Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Gates Of Hell

'I am the way into the city of woe. I am the way to a forsaken people. I am the way into eternal sorrow. Sacred justice moved my architect. I was raised here by divine omnipotence, primordial love and ultimate intellect. Only those elements time cannot wear are beyond me, and beyond time I stand. Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.' ~Sign inscribed above the gates of Hell, Dante's Inferno.

So, Trump held a rally in Great Falls, Montana, the other day and the quote above is part of his speech. It is, quite honestly, the verbal equivalent of what happens when my dog eats too much ferret food.
I'm fucking serious, this kind of talk is either the end result of too much cocaine and late-stage syphilis or the son of a bitch has Dementia worse than I thought...and will likely finish out his time having been declared incompetent to stand trial for treason while also being unable to feed himself, so he'll end his days in an institution watching Fox News all day while some young Latina nurse feeds him chocolate pudding out of a plastic cup.

I mean, fucking seriously, if you have a brain in your head and any kind of guts and/or philosophical background or knowledge regarding conservatism...which I do...This is hell! I'm serious, reading let alone listening to speeches like that are actually painful. I'm serious, in my life...we've gone from George H.W. Bush's 'Thousand points of light" to this dim-bulb motherfucker? Trump giving a speech where he's not in full rally-mode is at best (with apologies to Mark Twain) Chloroform, enunciated. Trump in full rally mode is the political equivalent of my dog getting the shits, and just about as entertaining.

Then there's these motherfuckers. You mean to tell me that if you're a lawyer working for the Trump administration, some third-party dog has more rights and is more valued by the government than a bunch of kids that our government should have never taken into its custody in the first fucking place? I'm just sayin' this is the kind of stupid arrogance that makes enemies and turns otherwise decent, rational people into terrorists, and when Latin America turns into a hostile power bloc the likes of which Che Guevara or Fidel Castro could not have dreamed of, because of Trump's ham-handed stupidity we'll have not just him, but lawyers like these idiots to thank for it. The next administration better make amends for this garbage real fucking quick. If it can, because this crap is a blight on humanity and a fucking disgrace...and if you can't figure out why then so are you. If you think the rights of some rich person's ugly ass poodle are more important than the human rights of 101 children, FUCK YOU! The damned idiot lawyer? He's a fucking LAWYER, he can afford to hire somebody to fill in for him for a few hours while he DOES HIS FUCKING JOB!!!

Like my friend Aaron said, we are in hell.

Then there's this crap. Apparently, Jewish Rabbis and Orthodox (Christian) Priests are being harassed now by various and assorted morons and TSA Airport Security (but I repeat myself) who think some random old guy with a big old beard and different clothes somehow looks like Osama Bin Laden. I'm just sayin' I've known at least a couple dozen men in this life who had big beards like that Rabbi does. Hell if I had the time and a reason to grow one I might have a beard like that myself. I showed this to one of my friends at work who likewise said that after he retires in a few weeks he's going to grow his beard out like that. Dude is a very devout Pentecostal Christian. Yeah, go ahead and call that guy a terrorist, I dare you.

Of all the dudes I've known who have beards like that, only one was a Jew, two are Muslim (an African-American USAF veteran, and I knew him before he had a beard at all...and a Muslim international student) and the other is a Sikh. The rest of them? All Christians, aside from one of those guys also being Black...every last one of them is as white as that Rabbi looks and several of those guys have a lot of guns. One of the dudes I'm thinking of is a biker (and Army Aviation veteran, and my Mom's partner) and another is an old hippie of the 1960's gun-happy radical sort who's talked about being on real good terms with the Black Panthers back in the day when he lived in California. Yeah, go ahead, compare one of these guys to Osama and you'll quite likely find out exactly why the FBI says white dudes are a bigger threat than Al Qaeda. 

Who in the hell are these motherfuckers, anyway? Who in the shit has nothing better to do in their life than sit around and decide that they've got so little going for themselves that they're going to be prejudiced against people with beards now?

Let me tell you what the root of this problem is. In point of fact I'm going to use none other than Tea Party Joe Walsh and his recent experience as a specific example.

When people are OK with being lied to, that goes on long enough you get a society that's not based on truth. When the society is not based on truth, the brightest lights and the biggest wallets hold sway, dictators rise and freedom dies, because without the truth, the people have no basis to stand against power and no moral authority to provide bedrock for them to stand on. Also, I'm sorry, but if you're not starting with revealed Truth and the wisdom of our ancestors, you really don't get to call yourself a conservative. One of Trump's angry shit-monkeys maybe, but you're not really a least not by the standards that I was taught.

I was taught truth is important. I was taught that every human being...every life, human or not for that matter...has dignity and worth and rights given freely by God, echoed in human civilization today by the State in many cases.

This? This ain't it.

When somebody like Joe Walsh is a voice for reason and sanity, it should go without saying that we have a problem.

But since if you "...go without saying" long enough, nobody says it anymore...I'm a say it.

We need to do better, America, before doing things this badly kills us all.

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