Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Idiocritus Maximus (Left Behind Is A Lie II, Eleven.)

The beginnings will not be easy; they shall be extremely difficult. All the oligarchies' powers of repression, all their capacity for brutality and demagoguery will be placed at the service of their cause. Our mission, in the first hour, shall be to survive; later, we shall follow the perennial example of the guerilla, carrying out armed propaganda ... the great lesson of the invincibility of the guerrillas taking root in the dispossessed masses; the galvanizing of the national spirit, the preparation for harder tasks, for resisting even more violent repressions. Hatred as an element of the struggle; a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy. ~Che Guevara

On Sunday, a bunch of the followers of Jair Bolsonaro, the ex-President of Brazil, stormed the centers of the Brazilian government. After a five hour conflict, the Brazilian Army and police defeated the insurrection and began arresting the people who'd ransacked their government, including issuing arrest warrants for high officials thought to be involved, or who abdicated their responsibilities, and dismissing and suspending others who were lenient with the rebels.

And they're not done yet, the arrests and investigations are still ongoing.

Make no mistake about it, this insurrection was likely planned in the United States, with the full connivance of a bunch of people associated with the American "Conservative" movement in general and Trump/MAGA in particular. Steve Bannon's greasy fingerprints are all over this thing, for one.

But here's my thing;

How is it these assorted Pentecostal kooks keep trying to turn "God" into one of the coup plotters?

First these assholes say that America's Constitution and government were both somehow divinely inspired, then they try to overthrow both of them.

And now they're exporting their piss-poor attempt at "Revolution?"

And, as much for the Brazilian dude I saw a picture of, perched on a file cabinet with his ass hanging out and a flag draped over his head as for the Americans...if you love your country so much why do you want to piss and shit all over it? Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro are not Nations, they are not even decent men.

Do people really have so little going on in life, and so little need of anything, that they would follow after somebody who's only "desirable" quality is "They talk bad about people that I don't like??"

And not just follow them, but love them more than their country, or God himself?

I mean, seriously, I've heard Donald Trump talk enough times to know that he's a dumb motherfucker with all the charisma of an overcooked hotdog who's never happy about much of anything.

Everything I've ever heard about Jair Bolsonaro suggests he's an idiot, with the kind of social views that lead to eventual prosecution for war crimes and his own armed services refusing to have his body buried on their land.

Tell me something:

Why the fuck do so many people in this world want to live like medieval peasants in some kind of dictatorial or monarchist Idiocracy??

Seriously, what do you the citizen, as a human being think you're going to get?

Is *Living With Other People* really so difficult?

Is *Thinking* really that hard?

Do you really *Want* to die of disease?? If so, WHY?!?!

I'm legitimately angry about this one. I can remember when somebody who said they were an "American Monarchist" would have got beat up, by conservatives. I can remember when the default response to Kings was "This is America, Jack." I've studied enough history...hell, I learned enough of it in various Christian elementary schools when I didn't really have a choice, to know that our whole country was founded on the violent rejection of Monarchy.

Do you really think the kind of social systems that gave rise to lines like "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore..." are going to bring you prosperity and security??

And not only that, but these fucking people are going around stanning for all this anti-American shit, led by (I'm not kidding here) dudes like Matt Schlapp that are going around grabbing other dudes dicks and shit.

And don't give me any "It was the Left" bullshit, either. Matt Schlapp grabbed some dude that worked for Herschel Walker's campaign, and tried to invite said staffer up to his hotel room. There was no "Left" involved.

The "Grooming" and sexual predation are coming from inside the house, Republicans. Every accusation you fuckers make turns out to be a confession sooner or later.

Insurrectionists and Insurrection-exporters, freakish Monarchists in a country literally founded on the basis of the rejection of Monarchy, religious weirdos and homosexual sexual predators (while accusing other people of being the same) whose own leadership takes five days and fifteen votes to even perform the most basic functions of their jobs...and who've spent the first few days of their legislative terms cranking out performative bullshit nonsense they know will never see the light of day in the Senate, and wouldn't make it past the President if it did...whose sole seriously articulated legislative position at this point is that they want to cut health care and old-age pensions for senior citizens.

