way those people would honestly, really, believe in the words "He that believeth in Me..." is if they could be induced to believe that it was Donald Trump who said them.

Through me you go to the grief wracked city;
Through me you go to everlasting pain;
Through me you go a pass among lost souls.
Justice inspired my exalted Creator:
I am a creature of the Holiest Power,
of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love.
Nothing till I was made was made, only eternal beings.
And I endure eternally.

~Sign above the gates of Hell, From the Divine Comedy.

Part 1.

Part 3.

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