Monday, March 13, 2017

Fuck you, Steve King.

Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on a race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength of the world. That is the American way. ~Ronald Reagan

So, yesterday, Iowa Representative Steve King tweeted this:

For any who don't know, Geert Wilders is an Atheistic dick bag of a Dutch politician who's made a career out of hating on Muslims for no fucking reason that I can figure out. I don't know what the fuck any Muslim person ever did to him, but he's basically such an asshole that nobody wants to work with him so even if he wins the upcoming election in the Netherlands, he loses. He is the only actual member of his own party and so far as I understand it, none of the other parties want to work with him. So he can't become Prime Minister. Christ, how much of an asshole do you have to be for the famously tolerant Dutch to tell you to go fuck yourself?

As regards King; Before we move on, I'd just like to say "Fuck you, fuck you, and oh yeah, fuck you." As I've mentioned before I'm of Scandinavian descent. If culture and demographics are my destiny, well fuck it all then. I'm going to get a crew together, some kind of a boat and some weapons, and sail down the Missouri River to go a-Viking in King's district, because fuck him, that's why. But, ya know, this is America and he's lucky I ain't gotta be like that. I'm so sick of this right-wing shit by now though, that I might just get around to pillaging somebody's village yet.

The goddamned Fascist moron with the corn-cob up his ass Also said:

"We need to get our birth rates up or Europe will be entirely transformed within a half century or a little more. And Geert Wilders knows that and that’s part of his campaign and part of his agenda." 

Okay, so more of the usual "OhMyGod, Brown People are coming and they're going to fuck your daughter!" Racist bullshit.

Sorry if you don't like it, you sheet-wearing cow-fucker, but if I had a daughter and she got with a black person, or a person of any other non-white ethnicity, well that'd be her goddamned business so long as they have morals and treat her good. I say "Person" because if I had a kid (or have one that I don't know about...a real possibility given my own unfortunate sexual history...but in my defense I was trying to piss off my nut-bag ex-wife) I don't care if they're gay. If their partner happens to be religious...great! If their partner is Muslim? I'd probably actually be encouraged because I have quite a bit of experience with Muslims and know pretty well what I can or can't expect in terms of behavior. See, a little knowledge about things other than bestiality, cousin-fucking, horse cock porn and right-wing bullshit actually comes in real handy for reducing the amount of stress in one's life.

...And then, in response, This happened:

As I've said before regarding Trump, when assholes like David Duke are supporting your dumb ass, it's probably time to rethink your life. Duke has falsely claimed to be a Vietnam Veteran (he's not a veteran at all) he was part of a plot to overthrow the government of the Caribbean island nation of Dominica (supposedly to establish an anti-Communist government, but in reality there were extensive financial motivations) by American and Canadian white supremacists. The plot was foiled by the FBI and pretty much everybody but Duke went to prison either in Canada, Dominica or the US. Then eventually, he became a (basically hated, and ironically replaced by now-sitting US Senator David Vitter) one-term member of the Louisiana house of representatives and he eventually was kicked out of the Klan for stealing money from them. David Duke is such an all-around loser with enough of a rep for doing dumb shit that I'm surprised he hasn't pissed off the wrong person and been chopped up and fed to alligators by now. A compliment from this dude should end one's political career. I hope (and given his record, I wouldn't be surprised) that some day a cache of gay porn featuring black men is found in the possession of this Nazi shithead. I'll laugh like a motherfucker.

When pressed about the issue, King said:

"I'd like to see an America that's just so homogeneous that we look a lot the same, from that perspective,”

No, dude, just No. That's not how this works, not even close. Maybe you want to live in some kind of weird Stepford-America where everybody acts the same and goes to the same kind of church and looks the same and shit but I don't. I'd find such a country to be pretty damned deadly boring, you know, kind of like Iowa. I've driven through that state quite a few times and I can't say I've ever done anything more than stop for gas and take a piss now and again there, it's pretty much several hours of nothing between Illinois and Nebraska...and Nebraska is of course even more of nothing but miles and miles and miles, of miles and miles and miles of nothing! But since I legitimately don't consider the smell of cow manure to be attractive nor do I regard a picture of cow udders to be pornographic, I think I'll pass on your idea of what America should look like, Representative Ass Wipe.

Funny thing, but it's a good goddamned thing that for him that I've had some positive experience of Iowans and don't actually regard Gauleiter King to be all that representative of the people of his state. That might've changed since I was in Mrs. Nitz's 4th Grade class at Peace Lutheran School in Tustin, California...but if that is so, you can count on me to be even more pissed off. That teacher and her class is exactly why books like Pilgrim's Progress, James and the Giant Peach, Where the Wild Things Are and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory became relevant to me in the first place. She was a mean old lady originally from Estherville, Iowa, a devout Lutheran and a retired secular teacher, who was fiercely committed to education. What she'd say about Steve King, I don't know. My guess is that it'd probably involve the wooden paddle she kept behind her desk. One of the few times she ever used it was when one kid called another one a racial slur.

This is America, a country of stolen land with assimilated, borrowed and stolen culture, partly built by literally stolen African people who were in part freed by German and Irish immigrants impressed into the Union Army fresh off the boat. After that war (which Duke's side lost) we that replaced THAT source of agrarian labor with immigrant industrial labor from even more other countries to fuel our industrial revolution. Our car and consumer cultures were largely established by Henry Ford, an arch-conservative (and anti-Semite) who brought Arabs-both Christian and Muslim-over here to work in his factories, with the goal of establishing them as a constituency to oppose the Jews. That's why my own home state has the largest percentage of Arab Americans in the United States. We won a war with and have defended the post-World War II liberal democratic order mostly with technology created by emigrated or yes, stolen Austrian and German scientists. and I sit here typing this today on technology that is what it is because of a Lebanese immigrant and an American college dropout who started out with basically nothing who between the two of them, founded rival companies and got our modern computerized technological age going. Can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies? 

In the immortal words of Barack Obama (himself the son of a Kenyan immigrant who along with Obama's Kansas-born mother, was a college student here, I believe) Yes we can.

This is America, and restoring and rebuilding and reinventing our civilization with "somebody else's babies" is exactly how the fuck we do it. It's the only way we ever have. Americans aren't like the Arabs or the Dutch, or the Japanese or the Russians or the Swiss. We aren't a people based on the land we live on and one unified culture. We don't have a common religion like the Greeks or Laotians or the Saudis or even my own Lutheran Scandinavian ancestors did. We're Americans, all we have and all we what we want to be. Somebody else's babies? Well if they're here, they're ours, because their parents wanted to be Americans. Guess what? That's Okay. Unless you're Native American, your ancestors were once in the same boat.

If you don't like that, fuck you.

I'll say this much with certainty, if people from the rest of the world stop wanting to be Americans? People like Donald Trump and Steve King will be exactly why that happens.

And it'll be a damn shame, too. 

This is what we came from:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
~The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus

That's the America I want to live in, and I'll fight to keep it that way and don't you forget it.


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