My Mom is 72, got her goddamn Masters Degree at 53, and has a pension and wouldn't make it without her Social Security. Her partner's in the same boat...and he's an Army Aviation retiree with not just one pension, but two. Nobody can afford your ridiculosity, Republicans.

And mostly because of my job and where I currently live, I know lots of people that Social Security is all they have...or all they're ever going to have.

These fucking people don't need to just be voted out, every last one of them needs their ass whupped like a snotty child, the equivalent of a pants-down spanking in the middle of the grocery store or a knock-down-drag-out beatdown in the middle of the street for even saying this dumbass bullshit.

And all these corporate, government, and media enablers, who keep promoting this shit basically because they think it's funny, or there's some profit in it somewhere for them? Or because it gives them some kind of ideological hard-on or some shit?

Not just beat up or removed from their positions, we're talking "Never Work Again" level of "You're Fired." We've got way the hell too many people making decisions in this country, as far as I'm concerned, who've never had a real goddamned job for even one day in their lives.

Seriously, we live in a country where an actual murderer like Kyle Rittenhouse is going around talking up how much of a "Christian" he is, and people just give his ass money. How the hell is that kid ever going to be a part of society or ever even have a simple-ass job?? And then these right-wing motherfuckers will drop his ass the second he becomes inconvenient. 

Do these fucking people think God is dumb??

I literally can't be the only one who sees the problems with this bullshit.

This shit is not going to stop until we make it stop. These fucking people are not going to feel shame until they have it beat back into them and then nobody listens to their sob-stories afterwards. What the fuck is it going to take, people, some jackass trying to have himself crowned King at the foot of the Washington Monument??

And then these same goddamn people can't wait to talk shit about the Ukrainians, you know, people who are actually fighting for their own freedom and right to exist, or about our government and the EU/NATO for helping the Ukrainians.

Seriously if people had talked this way about the Afghan Mujahideen (You know, the future Taliban) or the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa (the country that gave us Elon Musk) back in the 1980's, they'd likely have discovered time travel by getting knocked into the next week. 

Or is it that a lot of Americans think people are only "Freedom Fighters" when there's the possibility of Patriarchy or Wealth involved? Note: As I've said before, certainly in traditional, 1980's-like terms Ukraine is a conservative, religious country. 

Or is that actually the problem? That Ukrainians and their assorted EU allies, many of whom did suffer under the yoke of Soviet Communism, hold a mirror up to the debased entitlement of the American "Conservatives" and Mr. Honkey don't like that??

I rather suspect that's what's really going on here. A conservative, religious country is not what these fucking people actually want.

They want to "Drink 'til you get sick Saturday night" and then they want the "Make a big show at the Altar Call in church on Sunday morning" like they think no one will ever notice the hypocrisy.

They want the kind of gluttony and orgies that Christian moralism attributed to ancient Rome, to have absolute power with zero accountability and never have to see anybody they don't like or conduct themselves as part of a society. Worse, somehow they think they'll avoid the decline and fall part of the story.

These fucking people would be perfectly happy to see America defeated and conquered by Russia if they thought being good little Commies would secure their "Power" and let them practice their debasement and perversions without challenge.

Then they want to keep talking about Jesus and Judgment and The End Time and shit, but they don't really believe in that stuff themselves or that they would ever face it, or they wouldn't be acting like it's all crap. It's a lie...and they know it.

They just hope you don't.

(And somehow they think that you'll never find out, either.)

I don't know how Action/Consequence or Cause And Effect or the inevitable historical result of this kind of shit continually escapes these fucking people, but it does.

Thus, with these fucking people, all roads lead to Idiocracy.

You want to prevent that from happening, it's eventually going to come down to a fight. In Brazil, it just did. As Reagan said; "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. If you want a better world, you have to be a better person. 

And this ain't it, yo.

Слава Україна!

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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