Sunday, May 12, 2024

Parasite (Their Meme-Lord And "Savior," Five.)

Damaskinos: It has been said, "Be proud of your enemy and enjoy his success." In that regard, I should thank you.
Blade: For what?
Karel Kounen: Eliminating Deacon Frost. You did us a favor. Karel Kounen.
Blade[noticing vampire tattoo] You're human.
Karel: Barely. I'm a lawyer. European Health Consortium.
Damaskinos: As you may know, Vampirism is... a horrible virus, carried in the saliva of predators. In 72 hours, it spreads through the human bloodstream, creating new, parasitic organs.
Blade: Like cancer.
Damaskinos: Cancer with a purpose.
Karel: Unfortunately, viruses evolve, too. We've encountered a new one. We dubbed it the Reaper Strain. And like any good pathogen, it appears to have found a carrier.
[Karel places a disk into a computer. Nomak's first attack plays via a recording]
Karel: There. [Points to an image of Nomak] Jared Nomak.
Damaskinos: Born a vampire, but an anomaly like you. Unlike the rest of us, however, he feeds on not just humans, but Vampires as well.
Blade: Looks like he was doing me a favor.
Nyssa: You're missing the point. Their vampire victims don't die. They turn. They become carriers.
Asad: You've got to understand. These things are like crack addicts. They need to feed daily. Nomak's been up for 72 hours. By our estimates, there are already a dozen Reapers. There'll be hundreds before the week is out. Thousands within a matter of months. Do the math.
Blade: Wait. Let me get this right. You want me... to hunt them... for you?
Damaskinos: Once they are finished with us, who do you think they'll turn against next? Your precious humans. Not one of them will be left.
Karel: We spent two years training a small tactical unit: the Blood pack. We want you to lead them.
Blade: Two years?
Nyssa: We've been training to hunt you.
~From the film Blade II.

"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride."

~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

So, apparently RFK Jr. has literal Brain-worms.

And I'm not even kidding when I say that's not the most fucked up thing I've seen in the last few days; This, for example.

Some idiot Israeli minister talking shit about how Joe Biden "Loves" Hamas.

Be glad I'm not in charge, motherfucker.

Motherfucker, Joe Biden is probably the best friend you fuckers have right now, because he's giving you all the aid and weapons you need/want and still trying to prevent your dumb ass from doing something horrible and stupid.

Be glad I'm not in charge, because if it was up to me all that American aid and money would instantly, not one dollar or one 5.56mm round more until the following conditions being met: #1 this jackoff getting Paddled, publicly, like a shitty teenager, with his homeys made to stand there at attention, and watch (And in a country with mandatory military service, don't tell me they don't know how) #2 Fire his ass, no government pension, no nothing, and give him a job mucking out pig slop on some Arab Christian dude's farm (Yes, there are such things over there) for the Israeli equivalent of minimum wage.

No, I don't give a flying fuck if he's got bills to pay, he should've thought of that.

Quitting not an option. Come back in a year, see if he apologizes for biting the fucking hand that feeds him. If so then he can quit, and maybe work his way back up. If he's still talking shit...or he starts talking shit again...leave him there until he rethinks his life or at least what comes out of his mouth.

My family did not tolerate people talking stupid. I got smacked in the mouth as a kid for a lot less.

How much of Israel's bills has America paid? Seems to me like it adds up to a lot. Maybe we should not give these people money at all.

I'm sick of these entitled jerkoffs. More to the point, I'm sick of the bad-faith Evangelicals and Republicans who made motherfuckers like this guy feel like they could talk shit to America.

Ass clown here also apparently doesn't realize that the Evangelicals and Republicans are basically just fattening Israel up to sacrifice it to their Blood God that they're trying to summon by constantly trying to turn the Middle East into an Abattoir. And yes, I spent several years in the 1990's as a member of the Christian End Times Prophecy Movement. That's exactly what they're doing.

Fundamentally, these people are trying to manipulate God. Never mind that if God can be manipulated by Man, He is NOT God and we need not worry because it's all bullshit, anyway.

And not only that, but Evangelicals, Republicans and their rich backers are playing fuck fuck hide the sausage games with literal Nazis at this point. I don't know how that's not some like six-alarm fire as far as the Israelis are concerned.

I'm not Jewish, or even religious anymore, and it is to me.

I get it, most of these fucking people are basically atheists in practice and their right-wing beliefs are more important than anything else, but come on, look at who you're working with. Have a little common sense. Don't be surprised if they try and stick a knife in your back if you don't.

Also, yes, these idiots trying to manipulate the End Times timeline are the same fucking people who spent like 30 years trying to say that the End Times would be caused by some variation of Liberalism.


It's literally the Right that's invading other countries, that stirred up this Middle Eastern conflict, and that's trying to destabilize the entire existing global system so they can replace it with a One World Government (official or otherwise) of Antichrists and False Prophets and Potentates like something out of their own End Times fiction, and they've got half of Christianity either cowering or genuflecting in the face of this fucking bullshit.

I mean, for fuck's sake, now that the Communists (And don't tell me Putin ain't still KGB as fuck) are pretending to be Right-wing, Republicans be all about the Revolution.

