Monday, December 27, 2021

Antichrist Soviet Socialist Republicans

Follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by

Listening to the wind of change
The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change. ~Scorpions, Winds Of Change

I used to be a Christian, a conservative, a Republican.

Now? I'm disgusted

I know people who have been the victims of authoritarianism, be it radical Islamic or Soviet or various petty dictators, and nobody who has ever lived under that type of shit and gotten away really wants to go back to it.

But Republicans? They're lining up to pledge their fealty to the Beast exactly like how they write the "Liberals" in one of those cheesy Christian End Times novels.

I see the parallel and it's so obvious it's not even funny.

Let me tell you a story; In May of 2000, I was going over to Traverse City for the day one day...I had a doctor's appointment that morning and a date late afternoon and among other things, between those two I went to Borders book store across from the Grand Traverse Mall. They had the new Left Behind Series novel; The Indwelling. I'd been a pretty loyal reader of that series up to that point. I mean, it wasn't the greatest but it had its moments. Where the previous books had dealt with time-frames of weeks or months, this one poured lavish detail into 24 hours, detailing the resurrection of the recently-assassinated Antichrist and his Possession by the Devil. Anybody who read those stupid books, at this point, had been waiting for this one for like five years or so...the big reveal, as it were.

And it was shit. It was cheesy complete and utter garbage with some of the worst characters and writing I've ever seen in book form, it was directly comparable to Atlas Shrugged in terms of "Worst shit I've ever read in my life."

It was so bad, that even considering that the date I had that evening was the first time I met my now ex-wife, I still remember that shit.

I not only didn't buy the book...even though I had the money...I never bought another of those novels again. It was just that bad. LaHaye and Jenkins had apparently looked at how much money they were making and just decided to start mailing it in.

Kind of like the Republican Party nowadays.

I'm utterly disgusted with what I've seen from my former political side of the fence in the last day.

#1 Donald Trump Jr. basically declares himself the Antichrist, Christianity is for suckers, let's be evil. And he sucks so bad at this that no one cares. It's like something said by Franco Macalusso or Nicolai Carpathia or any one of these other Antichrists that talk all stupid that these fucking people make up for their books...but because it's one of their own they don't notice, or care.

Actually, strike my last...I'm sure as long as they get to be the ones imprinting the Mark Of The Beast and killing those who refuse to take it, the Redcaps think its a fucking great idea.

#2 Madison Cawthorn, Commie Spy. I mean, who'd of thunk it? I suspected trouble when I saw that his wife looked like one of those Russian softcore porn models that were all over the internet about ten years ago, but this shit is ridiculous. 

I mean, I get it. Horny disabled religious dude with not much education and no social skills, Okay. But I mean, dude. Did you have to fall that hard for the goddamned honeytrap?

It's an obvious ploy, damn it.
Obvious enough my dumb ass at his age might've thought of it. And I have no sympathy. If you can't control yourself, you shouldn't be in a position of power, nor aspire to one.

At this point, there needs to be an interrogation ran by somebody like Gary Busey's character from Lethal Weapon and a fucking full on national security review of everything this punk knows with adjustments made accordingly, I'm serious. 

Do I think this idiot would deliberately sell out his country? That I'm not sure, I'll give him that much credit and say "I don't know."


Do I think this absolute fucking stolen valor wannabe would try and make himself feel like king shit by blabbing all type of military and national security secret shit while getting his cock sucked by a likely graduate of the Sparrow School? 

Again, I'm completely not kidding here.

(Yes, the KGB ran a training school for honeytrap agents, I suspect its successor agency does the same, if more covertly.)

And do I think he'd let her rat us the fuck out?

Bet your ass I do.

Because as long as she kept doing whatever she did that he liked, he'd do whatever she wanted and let her do whatever, as well. I know the type. 

He doesn't have the character to do anything that would result in him not being able to enjoy himself.

