Thursday, September 20, 2018


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. ~Maya Angelou.

I've been following the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation saga over the last week or so, and I'm not going to lie, I've been doing so with an increasing sense of revulsion.

Listen up. This isn't about law, this isn't about policy, hell it's only peripherally about abortion or civil rights...given that even a Kavanaugh confirmation will basically punt the Republican swing-vote on the court back to Roberts. After Anthony Kennedy's performance in recent years, and especially in the course of his retirement, I've grown more and more inclined to view him as just another shitty Republican.

No, this isn't about the law, or a more conservative approach to the law or somehow getting revenge for Watergate by nominating some asshole who thinks Nixon shouldn't have been run out of office. (That's basically most Republicans at this point, anyway.)

No. This is, as with so much about this bullshit ass garbage administration, about using-whatever-to stick up a giant middle finger at the world. Yeah, Republicans will say it's about abortion, and conservatism and law and policy, but what this is really about is throwing up a giant fuck you at the rest of us, even in the face of an angry reality.

They know they're massively unpopular, they know they're going down, if not in this cycle certainly in the next and they know that the last person who's actually going to help them with this mess is Donald Fucking Trump. They know the election is right around the fucking corner, and they've not only decided to broadcast their assholery, they're joyously shouting it in the streets.

The Trump era, if not Trump himself, finally liberates them from the laws of decent behavior political correctness having to act like a fucking human being.

What this is about, at heart, is shitty power games. This isn't about law books, this is about thinking with the dick.

I'm serious. These assholes already know they're unpopular as fuck, facing a motivated, hostile electorate that for once (if not actually Democrat-leaning) is certainly hostile to Republicans and Trump. Like any rapist, facing the possibility that their victim will go to the cops, they don't care. All that's on their mind is right now and the power they can exert in the moment.

I'm using that analogy for a fucking reason.

The basic Republican response to the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, with some honorable exceptions like David French or Rick Wilson, has so far been "What? You've never raped anybody?"

As if rape is some kind of thing that people routinely do to each other, or somehow not a thing at all.

As if women are not actually people, or something.

I'm sorry, but I started out as a conservative and I missed where in the manual it said that rape is acceptable so long as you're a Republican.

This basically takes the whole "could be found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy" thing to the next level on an updraft of pure Republican shitty behavior. Dead girl or live boy no longer matters, because the core Trump Supporters (and some, if not all, opportunistic Republicans) will at this point simply assume that the dead girl or live boy or both were Democratic operatives liberals nuts put there personally by Satan to something something Gazpacho mess with Donald Trump ooga booga.

Yes, our political discourse at least on the Republican side of things really is that fucking stupid. They know...they will be the death of them in the end. They just don't care right now because it feels good and they're making money and they got their tax cut so fuck you, everybody else.

I'd like to say that I have more to add here, but the truth is that I don't.

This kind of stupid cannot be reasoned with.

This kind of stupid can only be outvoted and then told to go fuck itself in the ear once it's voted out.

It's not going to get any better, and they keep telling is that they're craven, and greedy, and stupid, and that they don't give a fuck about anybody who makes less than seven figures.

We can't appeal to their better nature, they simply don't have one.

We can only vote them out, and then keep voting to make sure they never get power back in the first place.

We can't say "What about the future?" Because, since these assholes know they don't have much of one, they think none of the rest of us do either.

The same applies to the soul. These rape-publicans simply don't have one left.

We have to vote them out, period.

So get on it.

Show up.

Make it happen.

If we want a better country we all have to be better citizens.

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