Monday, October 22, 2018

Hell is empty, all the devils are here.

James 2:19 King James Version (KJV)

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

You know what I'm getting tired of?

I'm getting tired of these assorted conservatives, fascists, Nazis, Republicans, and various and assorted other sacks of shit telling me how religious they are.

I mean, come on. Seriously. We have an administration that's actively trying to persecute LGBT people Because Jesus and...wait? What? What horse-fuckery is this?

A bunch of naked Nazis under a blanket that's made to look like a Swastika flag. Like, that doesn't even look a little gay, it's more like a lot gay...and don't these motherfuckers supposedly hate gay people?

Sorry, but I can remember when a picture like this getting out would mean those dudes stood a good chance of getting beat up, or even killed. I'm not saying that's right, I'm just saying that's how it was...and yet that's the kind of world these fuckers want to go back to? Hello? Is this thing even on?

You'll note that the man with the tiny gun appears to be Gavin McInnes, who as I've noted elsewhere stuck a microphone up his own ass because something something argle bargle Hillary Clinton.

This is the guy who founded the "Proud Boys" an organization that has evidently gotten very close to the Republican Party in recent days.

I've heard...I have not seen it but I have heard and Googled the evidence of it...that Gavin McInnes apparently made a live video of spreading his ass cheeks and sticking a dildo up his own ass.

I wonder what Mike Pence has to say about that...

I'm sorry, but if this is what modern Republicanism has come to count me out. Do whatever you want behind closed doors, but nobody needs to see that. I'm a middle aged man with a church background and a former conservative Republican and by the standards I was taught if you're getting caught in bed with a bunch of naked dudes and you're sticking stuff up your own ass on video, those are things ya'll should not even be claiming to be.

Granted, I'm so old I can remember when conservatives hated Nazis, too, but I digress.

Apparently, these fucking fools are even making up "Degrees" now, so that they can give each other glory for assaulting other people, breaking the law, and getting arrested.

Seriously, how in the hell does any of this strike anybody as conservative?

Again, I'm so old that I remember when a guy I used to know who kept getting in trouble for things like assault and drug possession and was asked to leave the church I was going to at the time...and it was a conservative Evangelical church though both apolitical and on the decent end of the spectrum. Conservatism as I remember it attached strict requirements to the use of force. Of course, that was also before the NRA went full Turner Diaries, but I digress, again.

I'd really like to know how Republicans like Carlos Curbelo (who publicized this event to his fellows on the Right) justify using a street gang apparently composed of violent [apparently closeted] homosexuals to terrorize members of the opposition party with traditional conservative beliefs like the dignity of every person, individual freedom, opposition to tyranny and rule of law...let alone modern conservative beliefs that gay people are somehow...bad.

Yes, indeed, I'd really like to know the answer to that.

Indeed, it often seems to me that what it really boils down to is that gay people, along with Black folks, other People of Color, non-Christians, and now apparently also women are "Bad" because they don't vote Republican as much, or maybe even at all.

Republican logic seems to be: You can vote for whoever you want to as long as it's us, fuck you I've got mine, FUCK YOU, YOU'RE NOT A REPUBLICAN!

(...Note that "Republican" appears to be becoming a smaller and less inclusive group by the day...)

There's no way to reason with that, you punch it in the face until it stops talking and cries like a little girl...except, oh wait, you don't need to even punch these cowardly shits in the face for them to start crying. All you have to do is not kiss their ass. Again, how in the hell does anybody find this crap inspiring, or even worth voting for?

So, let me get this straight, "Proud Boys" can basically be raging perverts according to what I was taught were conservative standards, and Fundamentalist Christians like Pat Robertson can say things like we shouldn't let the fact that Saudi Arabia murders its own people (in a manner proscribed by Islam no less) get in the way of selling them a bunch of weapons, but a bus full of Black senior citizens on their way to do a normal thing like voting is wrong and those people have to find another ride to the polls?

