Monday, July 5, 2021

On Earth As It Is In Hell (American Revelation VII: Part Ten.)

Angela Dodson: I guess God has a plan for all of us.

John Constantine: God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything.
~From the film Constantine.

I saw this yesterday. (!)

The Hobby Lobby people placed an ad, effectively calling for a goddamn Theocracy, in several American newspapers on the Fourth of July.

I mean, what the fucking What?!?!

The fuck is even wrong with these fucking people? 

The First Amendment to the US Constitution says that "Congress Shall Make No Law Regarding The Establishment Of Religion Nor Prohibiting The Free Exercise Thereof." So, you can't establish religion by government decree, but you can't prohibit it either. I'm here to tell you, that's very likely one of the main reasons that religion has thrived in America. Europe is full of nations that used to be some flavor of Christian theocracy, but a vast majority of those countries are now primarily non-religious or at least non-observant of religion by large majorities.

Why? It's simple, people got tired of that shit, of being ruled over by inbred refined elitists who had effete churchmen whispering in their ears and, to a great extent, they got tired of bankrolling the debased habits, gluttony and political bullshit that went with these fucking people. And yes, before we continue I'd just like to point out that when the Divine Right Of Kings went the way of the Dodo there were all manner of these kind of people who called that "Ungodly" as well. Religion in politics is a recipe for Elite rule that isn't even really by the fucking Elites that you think it's by, or that the State advertises as being the rulers.

And the Green family, the owners of Hobby Lobby, aren't even subtle...nor the least bit moral...about saying they think they should be the unseen debased Clerics whispering in the ear of your local Republican politician...and when called out on it they'll try and pawn that shit off on God and the Bible.

And for the fuck what? I mean, seriously, what in the actual fuck would they even be doing it for?

You tell me...

All the way back in 2016 these people paid radical Islamic terrorists for stolen ancient Iraqi artifacts with which to pad their fake "Bible museum" in Washington DC. They smuggled this stuff out of Iraq and into the United States, all in violation of international law. I'm not sure how, exactly, they thought any of this was supposed to promote Christianity, not least because Daesh was busy driving all the local Christians out of northern Iraq at the time.

And they were so brazen about this shit, that eventually the company was fined by the Trump administration and the artifacts had to be returned to Iraq.

And what in the fuck were they going to do with this stuff, really?

Among the pictures of this "Bible museum" that I saw was one wall lined with Cuneiform tablets. For what purpose? What did they say? Who knows? I can't read the shit and most likely neither can you. 

For all either of us knows it could well have read "I like big butts and I cannot lie" in Babylonian or Sumerian or whatever. Except more likely than not they did the shit wrong and it was just gibberish.

See, there's nobody in the whole fuckin' world that these people have more contempt for than anybody who's dumb enough to walk through the doors of their fake-ass "Bible museum." The whole damn thing is a con, not-even-subtly intended to try and influence US politics in favor of these people's  brand of "Conservatism." If any kind of real Christianity gets fucked in the process, well that matters a hell of a lot less to these absolute motherfuckers than it does that they save a few cents on their tax bill or that their workers have no rights they are bound to respect.

In any kind of real Christian country that actually followed the Lord's Word, they'd put these fucking people under the prison.

But of course, such a thing is pretty fuckin' mythical isn't it?

What do you usually get when you start mixing politics (especially hard-right politics) and religion...and then let that shit seep into other sectors of society, like education for example?

Add a little racism and you get this kind of bullshit, white supremacists marching in Philadelphia.

There is no deity that actually proclaims white supremacy, to my knowledge...not least because if there was, these fucking people would never shut up about it.

Or, they're up to, what, almost a thousand dead Native children in Canada now? All of them, found in unmarked graves near residential schools once run by the Catholic church for the Canadian government.

What god are these fucking people serving, Moloch?

Religion, mixed with politics, never fails to start bathing itself in the blood of the innocent for no better reason than because it can. Because too often, Priesthoods and religious orders are populated with murderous assholes who wanted to be murderous assholes with impunity. Then they become political influencers with the intent of maintaining that if no one knows more than they do that their God is not real.

Or maybe Jesus really was every bit what He said He was, including being somebody who had no use for political and religious elites, for the very reason of their behavior?

I don't know what the answer is.

But I do know that if you listen to these monstrous, artifact-stealing, terrorist-paying motherfuckers you deserve every bit of what you're going to get.

And you're going to get it good and hard.

If this is American Revelation, these are the people that are the reason why this is happening.

Part Nine.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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