Just like these motherfuckers all thought they was all Biggie and Tupac the second Trump had a mugshot, in the extremely likely event that Trump loses the election, goes to jail or suffers the consequences of a diet of Cocaine and Filet O' bet, these assholes gonna all think they're Che and Fidel fighting The Man.

And/or they'll think they're Jesus or something when they face consequences, pushback, etc. and call it persecution.

Hey, wait, they already think that.

And they don't understand just how fucking puerile it all sounds to anybody with even the slightest of an adult-level view of life. I mean, come on, dude.

Do they really think that God is that dumb, and does not see what they do?? Or do they think God is some kind of rich Republican, a Boss Hogg In The Sky who'll forgive them and slap them on the back while spitting chewing tobacco on the floor if they give Him a cut of whatever money they made?? 

(Have any of these people even read the Lord's Word?? Why would God need money??)

We, as a people, need to stop blowing narcissists, period, and maybe build some guillotines, just to remind certain people of how the world really works.

Also Republicans are mad 'cause Democrats support "Abortions, DEI, EV's and Weed." What's wrong with any of that??

Beats the shit out of supporting Donald Trump, Fascism, Oil companies, religiosity and rich people.

For fuck's sake the entire "Conservative" thing at this point is basically "Look at me, LOOK AT ME! Look at Me and what kind of a total ass-bag I am. Also, fuck you, pay me." Like what's even the damn point anymore, bro??

I mean, I'll literally never have enough money to benefit from the Republican program, and I don't have anything against Black folks or LGBT people or Muslims or anything like that. So, what's in it for me, seriously??

I mean, you motherfuckers threw anything even remotely resembling the conservative beliefs that I had off the fantail and let them sink by, like, 2008 or so. You don't give a shit about veterans or senior citizens or working people, let alone the individual liberty or rights of anybody who's not all of the above; Male, White and wealthy enough to be able to give your ass money and expect something in return later.

I mean, if you're not basically a Parasite already, living off the labor of others, passive income streams, etc. Republicans don't seem to give a fuck about you.

Since FOX News has been a thing I either haven't had the time or the inclination to watch a lot of TV. In the later 1990's once I got back to work after my accident I was working two jobs and working with my grandpa in his odd-jobs business besides. I very quickly added college to the mix. Hell, since 2014 I haven't even owned a TV.

For fuck's sake I work for a living, and I always have.

And I've written many times about how dudes that I used to work with would sit there all zombie-eyed like ADHD kids zonked out on cartoons, grown ass men, watching Fox News in the break room at work. I thought it was creepy as all fuck, but that's what some of these fucking people do.

And this bullshit very clearly rots your brain. Apparently Trump thinks Hannibal Lecter was a real person.

And I guess his incoherent rambling had people walking out of his New Jersey rally this weekend.

It's funny how nobody who's actually heard this dude talk even wants to be there.

It's Trump the meme that these fucking people worship, not Trump the Man.

And that meme is fading fast as his trial and shit grinds on and he's less the shit-talking showman and more the old fat guy falling asleep and farting.

The polls are likewise bullshit. If all these fucking people really thought they (or Trump) were winning, would they be trying this hard to bullshit everybody else??

We need to vote these goddamned Parasites out.

And then? We need to be ready to fight off whatever bullshit "Revolution" they try and gin up to get themselves back into power.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen.

And while I disagree with a lot of the pro-Palestine protesters, writ-large, they're probably right...and Democrats and shit are gonna have to start holding their own side to account too cuz the Republican crazy bullshit is already starting to work its way across party lines.

I mean, shit, RFK, Jr. is the example of that.

And my gut feeling is if Trump continues to fade, or anything happens, he has a non-zero chance of becoming President.

Wanna see Eric Adams as Secretary Of Homeland Security? America's Mayor 2.0? The Democratic Rudy Giuliani?

Yeah, let that shit happen.

So, it's either be a better Citizen...

Or it's "All hail the mighty Brain-worm."

You pick.

Слава Україна!

There are times, however, and this is one of them, when even being right feels wrong. What do you say, for instance, about a generation that has been taught that rain is poison and sex is death? If making love might be fatal and if a cool spring breeze on any summer afternoon can turn a crystal blue lake into a puddle of black poison right in front of your eyes, there is not much left except TV and relentless masturbation. It's a strange world. Some people get rich and others eat shit and die. Who knows? If there is in fact, a heaven and a hell, all we know for sure is that hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Phoenix — a clean well lighted place full of sunshine and bromides and fast cars where almost everybody seems vaguely happy, except those who know in their hearts what is missing... And being driven slowly and quietly into the kind of terminal craziness that comes with finally understanding that the one thing you want is not there. Missing. Back-ordered. No tengo. Vaya con dios. Grow up! Small is better. Take what you can get. ~Hunter S. Thompson, Generation Of Swine.


Remember when your High School History teacher said "The course of human events changes because of the deeds of great men"?. Well the bitch was lying. Fuck Caesar, fuck Lincoln, fuck Mahatma Gandhi. The world keeps moving because of you and me: the anonymous. Revolutions get started because people don't have enough bread. Wars start over a game of checkers. ~Augustus Hill, from the HBO Series "Oz" S1, E8 "A Game Of Checkers."

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