Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fuck all this silly bullshit, part the infinite.

Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought. ~Pope John Paul II.

Earlier today I saw this.

Sean Hannity, evidently trying to blame the high number of people who've quit their jobs on Joe Biden. Also, trying to tar the man by comparing him to Jimmy Carter?


That's not it, you anthropomorphic Spam can.

And I say that as one of those people.

There's a lot of shitty jobs out there, motherfucker, and people have a right not to keep working a job they don't like, especially in the sort of economy where it's supposedly relatively easy to find another one. 

Among other things, in retrospect Jimmy Carter looks pretty good, historically, right now.

And he's at least a moral man.

That's a lot better than can be said for Sean Hannity.

This is America, we don't have a caste system, we're not a Communist country where a person's job could be dictated by the State and we don't really have some kind of rigid class system either, at least not in the 19th Century, Victorian sort of sense that Sean Hannity wishes we did...as if somebody with an Irish name like Sean would have ever benefitted from such a thing, just sayin.' And then there's the fact that we forcibly abolished and Constitutionally banned slavery.

But of course, that's the thing, isn't it?

Sean Hannity is mad that he can't clap the middle class, the poor and us working class people in chains and force us to work for his personal profit.

 But he's trying to pawn that off on other people so he doesn't feel bad about it.

These people know what they're doing is wrong, deep down, or they wouldn't be projecting or rationalizing or trying to make it somebody else's fault. They just hope that you don't.

Because, at least since Reagan and Bush 41 left office, the Right's endless talk about freedom is just that, empty talk.

In the 1990's, "Freedom" means that as long as people like Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay fronted as Catholics and Evangelicals they could do whatever they damned well pleased behind the scenes and if they got caught, they'd blame the media or whoever outed them as irreligious libertines for simply trying to make them seem that way.

Then back in the aughts this was taken to the next level by people like Larry Craig, Mark Foley and Ted Haggard. Funny how as the outrage about adultery ramped up, Republicans got outed as adulterous motherfuckers who were rutting like horny Bonobos, and then when the homophobia got going, well, these same fucking people got caught in the kind of skeevy same-sex sexual shenanigans that they (and their voters!) liked to accuse other people of doing.

And then yesterday, whoever's in charge of that announced that the current iteration of Superman is going to be bisexual and dating Louis rather than Lois.

Okay, whatever, I don't give a shit. I haven't followed Superman in decades and the last story arc I actually knew about had Superman having had a kid with Lois Lane and ya know, Superman was always at least heavily implied to be sexually active...idealization of the American male that he always was. For better or worse, the last movie that I saw was at least less corny than the Superman movies of the late 70's and early-to-mid 1980's/

But whatever.

I mean, seriously, why stop with Superman? 

Why not a Bisexual or...ya know, swarthy Middle Eastern Jewish Jesus who lived according to the customs and religion of his time? And being that Jesus was a Rabbi, He would have been married. (Which in those days would not have precluded bisexuality even among most Hellenized or Romanized Jews. In fact, only the radicals who were fighting an insurgent war against the Romans even cared about such things.) About that...isn't it past time that Mary Magdalene be given her due as one of the Apostles? Because historically that's very likely what she was, along with being the Lord's partner.

Personally, I don't care all that much anymore, but I think it's past time that a lot of this stuff be acknowledged and the equality that such implies be made part of somebody's dogma, at least.

And it'd be fun to watch these people shit themselves inside out in rage.

I am, frankly, damned tired of hearing people talk about freedom who absolutely reject the concept in any real terms, and I'm goddamned tired of hearing people talk about and try to police sexual morality who themselves have all the sexual morality of, again, a troop of horny Bonobos. I'm even more tired of people who claim that their religion holds all the answers and is what everybody should follow, turning around and acting like they know it's all bullshit.

And now they don't even try to hide it. 

But they want everybody else to pretend that they're still the Moral Majority of the 1980's before all the televangelists got exposed as skeevy bullshit artists and perverts.

