Monday, January 10, 2022

Book Of Vile Dumbness (Death Cult Romance, Part Three.)

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ~HP Lovecraft, The Call Of Cthulhu

I've been seeing this bullshit all day.

Antivaxxers and "Conservatives" are apparently drinking their own piss to try and cure COVID-19. I'm sorry, but if you're dumb enough to think drinking urine will cure a respiratory virus, I don't think I trust you with a rifle.

My mind just boggles at this shit. Seriously like I've said the last couple days there's one easy, free, overwhelmingly safe and effective, scientifically proven way to cure this virus and they'd rather drink their own piss...because literally anything in their minds is preferable to getting the shot?

Like, excuse me, what the fuck?

I don't get it, I am metrically incapable of getting it, and I'm Okay with that.

What is this, the D&D Book Of Vile Darkness meets Jackass in the restroom of a seedy gay bathhouse in Queens? Never mind, I don't want to know.

There's something, mentally and morally, wrong with these people. And that's on top of the fact that they're just plain fucking stupid.

I mean, what the hell kind of depraved mind even comes up with this bullshit? Who's issuing these talking points? The Devil?

And seriously, I love how these fucking people accuse everything they don't like of being "Communist."

And somehow this includes not only public health measures but basically anything that has anything to do with the public because these morons don't give a good goddamn about anybody but themselves and this is painfully obvious. Not least, I think, because of the childish acting out these fucking people keep doing. 

Like I said they wouldn't know what Communism was if somebody sky-wrote the entire Communist Manifesto in the air over their heads with a couple of vintage MiG-21Bis Fishbed fighter jets. I've rather more than a sneaking suspicion at this point that if somebody sat them down and explained to them what Communism was, how things in the Soviet Union really worked, how authoritarian it all was, and how much it sucked for most people, these idiots would be fine so long as they weren't on the bottom of things and they got to see somebody else get sent to the Gulag.

Because the truth is, these fools don't want politics, they don't even really want power if it were to require self-control, self-determination and self-governance. They want blood-sport and cruelty and to feel like they're better than somebody else. 

Why the fuck else do you think most of these people are cool with stuff like racism, segregation, and slavery? Lots of these fuckers just want to hurt people.

They want to take no responsibility for life or self and drink cheap alcohol until they pass out in the street and they'll sleep where they fall. There were plenty of people like that in the Soviet Union, and Russia still has a fair number of them nowadays. But more to the point, at least some of the Russians have figured it out:

America has those people too, you can see them anytime you go in a Walmart or some such place, or to the Casino where I used to work. Old, overweight, ill-dressed people wearing Trump ballcaps and carrying oxygen tanks in the basket of their Amigo cart while they smoke a cigarette and spend money they can't really afford to out of their social security checks.

A lot of these people simply don't have the mentality of grown-ass adults.

A lot of them simplistically fetishize and "like" certain things, hierarchy, "social order," uniformed sameness. After the Trump years, I'm no longer sure these fucking people care where they get this stuff.
It's like the guy I used to work with who'd never shut up about the fact that he'd been to jail and had a criminal record, but I saw him leaving work one day and he was wearing a "Thin Blue Line" hoodie.

That's the kind of mentality we're dealing with here.

And I think if you changed the pronouns, as it were, peeled the labels off carefully and scratched off the serial numbers...I don't think these fucking idiots would either know or care whether the authoritarian system that scratched that debased little itch in their diseased minds was Communism or Fascism. So long as it was cruel to somebody else for no reason.

Hell, a lot of these people don't care if the system...whatever it may cruel to them too, so long as they get to see somebody else suffer and struggle and have to fight either literally or figuratively for no damn good reason.

One brand of cheap social heroin seems the same as any other to me, I guess.

And they'll do anything to get it, even drink their own piss or otherwise debase themselves.

Because the truth is, they don't want to be free, they want the unending high of whatever societal Fentanyl they think they want, and they're willing to even give up being Americans for it because if they got their way there wouldn't be an America anymore.

These fucking people say they want some kind of a "Great Awakening" but the truth is, they really want a new Dark Age...because democracy and equality and freedom are too hard, or something.

But they only want the Dark Times so long as they get to be the masters of them.

These people have become lovers of Death...why else would they refuse free, simple medications?

In favor of drinking piss, no less? I mean, doesn't that seem gross to you? Come on, people.

But that's how they want to live, apparently.

And they want us to be trapped in their death cult romance with them. But they forgot that this is America and we don't have to put up with that bullshit.

So don't.

I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me. But I do not think my life will be long. As my uncle went, as poor Johansen went, so I shall go. I know too much, and the cult still lives.

~HP Lovecraft, The Call Of Cthulhu

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