Tuesday, August 11, 2020

American Whiplash (Part Two of a Duology.)

And so tomorrow, as we take the campaign South and West, as we learn that the struggles of the textile workers in Spartanburg are not so different than the plight of the dishwasher in Las Vegas; that the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of L.A.; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people, we are one nation. And, together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story, with three words that will ring from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea: Yes, we can. ~Barack Obama

Somebody actually wrote this, this morning, saying that Democratic attacks on Sarah Palin in 2008 were because she was a woman. I've just got one thing to say about that; Seriously?

*Glares in former Republican.*

First off, no, that's not it. I was there. People...including many conservatives...were against her because she was an idiot. I know, I had these discussions with those people. I personally was against her because she's the same kind of Pentecostal religious nut as my ex-wife was.

Second, hold the fuck on here.

Okay, on the one hand we've got this Republican Author that works for the Beast trying to make it sound like Republicans are all woke and shit.

And here's this other fool saying he wants to pour holy water in his ears after listening to the new song WAP ("Wet Ass Pussy") by Cardi B and Meghan Thee Stallion.

I'm old enough to remember watching the music video for "I wanna sex you up" by Color Me Badd on MTV. Fuck, I'm old enough to remember when MTV actually showed mostly music videos, dude, shut the fuck up.

So let me get this straight, as a movement, Conservatism wants to defend Sarah Palin's political aspirations regardless of her lack of competence for them, but also wants to disparage Cardi B's artistic expression, regardless of the fact that this is her literal job, which she is very good at doing.

I mean, personally, "Rump Shaker" by Wreckxx-n-Effect or "Baby Got Back" by Sir-Mix-A-Lot is more my thing...and trust me, I can remember basically the same self-emasculating ninnies trying to work up a moral panic about those songs, too. Then, as now, nobody actually cared.

Of course, the same fucking people who are against cheesy, gaudy but ultimately harmless music videos are, no doubt, all for savaging a National Monument just because the President thinks he should be able to have his face on Mount Rushmore.

And he's done what, exactly, to deserve any such thing?

The gold-plated dumb shit of a music video by an African-American artist is worthy of disparagement, but the gold-plated dumb shit of the fake-ass wannabe billionaire aspiring-dictator who lives in the White House are worthy of...being indulged by the Governor of the state in which said National Monument is located?

Something isn't adding up here.

And you could get whiplash from these fucking people constantly contradicting themselves.

If I was trying to follow their "logic" that is.

But you can't do that. Not anymore. You can't follow Republican reasoning as if there's any internal logic behind it because there isn't. It's all about getting through the next self-inflicted crisis, How they feel RIGHT NOW (And here's a hint, they constantly feel "Attacked" because they figured out then they can passive-aggressively try and claim some kind of victim status and whine their way out of consequences) the needs of the moment, the next operation's body count, the next poll, the next quarter's profit statements, and so on. Ya know, this Operation Constant Grievance bullshit gets really fucking old...and trust me, the people conservatism has drawn into itself literally are the kind of people who think they have an ax to grind against basically the entire fucking world because the world outside their little bubbles refuses to treat them as if they are, each and every one, the protagonist of reality.

These fucking people have gone from believing in America and Christ and conservatism to believing in their guns, and Trump and how White they are, and that's about it. Don't take my word for it, listen to them yourself. They'd rather burn down the world than face change, and see that a Latino person gets a share.

Most Black folks and Latinos are Christian, and a lot of them trend pretty conservative on a fair number of actual issues, but none of this was ever about that. All "conservatism" ever was, was a cover for these fucking people's fear, hate, and racism.

Then they wonder why everything is collapsing, but the internal logic that held their philosophy up for the last seventy years or so began collapsing a decade ago because it wasn't actually designed around fear, hate and racism (Republicans sought to exploit these people too, and never really expected that they'd take over the party at some point, but then the nuts took over) and Republicans themselves were the ones taking axes and sledgehammers to the frames, gleefully and with malice aforethought. I mean, sure, they kept some of the same people in front of the cameras to try and make sure that wasn't what it looked like they were doing, but now, a lot of those people are working for the other team, most of the rest have quit, and a few have died off.

So now, they've switched gears and are actively trying to run on the destruction, to use their taking a battering ram to our society as a fucking talking point, to see if they can start a civil war just to try and cover for their own incompetence...because any other way, they lose...but when it comes to killing people they might still have a shot at winning.

The people who taught me the value of consistency and internal logic no longer have any. Or perhaps it would be more accurately stated that most of those people who taught me that stuff have died off, and the rest are Democrats now, just like I am. The people who were rabidly against moral relativism 20 years ago have embraced it as the heart of their strategy, indeed their way of life, at this point.

I'm not cool with that. I was a conservative back when the standards were, if not better, at least different...and I can't shake what I was taught. This ain't it. Not by a long shot it ain't.

And then they invested all their hopes of fixing everything in...hold on, let me get this straight...people like Scott Walker and Donald Trump?

The party of "Morning in America" and "Tear Down This Wall!" became the party of "Build The Wall" and "No We Can't" because a Black man said "Yes We Can" and because maintaining moral leadership, soft power and superpower status that wasn't based on their jingoism and racism was too hard, apparently.

I'm failing to see how any of this is a winning long-term strategy, or even a survivable short-term one to tell you the truth.

And again, the worst part is that they don't care. Not even about their own lives. The shitty agenda, and White Supremacy, are the end-all, be-all, all else is noise. Fully a third of us, at this point, believe this.

When we as a society elect people who don't believe in the future, who don't believe in having consistent ideals, or at least not the kinds they can openly or publicly speak about, and when the only holy grail is the next week's election poll numbers or the next quarter's profit statements and they're willing to sacrifice literally everything including the America's international standing, the economy, the lives of 160,000 of our people, and even our own national sovereignty over getting a goddamn fool like Donald Trump reelected, and how they feel at the moment, yeah, you know, maybe it's time that we start rethinking our national life and wondering just what the fuck it is that we're even doing here.

Part One.

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