Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sky On Fire

Who the fuck is this asshole?!

~Hold Up Man, to Akeem, from Coming To America


This is the reaction of MSNBC anchor Sam Stein to the god-awful Texas abortion law going into effect today?

Fucking seriously?

Who the fuck is this asshole?

Look, and note carefully that I say this as a former conservative, former Christian, White Man who has been there and fucking done that and paid in blood for a fair number of my own mistakes...

One motherfucking hell of a lot of the problems we face as a country...hell, as a world right now are because entitled privileged white dudebro idiots literally don't want to listen to people who know things because they think it might crimp their style or make their penis smaller or rain on their parade or something something Gazpacho.

And I'm personally getting tired of this bullshit.

Listen, in Texas we now have an anti-Abortion law that effectively deputizes random chucklefucks to sue whoever they damn well please on the flimsy excuse that they might be helping a woman have an abortion. Cashier tell your dumb ass to put a mask on? Don't like your Uber driver? Is his next ride female? Have a bad date? Well here's the ultimate stupid excuse to sue somebody, for something that ain't even illegal or wrong and the State says you're entitled to a minimum of ten thousand dollars in compensation.

Something tells me this ain't going to work out the way that Texas Republicans think it's going to. If some jackass decides to sue Amazon for carrying the morning-after pill there's a non-zero chance that Amazon could end up owning the state of Texas, for example. But that's not even the point.

The point is, Hillary Clinton and countless other people fucking said if the Right was allowed to have power, that shit like this was going to happen.

And entitled dudebros from Sam Stein on down to the dudebro I got stuck working with all the time, roundabout that time, ALL said that they were too good to vote for Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders was their guy! When he couldn't even beat Hillary Fucking Clinton, The Dudebros and all the various Well-off overwhelmingly white Progressives stuck up their nose and immediately declared their intention to vote for Evan MacMullen or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. Hell, I had people tell me they didn't know who they voted for but they felt somehow satisfied because it wasn't Clinton or Trump.

Meanwhile, the number of votes by which Trump won my state was less than the number of people in it who voted Third Party because they were high as fuck on their own self-importance.

It's funny how, in the grand scheme of things, Trump really didn't matter all that much. All he had to do was effectively give these assholes permission to, well, to just be assholes for no goddamned reason worth mentioning.

And ya know, why not?

Why not keep it up, too. I mean, yeah a bunch of them got ruined one way or another, thrown in jail, hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters died of COVID-19 and millions more got stuck with lifelong effects and vast medical bills, but hey if that's not you what's the harm? Why not spin the wheel one more time, kick over the table and try and grab the cash that falls on the floor...

That really is how and what the fuck these people think. I'm serious. There ain't no plan. It's just wreck shit and see what they can get out of it.

When all you've heard for at least two generations is a shitty selfish ideology and preaching about a small, miserable god that depends on you for whatever-the fuck, why not? What incentive does any of these motherfuckers have to care about anything?!

I mean, fuck Abortion, these motherfuckers are presently being quite open about their intention to target and try to destroy America itself, or Capitalism, basically anything and everything that doesn't benefit them and their racist, selfish, shitty ideology on an exclusive and permanent basis. 

There is no god and Ayn Rand # Donald Trump # Ron DeSantis # JD Vance # Gaetz and Greene is his profit. *Cough* I mean "Prophet."

So why the fuck would anybody expect anything better than this shit, much less be surprised? These fuckers are literally trying to find ways to try and nationalize any corporation that stands up to them. Of course, this will work out badly and the Republicans will indeed find out that biting the hand that feeds them will get them nothing more than a good smack, but by then, the damage will have been done enough that it won't matter.

Fully a third of the population of this country has effectively internalized modern Republican politics as an infallible religion that can do no wrong. They will regard corporations legally defending themselves, putting up competent lawyers who successfully defend them under existing laws and in turn refusing to donate to Republican candidates the same way as they regard any other setback in their endlessly frustrated quest for totalitarian nothing more than one big damn conspiracy against "Conservatives."

And mark my words, if it's not stopped this is going to result in violence and eventually large-scale conflict and if these motherfuckers break off a piece of America for their own little piece of shit banana republic it's going to make the Taliban in Afghanistan look positively civilized by comparison.

Meanwhile, in California, the sky is on fire.

Sorry, dudebros and Progressives and Republicans, but we as a species have some real problems from Climate Change to COVID-19 to more traditional problems like corruption and wars and they all need to be dealt with right now, not when you damn well feel like it or your ego or your profit margin get around to it. And if you don't think people are starting to catch on to your bullshit, you're wrong.

I don't know, specifically, what the answer is. But it's pretty clear that without some major changes, the way things are currently being done isn't working.

And if you can't hack that, then maybe we simply don't deserve to survive as a species and the Anthropocene will just come to a crashing end while nature spends a couple million years picking up the pieces.

The universe does not give a fuck about you, and facts and reality are stubborn things. Get the fuck over yourselves and listen to the people who actually do know what they're talking about.

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