Reporter: Mr. Said, how do you feel?
Kareem Said: How do I feel? I feel joyless. My brothers remain behind. Imprisoned, suppressed. I don't just mean my Muslim brothers, I mean every single man that will sleep in here tonight, that was cut off from everything that he loves. Cut off from his own self. You know, as the word went around that the Governor was gonna give somebody clemency, I saw a rift develop as each inmate wished himself to be the chosen one. The longing to be free became as palpable as the food that we eat. But it is a meal that I am being served right now. And I am Muslim. And Allah does not allow me to swallow certain things. Allah does not allow me to take scraps from the hands of a man such as this. A man who is corrupt and immoral. A man who denigrates the gift of clemency just as he violates the principles of justice. A man that gave the order that caused the death of eight people. And so, Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I refuse your pardon!
~Kareem Said, from the HBO series Oz, Season 2, Episode 8 "Escape From Oz."
If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan
To me belongs vengeance and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. ~Deuteronomy 32:35
I saw this a few days ago.Now, I've been saying for a long time that I believe America is sleepwalking itself into a Revolution and ultimately a breakup and that's in part because America is crawling with bigots and narcissists, and literally refuses to get its shit together or reign in increasingly insane super-wealthy motherfuckers or to even try to elect politicians that actually give a shit about anything other than staying in office.
I think, though, that I've hit on the causative factor of when.
It's all going to blow up the second that the average bigoted, narcissistic White American chucklefuck realizes that, as far as the insane super-wealthy are concerned, they are no better, and in point of fact, no different, than some gay Venezuelan barber that got renditioned to El Salvador for no better reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Because if they can do this shit to one of us, for whatever alleged reason, they can do it to any or all of us.
I used to be a conservative and I was taught that things like Habeas Corpus, Rule of Law, etc. as much as freedom of speech or the right to bear arms were a maximally absolutist point, a Principle Of The Thing not to be violated because it's Law with roots ancient enough that anybody (especially conservatives) should be able to respect. And yes, We The People that are supposed to be the ultimate line of defense against Tyranny.
Why else do you think these motherfuckers have put so much effort and money into bamboozling conservatives in particular?In fact, that's pretty much the only thing they've put a bunch of money into besides their own pockets.
But now, we're up against people who didn't do the work and don't want to, who think they're going to build some kind of artificial intelligence "Machine God" that's somehow programmed with some kind of Christian Nationalism filtered through Oblivion Cult, rule forever, and kill anybody that stands up to them with magic drones.
Why? Because Bunga Bunga, something something Gazpacho.
I can't fit my head far enough up my own ass to see Curtis Yarvin's point of view. I've read some of it, unfortunately, and it all comes off as something written by a 13-year-old boy who thinks he knows everything and he ain't got enough ass whuppins yet for it to sink in that he doesn't.
And they think they're gonna have all this in place by next year. while going to war with basically the whole rest of the world. For the record it legit can take anywhere from several months to a couple of years to lay on any kind of serious military operation, so they're not preparing for that either.
(And that's before you factor in how long it can actually take to develop any kind of legit "Silver-bullet" weapons system. Stealth and modern precision-guided weapons were 20+ years in the making, and these people ain't smart enough to hide that shit.)
It's all bullshit, but it's dangerous bullshit and any war these idiots get us into, we're going to lose.
And if you call bullshit on that, they'll call you some kind of "Left-Wing Activist."
You saw that line from Comer's spokes-muppet? *Checks Notes* Kentucky, the home of the Ark Encounter, the Creation Museum, and insane rates of incest and Opioid addiction, where Skoal is pretty much considered the fifth food group and you can actually rent a submachine gun to shoot at some gun ranges, is positively flooded with "Left Wing Activists."
Yeah, right, spare me, bro. I've been to Kentucky.
Even Democrats in Kentucky are generally a lot closer to George W. Bush than they are to George Soros.
The thing is, Republicans (not Trump, Republicans) have their program and this is it (and I, along with other people, have been warning motherfuckers about this forever, too.)
I used to be a Republican and my kind of Republican (you know, the ones that are mostly Democrats/Never Trumpers now) has always had a problem with these nuts, 'cause they wanna kill us too.As I've said before and I'm a keep saying, these fucking people's guiding ethos is basically the Killing Fields of Pol Pot's Cambodia, but with a mall.
And they think they're too good to have to listen to you, America. They don't wanna hear what you have to say, White MAGA Bro. Same for you, Republican Business Chud.
All you are is a means to an end. But that end, in their minds, doesn't include you.
For the record, while Republicans jerk off, loot the country, and pose for the Fox News cameras, the rest of the world is preparing and it's starting to look like a bipartisan majority of us is sick of their bullshit already.
The enemy gets a vote, guys.
And the enemy, or some of them, anyway, can read and very likely is reading your Signal chats.
Good God, the whole thing with Mike Waltz and Pete Hegseth and all these Jabronis talking all this crap on Signal (and also openly smack-talking and planning to extort our European allies) reminds me yet again, if I'd done anything even close to this as a young Air Force Sergeant 30 years ago, I'd probably still be in prison.
And by the way, whatever he claims to believe now, I'll bet you money that JD Vance's animus towards Europe is founded in Christian Fundamentalist basic End Times bullshit from like the mid-1990's.
But, ya know, it gets worse.
Like, why did we go to all this trouble to develop all this technology and OPSEC standards and this and that and the other thing just so some drunk racist frat-bro wannabe-macho CHUD with his dick in one hand and a tallboy of Steel Reserve in the other can be SECDRUNK and ignore all that shit while going ass-backwards into the unknown??What the fuck are we even doing here, America??
Just for the record, other countries militaries have standards.
Other people do not, for the most part, have or want Reality TV government nor to be beholden to anybody who has such.
They sent that Signal awhile back.
And you can bet whatever the Chinese are planning, they're not discussing it on some dipshit social media app. The Russians might be drunk, but they're not shouting their plans to fuck us over into the ether. You can fully expect that, whatever defense the Canadians, all the Commonwealth countries and the EU are working up against Trump's bullshit, they ain't going to CC us on the chat or the E-mail chain or any of that kind of shit.
Funny thing about Europe in particular, lately.
They'd rather be free than be entertained.
Think about that, for a second.
You fucked up, America.
It's time to start getting with the program and doing something about it.
You either believe in freedom or you don't.
Слава Україна!
My black face fades,
hiding inside the black granite.
I said I wouldn't
dammit: No tears.
I'm stone. I'm flesh.
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning.
I turn this way—the stone lets me go.
I turn that way—I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.
I touch the name Andrew Johnson; I see the booby trap's white flash.
Names shimmer on a woman's blouse
but when she walks away
the names stay on the wall.
Brushstrokes flash, a red bird's
wings cutting across my stare.
The sky. A plane in the sky.
A white vet's image floats
closer to me, then his pale eyes
look through mine. I'm a window.
He's lost his right arm
inside the stone. In the black mirror
a woman’s trying to erase names:
No, she's brushing a boy's hair.
~Facing It, by Yusef Komunyakaa, US Army Veteran
The wind whispers of fear and hate. The war has killed love. And those that confess to the Angkar are punished, and no one dare ask where they go. Here, only the silent survive. ~Dith Pran, The Killing Fields