Tuesday, March 5, 2024

(Their) Buddy-Christ (Satan's Sermons, Nine.)

I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.

But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. ~Matthew 22:32-40

I saw this a few days ago, but I've been sick.

Right-wing internet "Influencer" Tim Pool saying "It should be illegal to not believe in God."

Okay, which God??

Start with the fact that there's over 4,000 religions in the world, with uncounted and uncountable denominations thereof. (Also, there's as many flavors of Atheism or Agnosticism as there are people who don't believe in any of those.)

For simplicity's sake; Let's take just one major world religion for example, here; Christianity.

(Also because that's the "God" that Tim Fool is talking about in the first place.)

At last count (I looked it up) there's 45,000 different denominations of Christianity globally, more than 200 of which are present in the United States on some kind of organized level, it's probably far more than that in reality.

So, even at the low end, where would you like us to start, dickhead??

Because just in those 200 you have everything from ultra-liberal mainline Protestant offshoots like the gay-affirming Metropolitan Community Church to ultra-reactionary Sedevacantist Catholicism.

And none of those people are going to give up their particular beliefs or interpretations for the One True Faith as espoused by some Rando who's primarily known for saying dumb shit on Twitter.

More to the point I've seen conservative Churches come flying apart just because one small group decided the rest weren't "Conservative" enough and started trying to impose their bullshit on everybody else.

I've seen church bullshit lead to violence, to literal fistfights. Hell, I was one of the people the nuts that my ex-wife stirred up targeted. I'm sure somewhere in this country there's been worse.

What These Fucking People are really saying is they want to force their particular bullshit on the rest of us, and then they want an Inquisition. That's what this always comes down to.

Tim Pool doesn't give a shit about God, he wants to be Tim Pool, The Savior.

Not because he actually has the spiritual power to be that...but because he would very much like to have the worldly power (and wealth) that such (in his mind, anyway) entails.

That's what this type of horseshit always comes down to, and don't you forget it. They want their personal buddy-Christ (Not Yours) in charge (and for him to hate you.)

And all these shitty little narcissists long to have Wars Of Religion fought in their names.

Because it's anything other than America, and all the valid reasons this country was founded.

Because it's anything other than "Love Thy Neighbor."

Because it's anything other than "Hey, this setup worked for two and a half centuries, let's keep using it."

You watch and see, if they break off a piece of America and "Get their own place" so to speak, if it don't come down to exactly that. You do not want to see American...much less neo-Confederate...Wars of Religion.

Rosaries confiscated from migrants
When the Power-worshipers aren't bound together by having the rest of us to hate and jerk off to trying to impose their shit on us (and no longer led by an atheistic soup sandwich like Trump) they're gonna start doing it to each other, and there's gonna be Blood.

There's gonna be atrocity and blood on a worse scale than you can even imagine.

And the only safe bet is that, if anyone does at all, the worst possible people would win.

But because these fucking people, like all the rest of us, have lived under a Constitution and a working democratic system their whole lives (and also a religious setup where even the vast majority of the most heated disputes are resolved by talking and voting on it rather than Jihadist bands shooting at each other because, ya know, the Law) they don't know anything else than that, so they don't think something different would be worse.

And they don't have the religious education that I did, so they don't know how many people died just for something simple like the right to read the Lord's Word at all, much less in their own language.

But worse, you cannot tell these fucking people anything

They don't want to know.

And they don't regard the belief in Christ (let alone the theistic faith) of other people as even being valid.

They're stupid, with a large side-order of mental illness, and they'll have to fuck around and find out on their own.

Guess what? This is America and you have the right to not be These Fucking People's lab rats for their ego.

We're Citizens here, not congregants or subjects, for a reason.

You want to listen to somebody like Tim Pool? You might as well just invite the Devil to your church and see what happens.

That spell it out for ya??

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We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. ~Malcolm X.

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