Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Straining at gnats, swallowing camels.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. ~Matthew 23:23-25

So, apparently, the obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the part of certain Republicans continues. I'm not quite sure where this comes from, but I think it's getting creepy. I mean, for fuck's sake, who cares what her nickname was in high school and college? She's a grown ass adult now, and it seems to me that, aside from people who've known her that long, nobody should really care.

Did I mention this crap is getting creepy? First these motherfuckers try to make it sound like AOC dancing is some kind of big bad thing, then they drum up some fake nude photo or some shit. As if anybody would really care if she had a real one? I mean, I wouldn't mind if she did, and you can read as much dirty-mindedness into that as you want, but she doesn't seem to. That's OK too.
So why make one up? I mean, if you have to lie about it, is your cause really so righteous, Republicans?

AOC seems to be picking up what's left of all the Hillary- and Obama-hate. She's the entire Democratic Party's tan suit at this point, and somehow just like before the only people bothered by this are Republicans.

But you know, this isn't really about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. What they're trying to pull on her with all these low-rent slime attacks...which they seem to be pretty bad at...is more about them. Like I said before, we're dealing with silly, self-absorbed old ninnies who are afraid of change, and death, and who would rather drive their country and their party both to ruin than accept that both change and death are inevitable...that's why you're supposed to adapt, plan for the future and roll with the punches. Instead, we've got conservatives doubling and tripling down on every stupid idea they ever had and holding up the entire country for no good reason while the rest of the world and its various and assorted problems and looming threats of possible wars, both religious and secular, race ahead of us, and for what? Some dumb ass wall that most people don't want.

Like I said (House Majority Ferrets is my Twitter handle) whoever and whatever the person that Joe is quoting is, they're not a conservative. "I don't care if Trump acts like a king?" Bitch, this whole damn country was founded on the principle of opposition to kings. Conservatism used to be based on the principle of "Things as they are" with slow change, to try to prevent unintended consequences. Now it's "Things as we would wish them to be" with no care as to who or what gets hurt or damaged by the Right's tendency toward blind ideological warriorism.

No. That's not how this works.

I just love how the person quoted just blithely says "I thought he was going to do good things, He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting."

As if it's perfectly fine for the government to be in the business of hurting people, of destroying people's towns and livelihoods, just so it's not you.

And that right there is all of Conservative America in one quote. Fuck you, I've got mine. Yeah, until you don't, and then who's going to help you? Once you've demonstrated that you have that sort of mentality, I think it should be on you to show why the rest of us should give a damn that you're hurting. I mean, after all, you didn't give a fuck about us.

See how that works?

Of course, they never like or want "An eye for an eye" when it's their eye that could be at risk.

Ya know, I'm just sayin' but it's funny just who it is that's shown they have a better vision of the future than that...

Note that she said she wants to create positive change for all people. Republicans, that means you too.

Why it never occurs to you fucking people to not be dicks to everybody else, I'll never understand, but this bullshit is getting old.

Be glad it's people like her that got elected, and not people like me, because this former Republican firmly believes that the whole damn conservative movement could use an ass whuppin' and being sent to its collective room. People want to act like shitty kids, they should get treated like shitty kids.

Every last one of these Republicans is a grown ass adult, and a whole hell of a lot of them know better.

Keep the pressure on, and next year, vote the bastards out, All of them.

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