Not least because his own pleasure is the entire goal of all his bullshit. Again, I know the type, as long as he gets to have an orgasm, the rest of the world could fucking burn and he wouldn't care. I suspect if he figured it out after she fucked him, America would get weighed against that, and America would lose.

And I'm pretty sure he's not the only Republican out there who's like that, just saying.

I'm so old I can remember when something like "Let's Go Brandon" wouldn't have been considered funny by Republicans any more than it is by the rest of us.

Hell, I can remember when Madison Cawthorn would have got run out of Congress and the Republican Party on a rail by now, probably two. One for him and the chair. Yes, I'm going to hell. No, I don't care.

Not just that, but that he'd likely already have been arrested and Republicans would be lining up 'round the block to testify against his ass and Republican Presidents like Reagan or either Bush would be looking for the biggest possible bus to throw him under...

And the collective MAGA response to the one-two punch of popular Republican figures publicly ditching Christianity and what seems like a bad remake of a 1980's spy movie? 

Seems to be "So much the better for us!"

In fact it seems like all one has to do to become a MAGA celebrity is betray America, kill somebody, say "Fuck You" to your own country and in general try to burn down civilization.

Slap MAGA hats on those old Black-and-White photos of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg at Sing Sing and these fucking people would probably call them heroes.

Republicans are anti-American, anti-Christian, and not only conniving with the enemies of our country but publicly saying "Fuck you" to the United States of America in any way they think they can get away with.

Up to and including being pawns of hostile foreign powers.

Makes me wonder who the hell's running Blowbert and MTG, ya know?

Or who or what they might be agents of.

And I think that needs to be investigated, too.

Because where there's one, there's usually more.

And speaking of human garbage.

When somebody tells you who they are, believe them the first time.

This is America, we don't do monarchs. 

More to the point even monarchies usually have civil rights, due process and legal systems.

These people want to have absolute totalitarian power such as the world does not normally give to anyone, and they want to kill you with it.

If you can't take a stand against that, what the fuck is wrong with you?

And this shit is getting worse by the day, today is an order of magnitude worse than yesterday was, and yesterday was pretty fucking bad.

Imagine America at war, both internally and externally, the old "Two-and-a-half war theory" but the brushfire is domestic as we fight a two-front war against the Russians, NATO and US and Ukrainian troops fighting off insurgents and Russian conventional forces alike in the Donbass, air battles, human wave attacks against combat outposts, shocking brutality as the enemy not only tries to kill soldiers and civilians but aims to sap people's will to fight. Same with cruise missile attacks and network warfare against Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, South Korea and the West Coast, while domestically, right-wing insurgents in the Midwest and the South, Northern California, Eastern Oregon, maybe a few other things like turn Asheville into an Appalachian Stalingrad.

And these fucking people, Fox News, Republicans, etc. at every step openly and publicly cheering for the fucking bad guys, sending journalists into the field for interviews with enemy leaders in secret locations, all that type of shit. All in the name of being "fair and balanced."

And if you think COVID-19 or any other damn thing is bad now, like I've said before, imagine social distancing when you've been shot.

My job, such as it is at the moment, is to have something to say about anything and everything and I'm so fucking disgusted I don't even have the words for this.

The only people these motherfuckers are interested in being fair to are the enemies of America.

All they want to do is give the rest of us the finger and be seen doing it, no matter what it takes, no matter how stupid they look doing it.

I'm old enough to remember when you didn't put somebody like that up on TV, you punched them right in the mouth.

And we'd best do it before these people hate and middle-finger and shit-talk themselves into being some kind of American Soviet Socialist Republic taking orders directly from Vladimir Putin. Because if they do that, this culture war bullshit turns into a real war and that won't work out well for anybody.

I used to be a Republican. I don't know these people anymore.

And what I see them becoming bothers me, because it's the opposite of what I was taught. It's like it's the End Times and they're picking the wrong side and they know it, but they don't care because it might annoy some rival sect or something if they choose to serve the Antichrist.

We need to start doing something about this shit.

Last post

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan


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