Monday, May 27, 2019

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~Ephesians 6:12
It's Memorial Day.

So, I suppose it's only natural that Trump would be taking the side of a murderous, nominally Communist hermit-state Dictator against his fellow Americans?

Ya know, I can hardly wait to see what this motherfucker has planned for the Fourth of July.

You'd think the Evangelicals would notice that Trump keeps making nice with a Christian-persecuting, totalitarian Dictator whose family has turned the North from the most Christianized part of the Korean peninsula into one where religion is, for the most part, a criminal offense. I should add, none more so than Christianity because North Korea's Juche philosophy steals much from Christian traditions and texts in an effort to place the mantle of divinity upon the Kim family in general, and Kim Il-Sung in particular. I learned about this stuff from several specifically Evangelical groups...chief among them books published by the Christian music group "DC Talk" and the Voice of the Martyrs organization...that sometimes went into some pretty gruesome detail about what the North Koreans (for example) would do to people that they caught with Bibles, or who were engaged in underground Christian worship. One account that I remember specifically described people being executed by being run over with a steam roller.

And today, Trump sides with the son of the man who was in charge when that is said to have happened?

And again, what about Otto Warmbier, a very well known case of the death of an American resulting from North Korean sadism and torture?

I have to wonder, where are those anti-persecution activists and Christian bands now? Are they still focused on Christians being (for real) persecuted in places like Cuba, North Korea, Pakistan and Sudan? Or have they hopped on the nonsensical "Christians are being persecuted here in the United States" bandwagon?

Funny how it seems like there's nothing that'll launch an Evangelical Republican into paroxysms of "Look at me! Look at ME! Look at me and how holy I am!" that a sincere religion-adjacent statement by a matter how generalized an innocuous it may be.

And that should tell you something.

It seems like a hell of a lot of American conservatives would rather be buddy-buddy with the remnants of Soviet Communism at this point, whether it be the KGB agent that sits in power at the Kremlin or the literally still-Stalinist client state that's been Salacious Crumb to the Russian Jabba The Hutt this whole time, than get along with their fellow Americans.

So, Republicans...just what the hell was that 45 years of the Cold War really all about, anyway? If we've learned anything in the last few years it's that a hell of a lot of those who were our enemies then still are...and yet now that the guy in the big onion-domed castle claims he's not a Communist anymore (and remember, the Russians themselves say there are no ex-KGB guys) it's all good?

So, what you're saying is that if old Joe Stalin himself had promoted anti-choice rhetoric and tax cuts, we could have just avoided that whole Cold War business?

I mean, dude did after all, pay the father of the Koch Brothers five million dollars to fix his oil infrastructure...and the father of the biggest promoters of American Libertarianism was more than happy to take the money...

Just sayin.' Something is starting to seem really fishy here. It's almost like all this anti-Communism shit was (as I've said before) some kind of Kabuki-dance shit aimed at trying to intimidate American liberals...and now that the other side isn't advocating for the working class to seize the means of production anymore...they've all the sudden found out that they can at least talk to each other, oligarch to wannabe-oligarch and the hell with the people who...all through that 45 years of the Cold War...could at least be counted on to be on the same side and fighting and dying in the snows of Korea or the jungles of Vietnam right along with their more conservative countrymen.

Just sayin' on a normal day it's "What a fucking thing to say" it should be even more so on this particular long weekend. I know...I personally know...people who could not have agreed on a single thing if they'd tried it who were like brothers because of shared experience in peace or in war where they were facing down Communists...East Bloc and Russian or Chinese and North Korean...on the other side of some line on a map.

And today I wake up to see Trump taking the side of the grandson of the guy who started the Korean War over that of his fellow Americans?

Fuck that shit.

I'll ask again, does any of this seem...Christian to you? Does any of this seem at all conservative?

If it does, you need a better god and you need a better political philosophy.

That said, I can at least kind of understand the desire of the American Right to make sweet, sweet love to its former political bogeymen because they're willing to talk shit about the current ones. Only a small percentage of Americans ever had to live under Communism, and all those people are immigrants or Never-Trumpers anyway, so, the "Trump Logic" goes...who cares what they think?

After all, conservatives tend to discount things, until it happens to them.

Austria, on the other hand, was the first nation suborned by Hitler's Germany. Everybody in that country has ancestors who had to live with this. So why are people in that country using the Swastika to deface photos of Holocaust survivors? I mean, they don't have "Free Speech" the same way as we do here in America, that symbol is actually illegal in most of Europe. What in America would be a mere cause of public outrage, and maybe misdemeanor vandalism, is over there a serious police matter and a political issue sufficient for the country's right-wing Prime Minister to denounce it and it will be taken seriously and the perpetrators punished if they're caught.

While I'm at it, their government is collapsing because the head of the "Freedom Party" (which, mind you, was founded by former Nazis) the junior partner in the Austrian ruling coalition, got caught making deals with the Russians in exchange for their "Support."

Again, that should tell you something.

And one has to wonder what somebody like old Joe Stalin would think about something like that, right? One has to wonder why a country that lost 27 MILLION people in WWII thinks nothing of getting in bed with the ideological descendants of the people who were responsible for the vast majority of that number today.

Maybe it's just me, but I think old Joe would round up the lot of these motherfuckers and ship them off to Siberia and fates that even the Russians could only guess at. That, and he'd probably get better internet trolls.

Perhaps more to the point, I think it's worth it to take a look at which side of our political divide is honoring the fallen on this day, vs. which side would happily crawl into bed with the descendants (ideological or literal) of those who killed them.

Barack Obama honors the fallen today.

Donald Trump sides with Kim Jong Un against Joe Biden...on Memorial Day.

And that, my friends, should tell you something.

I used to say Republicans only gave a fuck about America when they were running it. We're past that point now. Republicans are running America, and instead of merely not giving a shit they'd rather take the side of our country's enemies against its own citizens.

I'd say "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here" except I'm pretty sure even the devils wouldn't want to be associated with these scumbag motherfuckers.

These people are worse than the damn devils. Even the devil has to care about the truth, if only so that he may pervert it. Satan himself knows that he was once an angel of light.

At this point, I don't think there's a single Republican left who's in good standing with The Party, that ever so much as believed one word that ever came out of their own mouths.

Note that I say this as a former Republican.

And I'm not sure I want to know what these motherfuckers do believe in.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~Ephesians 6:12

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