Thursday, October 11, 2018

Transhumanism, from the people who don't like trans people (or humans in general.)

Brother Cavil: In all of your travels, have you ever seen a star go Supernova?
Ellen: No
~No Exit, Battlestar Galactica, Season 4.5

Sometimes, you can only put up with so much stupid shit in one day before you have to say something about it. I've been going to write something for a week, and between crazy work scheduling and general exhaustion, I just haven't had the energy.

I'm old, and I'm human.

But today started off badly, relatively quickly, at work. I ended up working in the hotel, which sucks and I don't do it that often. My friend CJ enlightened me to the fact that there's evidently some kind of alternate-universe Anime thing called the Omegaverse where men can get pregnant.

What? Seriously? Call me old fashioned, but I thought the impregnating was the man's job?

Call me crazy, but isn't this something conservatives have been making a big deal about since basically forever?

Aren't these also the people who get performatively offended by the concept of actual transgender people, rather than internet-fantasy trans people?

Just sayin' that's kinda messed up.

Maybe it's just me, but I think whoever made this up needs to go out and interact with some real people and possibly try and find a girlfriend.

What is it with these Anime nerds, alt-Right Nazis and assorted other people who spend most of their lives sitting behind a computer, anyway? I was a computer nerd, I was a gamer, I've attempted to be a writer...and I even started out as a conservative and I didn't catch the right-wing racist/misogynist nihilistic nonsensical bullshit bug, somehow...

I don't get this shit.

They can't understand basic things like that biology didn't just arbitrarily happen that way, but that human biology as we know it evolved painstakingly over millions of years and has stayed the way it is for the written span of our history because it works?

Of course, these appear to be the same fucking idiots that can't understand that First Nations kids need to go to school too, but I digress.

You want to know why I'm not only no longer a conservative, but so against this soup sandwich we're stuck dealing with? These assholes can't be bothered to pay attention to basic human biology in biology class, but they think Native American kids going to school is somehow genocide against them. They can't be bothered to treat women as human beings who have and should have the agency to say "Yes" or "No" to their dating interests or romantic or sexual advances of their own free will BUT they sure want to have that sex that they can't be bothered to learn about or understand past the basic ideas that it "feels good" or gets women pregnant and that this happens because of biology, not because of God or male entitlement or something something gazpacho.

Things work the way they do for a fucking reason. Society changes, for a fucking reason. Cause equals effect, and no it's not always what you want. That's why conservatism, as it once was, demanded that people act judiciously and make efforts to avoid unintended consequences.

In other words, you used to have to know stuff, to be a conservative. You used to have to plan ahead further than the length or your dick or so you wouldn't run out of whack-off lube. Also, I'm honestly grateful that I managed to exit conservatism before Anime body pillows, angry entitled male virginity and knowing what a Waifu was were line-level requirements, just sayin.'

You used to have to at least sound like you could function in the real world, treat people with respect, and could be trusted to not sexually assault any woman who wasn't wearing a Burqa and escorted by armed male relatives, but I digress, again.

Brother Cavil: No? Well I have. I saw a star explode and send out the building blocks of the universe, other stars, other planets and eventually other life. A supernova! Creation itself! I was there. I wanted to see it and be a part of the moment. And do you know how I perceived one of the most glorious events in the universe? With these ridiculous gelatinous orbs in my skull! With eyes designed to perceive only a tiny fraction of the EM spectrum! With ears designed only to hear vibrations in the air!

Ellen: The five of us designed you to be as human as possible...

~No Exit, Battlestar Galactica, Season 4.5

What is it, to be human? Countless books have been written, philosophies and political movements and religions and what have you all founded to try to answer that question or to apply existing answers to day-to-day human existence. Wars have been fought over this stuff, wars have been fought over things as simple as the status of one group of humans relative to another.

The above photo is a case in point:

Like, seriously, what the fuck? Do these fucking morons expect some percentage of Black kids from this well-off community to end up being high school drop-out 'hood rats or old gray-haired homeless men pushing shopping carts or tough young gangstas on the corner selling weed just to appease stupid white sensibilities? 

If I was a young African American dude, I'd be all like fuck that shit, I got a life to live.

Fuck you, white people, and fuck your entitlement, and I say that as a fucking white person. The kid in the picture is wearing a sweater-vest, a nice white shirt and a goddamned tie to school. I never went to school...or even college...looking like that in my life. In point of fact, I've only ever worn a tie as part of a uniform or when I otherwise had to.

Dude looks like Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and ya'll gonna investigate his school? That kid looks like the only G's he's ever seen in his life are the G's of scholarship money racking up as he gets the grades that demand such and takes an active part in planning his own future.

Ya know, just like the motivated white kids might.

Just sayin' the side that understands concepts of basic humanity usually eventually wins out. Greed and racism and general shittiness sooner or later become uneconomical simply because those nations that survive best are the ones that use their they are, not as somebody might wish them to be...efficiently. Colonialism and empire only came about, in modern terms, because they could be done relatively cheaply and because the benefits for the common man in the home country outweighed the costs and the risks. We barely ever had it, in international terms. Most of American colonialism and imperialism has been the kind we inflict on each other.

There was an older model, that worked better, and that the United States has haphazardly tried to emulate. Rome: Rome didn't just conquer or economically dominate. The Romans assimilated the gods of conquered peoples and provided them the benefits of civilization, thus making said people want to be Romans. In turn, for much of our history people have come here from all over the world, wanting to be Americans, to sign on to the idea and the ideal of being an American and go through all the stuff one might have to, and work here, to be a citizen. It's kind of like a Carthaginian or a Numidian or a Syrian or a Sub-Saharan African would serve as an auxiliary soldier, an archer or a cavalryman, for 26 years to get their Roman citizenship and pass it on to their descendants.

Being considered and treated as a human being is an inalienable human right, and being an American, just like being a Roman a matter of ideal, of acceptance of some cultural norms (While preserving some of one's own, it's a balance) and of pride in and service (in whatever capacity) to one's nation.

Here's the thing though, as I've written before, I think a decent number of these people actually do know what America is all about, they just want no part of it.

For fuck's sake, Donald Trump said today that he thought Devin Nunes (who's never served in the military) should get the Congressional Medal of Honor.

That's somebody who doesn't know what heroism is, military or otherwise. That's a political party that simply doesn't understand the concept. They picked the motherfucker, knowing his history of being anti-military and anti-most-of-the-rest-of-their-claimed-values. They asked for this well-deserved public mocking.

The character of an organization, be it civilian or military or whatever, flows from the top down. Therefore, if you as a Republican reading this feel offended by that or think it's too broad of a brush, too damned bad, fuck you.

It's not just that they don't want to be American or mock the majority of our values. I'm not even sure they want to be human, but it's not just that. They don't want YOU to be human either. It's the ultimate in crab-bucket mentality. I guess. "If I can't be human and be happy, neither can you." Here's the thing, with people that don't want to be human. Our history generally recognizes people like that as monsters of the worst kind.

Brother Cavil: I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body! And why? Because my five creators thought that God wanted it that way! ~No Exit, Battlestar Galactica, Season 4.5

As regards Richard Spencer's religious "beliefs" I've written extensively and quite invectively about that subject elsewhere.

You might want to choose which side you're on, carefully, conservative white people.

All too often these days, you're picking the wrong one.

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