God knows he's perfect and we're not and we can never be but he expects us to be. And he punishes us if we're not, you know what I'm saying? God is the ultimate gangster. The supreme-o boss, you know what I mean? Forgiveness, live by he code. Deadness, if we don't. Yo, he never has to talk to us face to face and he never has to explain exactly why he does what he does. Know what I'm saying? Nigga sits up there in Heaven somewhere, drinking a cappuccino, chillin... *Singing* He's got the whole world in his hands...
He got the whole world by the balls.
~Augustus Hill, from the HBO series "Oz" episode 1.3 "God's Chillin'"
A friend of mine sent me this today.
"You're a traitor"
Note: This is apparently from some mailer bugging people who've already donated to give Trump even more money.
Are you fucking kidding me? This isn't asking for donations. This is extortion. I'm serious, if some person sent me something like this I wouldn't be giving them money, I'd be calling the cops.
Any normal person in this day and age could get fired from their job for putting stuff like that out there.
What the fuck is wrong with you, Republican voters, that you're putting up with this ridiculous shit.
And I just fucking love how "Patriotism" is equated with loyalty to Donald Trump.
Oh, and the 17 minutes thing? That's not an accident or a random number. It appears to be a little Q-Anon numerology.
You know, I once was an observant enough Christian to know that numerology was considered a sin. Just sayin.'
But these fucking people, far from getting tired of this shit, seem to want even more of it. How the fuck does that add up?
And now Trump is threatening to have Republican voters stay home in 2022 and 2024 if the Republican Party can't find some way to hocus pocus him back into power before that because something something Gazpacho or whatever.
Look, it goes like this.
Trump doesn't want to be President.
He doesn't want to be a dictator.
He doesn't want to be the king.
The former would require a modicum of personal and physical courage as well as some amount of work ethic. Trump has none of the above. The latter would be too much work and require too much by way of class and decorum.
Trump wants to be these people's god.
And he's threatening to sink the entire Republican Party if he doesn't get that.
It gets worse. Trump's followers have already effectively secularized their previous End Times mythology, effectively cutting out Jesus Christ, and weaving in Donald Trump slowly but surely in His place, with COVID-19 and Q-Anon and other conspiracy theories and all that garbage replacing the judgments of Revelation because ya know, instant gratification. They just have to have all that shit now. Waiting for that stuff on a Biblical timescale with the understanding that it probably wouldn't happen in your lifetime is just...not exciting enough, I guess.
I'm a former member of the End Times Prophecy Movement. This stuff really burns my ass.
Trump wants to be a god. His followers want to let him.
That way, he can do or say whatever he wants and have these fools accept his every utterance and fast food fart as Gospel and give him endless money for nothing and he doesn't have to do anything for any of it. Not only that, but then he can declare it's a sin to question him and throw the offender to his horde of ravening fanatics to be torn apart, one way or the other.
It's all in the same vein as the Civil War talk bullshit. Trump doesn't want to do anything. He's fiending for narcissistic fuel and if I had to guess, the rallies aren't cutting it anymore.
He longs for worship, not of anything else but of himself, and for violence to be done in his name. He wants his pronouns to have to be capitalized. Like I said, I believed in Christ. I believed what the Bible said. This shit makes me angry on a level most people can't even imagine.
And these fucking idiots, who are so afraid of the rest of the world...would happily give him all that, if it was solely up to them. More to the point, they resent the hell out of the rest of us for not giving them that. I'm left wondering what the hell these fucking people think is so bad about the rest of us, that they'd embrace a known piece of shit like Donald Trump.
But, ya know, I come from an older school of thought and from previous versions of Christianity and conservatism where the end-all, be-all is not "The Next Dopamine Hit To The Brainpan and Belonging To The Tribe." I was taught to distrust cults and ideologues and impulsive thinking, and to not just blindly trust people who keep lying to me...and life has backed all that shit up, so far.
More to the point if I was like these people, just blindly following along...or worse, following with eyes open and malice aforethought...I'd likely have been dead years ago.
And the worst part of all this is that if you've been paying attention all this time, Trump and his followers are turning out not only to be exactly as pathetic as we thought they would...but not only that. They're actively trying to be even worse than that, and most of the Republicans are just going along, or rolling over and taking it.
I used to be a Republican, this isn't what I was taught.
And too many people, Democrats included, are not taking this bullshit seriously. I'm not saying that I think Trump could inspire an actually competent religious pseudo-Jihad in his name. I'm saying even the incompetent shit show of one that's likely to happen will get people killed unnecessarily and I'm saying that we need to do something about the fact that a quarter of our population is so goat-eager to have their bullshit Left Behind LARP crap validated that they'll happily appoint Donald Trump their god out of sheer needy pathetic desperation.
We need to stop doing this shit to ourselves. We need to stop putting up with it, all of it, now.
If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen and this? This ain't it.
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