And in the last six years, Republicans have gone out of their fucking way to reject even previous levels of base hypocrisy, and to literally, openly, act in ways that would shame a goddamned Billy Goat and shit all over everything they ever claimed to believe in before. Hell, they don't even bother with the old brand or messaging or any serious attempt at public religiosity...but they still want the credit for all of that and for those things to be assumed about them. I mean, hell, Jim Bakker is back to being a member of this shit in good standing...and I'm old enough to remember when we all laughed at him.

It'll get worse. It already has.

There's a reason I call Lauren Boebert "Blowbert." 

I get exactly the same kind of vibe from her that I got from my ex-wife after we split up. I'll bet you money she played the whole technical virgin thing for awhile. I'd bet more money she wants to talk about Jesus right after having sex even now. I'll bet you twice that much that she is the sort of person to go out and party it up on a level that'd make a pack of Navy chiefs blush on Saturday night but then she's up early Sunday morning drinking coffee and eating pancakes and whatever to try and sober up and counteract the alcohol and then she's flat on her face during the altar call at church begging God to forgive her for exactly the same thing she'll go out and do next weekend, too.

And then she wants to tell you how to live your life, right down to the smallest and most intimate and personal details and dictate whatever your religion or spirituality is, while observing absolutely none of her own claimed beliefs her own damn self.

And people like her and my ex-wife? They're the fucking baseline for American Christianity right now. Those people won, my people lost, and either submitted or went over to the other side.

There was a time when I was appalled by this shit, but still a conservative Republican even as I started to lose my religion. Then those people ran me out, and now this shit is just...normal. Like, seriously hardly anybody even bothers to comment on it anymore.

Because it's ultimately a lot easier to just get away, and the harder and longer you try to fix all the shit that's wrong with their movement and try to move it back towards the things they claimed to believe in before...the harder they come at you.

Nobody knows better that it's all a lie than they do, but they expect everybody to be in on the joke and just go with it and award them all the bonus points for religion anyway. What they think will happen in the End Of Days, I don't know, but it seems to me that according to what I read, Jesus Christ has a rather low opinion of such people.

But if you point this out, they call you anti-Christian or "Communist" or "Deep State" and claim you're oppressing them. 

As if there's any serious effort, or hell anybody outside of their movement who gives a damn about white evangelical "conservatives" or who has it out for them anymore than the people they've raised up as their "gods" do. The "Left" doesn't disrespect these people to their faces like Donald Trump does. The "Left" didn't cause hundreds of thousands of them to die of a perfectly well preventable illness. Trump did that. 

And they wanted more of it, forever.

Because they thought somehow, somewhere, somebody else was going to get it worse.

These are people who look at the quote from Pope John Paul II that I posted above, and take it at face value to use as a justification, without realizing that he said that in reference to Christians trapped behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War.

And given the chance, they'd impose their contradictory, selfish, silly politics and religion and wannabe-fascism on the rest of us the same way that the Soviet Union imposed Communism and State Atheism on the East Bloc countries, and they don't even see the irony, or how their own behavior and desire is exactly the same.

Hell, they don't even see their beliefs, their lust for power, their politics, even their sexuality as any of those things. They see it all as some holy mission from "god" and god conveniently looks a lot like Donald Trump right now. But give it a couple years, and He will have a new face.

And it'll be worse than the last one.

Seriously, I got out years ago. I had to, for my own sanity. I could give a damn about these people except for the fact that they keep trying to get up in the business of people that I care about and keep trying to make my life harder, for no damned good reason at all except their cruel, shitty, selfish beliefs in the name of their mean, shitty, small-minded interpretation of god.

These people literally do not believe in freedom. Do whatever you can to eject them from our politics, or they're going to try and take yours.

Fuck. All. This. Silly. Bullshit. I've had it.

And you can tell 'em I said that.

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