As I understand it, they got their chance to go and vote, but it took a lot of extra work and a lot more time...but that's what happens if you want to actually exercise your rights in America these days.

Are you tired of this garbage yet? Let me tell you, I sure am.

Nazis and racists and stupid morons get to have a Bacchanalia of doing whatever they want, and the rest of us get, at minimum, embarrassment, frustration, stress and inconvenience...for basically years on end at this point?

 Unless of course you're transgender, in which case the Trump administration wants to try to legally define you out of existence while instituting "Genetic testing."

Have you non-voters, protest voters and Third Party voters realized what's even going on here? This is literal, outright Nazi shit that these motherfuckers are talking about here!

If you don't think Black folks, or gay people, or Jews, or Latinos, or Muslims or whatever...up to and including you yourself...could be the next one to end up with a target on your back, you're wrong.

It never stops with these fucking people, ever. There is not even any such thing as conservative enough, or white enough. These are people who think that he who builds the highest mound of skulls can see the farthest.

 These are people who have discarded every single thing they ever claimed to believe, who are engaging in mind-boggling levels of perversion, and theft...and they want you to believe Latinos coming here to try to get asylum...and supposed "Middle Eastern" people (and again, what's wrong with being from the Middle East?) are more of a threat than their deceptions, destruction, lies, perversions and thefts.

I was taught that America was big, had a responsibility to the rest of the world as a shining city on a hill, and was better than this. I'm tired of being told by bigoted small people that America is small and only has room for people like them.

These are people who treat the Romans Chapter One and the Seven Deadly Sins as a fucking to-do list, who daily spit on the Constitution, the Ten Commandments and the Word of God and who have nothing but contempt for you, if you voted for them...or for me because I didn't. That's their defining principle "Fuck you, I've got mine." That's their only defining principle and so far as I can tell the only one they've ever had.

But it's not just that they've got theirs, they want yours, too. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything. These ravenous wolves don't care, they'll take the shirt off your back if that's all you got.

And the Bible has plenty to say about how and where people like that end up.

It's not about the money, it's about the fact that these people would rather kill and steal than live, and would rather hate than eat.

It's about the fact that many of the people who speak the loudest about loving America, and God and the Flag believe in none of the above except insofar as how can they use these things as a club with which to beat others.

I'm a middle-aged former conservative Christian white dude with a Protestant church background who's been there and done that and actually did a lot of the things these people claim to idolize, and I still have experienced this in my own life. All I had to do for them to hate me was get divorced, and then call bullshit on their Prosperity Gospel. Why the fuck do you think I'm not a Christian or a conservative anymore?

These people will try and make an Atheist of you, and then tell you you're going to hell for not believing.

If that's what they had in store for me, what do you think they have in mind for people who aren't or never were or who for one reason or another couldn't be part of their shitty little club? These people don't even like each other, and often in my experience try incessantly to take advantage even of one another.

Think about that the next time one of these motherfuckers tells you they believe in God.

Think, if they would treat one of their own, as I was at the time, in such a way that I joked they thought Jesus was a club they thought they could beat me with, well what the fuck do you think they have in mind for brown women and children?

Vote the bastards out, while we still can. As far as I'm concerned, vote them out and kick their followers asses in the streets so they know not to do it again.

If we don't end this by the ballot, the chance increases that it will end by the bullet and that's not going to be good for anybody. If they won't learn the word "No" we have to teach them that word, or this will never be over until we are all dead...because that's basically what these idiots believe in whether they dress it up with talk of Jesus and the Rapture or not.

Vote them out, because in America we have a Constitution and it says God doesn't get a vote. We are free to practice our beliefs, but not to force them on others. If these people weren't afraid of your vote they wouldn't be trying to take it away.

It needs to be said and I'm a keep saying it, show the fuck up and vote. Get rid of these assholes while we still can.

Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.
~William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act I, Scene II.

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