Friday, May 15, 2020
The Killing Fields (Left Behind Is A Lie, Part Fourteen)
The wind whispers of fear and hate. The war has killed love. And those that confess to the Angkar are punished, and no one dare ask where they go. Here, only the silent survive. ~Dith Pran, The Killing Fields
As I have said before, based on my own life experience, I cannot help but feel a sense of certainty and dread as this thing wears on. People are dying, and somewhat over one out of three Americans literally don't care about that, or even care enough about their own lives to spend an extra couple of seconds putting on a mask or something to protect themselves. Or worse, they want to actively try to use this pandemic to engineer some form of dominance over other people, while people are dying.
And not only that, but they don't seem to want to even have their stories told, or at least not by anybody who presents them or their views in an objective manner.
What exactly do these people care about? Being served? Capitalism? Whatever shitty routine they went about from day to day before the pandemic hit?
Or is this just more stupid culture war bullshit? Judging from the fact that people are being incited to "protest" against public health orders in the middle of a pandemic I see it as a childish combination of "culture war" wannabe bullshit and even more childish "You can't tell me what to do" attitudes. It's stuff like this that's why I say every so often that we need to bring back the ass whuppin' not for the kids, but for some of these so-called adults.
Literally all these people are being asked to do is stay the fuck home, and go about some kind of altered routine to account for the fact that we're in the middle of a pandemic and these fucking people literally care so little about other people or their own lives that they cannot be bothered to do literally nothing but stay the fuck home.
Hell, mainline YouTube videos if you want all day, watch Fox News, no one cares, just don't go out in public without a mask on like you're a fucking dumb ass, is that so goddamned hard?!?!
Ya know, on second thought, don't answer that. "People are stupid" doesn't even begin to cover this bullshit anymore.
And what the fuck is wrong with people in my own damn state? There were, as expected, protests yesterday at the state capitol, and apparently one of these motherfuckers got in a fight with another one of these motherfuckers because one hateful dumb ass was bothered by the hate shown by another hateful dumb ass. Long story short, within minutes they were calling for the same cops that these fucking people were screaming at and spitting on just a couple weeks ago, like that punk ass that shows up at a party, starts a fight, loses, and then calls the cops acting like they got beat up for no reason. As I understand it, the State troops told both of them to go the fuck home, and that's probably a better outcome than either one of
these two fools could have gotten in the fucking first place, and better than they should have. Like I said if it were me I'd be making these fuckers sit in jail for a couple hours first and then all wear a sign that says "I am an idiot" when they get home.
Long story short, it seems to me like these fucking people even hate each other.
But where we're running into a problem is that they hate you and me even more than they hate each other, they despise us and think we're getting something out of life that they're not, well, mainly because we're not deranged idiots and hateful assholes who go through life being unhappy, but these people can't see that they're the source of their own problem. It's hard to do that when you have all the self-awareness of a dog licking its ass in the middle of the street.
And yes, I fully well realize that this comparison is probably in insult to dogs.
5,000 people in Michigan have died, and people be mad they can't get a haircut.
And then the state legislature cancelled it's Thursday session, understandable, but I worry that playing it safe instead of telling these assholes to go fuck themselves is just going to invite more abuse to be heaped on our state government.
I mean, long story short we're living in a country where government agents keep getting caught doing shit like coercing human trafficking victims into having sex with them, and given public opinion on that subject I don't know how the fuck these assholes aren't being subjected to a quick show-trial in front of a baying mob of Trump Supporters and then being taken out back to pose for rifle shots with all their homeys made to stand at attention and watch, but ya know, that assumes for one damn second that any of these people actually believe in any of the shit that they say they do. Literally, people who five years ago posted memes that they'd retained attorneys Smith & Wesson to deal with child molesters and human traffickers don't even notice this shit, much less care. But it's the end of the fucking world that they can't go in and sit down at Applebees in the middle of a goddamned pandemic?
Of course, I have noticed that even the "Blue Lives Matter" people aren't leaping to the defense of those agents. Hmm, maybe that's because Blue Lives don't matter anymore? I mean, not that they ever did in the first place, all it ever was, was a stab in the dark against Black Lives Matter that nobody outside of racists and movement conservatives (but I repeat myself) ever saw as anything but exactly that in the first goddamn place.
And again, here we have "I want what I want and I want it now" being valued over people's lives and over the public health, or even these people's own health and safety.
Are people really that fatally shortsighted and goddamned stupid? Never mind, don't answer that. Yes, they fucking are.
There's a harsh truth to face here. And that is that just over a third of Americans are selfish bastards who don't give a shit about anything but who want a world of glitzy consumerism carried on the backs of others. Others, whose lives are entirely expendable, and those others aren't supposed to complain or even have anything to say about this arrangement. Nor do the selfish bastards want to have to face the immorality of it at any point.
It's not "Fuck You, I've Got Mine" so much as it's the Killing Fields of Khmer Rouge Cambodia with a Mall and a McDonald's and all the corpses and emaciated farm laborers stashed where the privileged white idiots can't see them, where the girl behind the counter at LuluLemon has been fed extra rations so she doesn't look too skinny and pumped full of happy drugs so Karen doesn't have to hear how her family died.
I'm here to tell you these sons of bitches long for exactly that, virus or no virus. Just so they get a cut of the profits from the wars and expropriation of the property of enemies of the state.
And what scares me is that in five years of campaign and presidency, while abusing the country and dragging us through the mud and rubbing his dick all over America while banging on about "Make America Great Again" Trump has, quite obviously, failed to deliver on these people's fantasies. Whether by incompetence or laziness, or simple lack of interest in anything besides himself, Trump hasn't done much more than enrich himself and a few already-rich cronies and Republican-favored corporations or tech companies that Trump thinks help him...while directing endless venom towards anybody that doesn't kiss his ass enough.
But Trump opens the door, sets the precedent, as it were. There's a million and one little vapid tin-pot narcissistic assholes with degrees or experience in nothing more than gun cosplay, jerking off to internet porn and YouTube video-making who either already have or would be willing to affect far-right beliefs of one kind or another, who collectively don't know how to put air in a tire or use a goddamned rubber properly, much less field strip and clean their weapons, who are all willing to step up to the plate and take a shot at running for President...just to spite the people that they think hate them. Trumpism is full of people that we'd never know who they were if it wasn't for Donald Trump. How much dumber and more deranged is conservatism going to be in a year, in five years?
And if you don't think these fucking people would line up behind someone as dumb and useless as the Kent State gun girl, you ain't been paying attention. These fucking idiots all hoped that John McCain would die and Sarah Palin would become President, remember?
The cruelty isn't just the point now, on some level, for some people, it has been since at least 2008, if not all along. There were churches full of people praying that John McCain would die so that Sarah Palin would become President, twelve years ago. I saw it. My ex-wife was one of those people.
And sooner or later these bastards are going to find somebody who is effective.
We live in a country where actual Nazis are plotting to blow up hospitals full of COVID-19 patients and then shooting it out in the streets with the FBI, and where the spiritual heirs of the Tea Party...and I don't doubt in many cases the same fucking people...threaten state and local and even Federal officials on a daily basis, where our country itself stands on the brink of collapse because the President is a fucking moron who has no leadership ability that's actively made efforts to get rid of anybody who does have it. You can tell by what ideologies are prevalent where, by the results of 2018 Congressional elections, by the way people are reacting to the damn virus, where the battlegrounds of this future will be if we can't stop it.
God help you if you live in Iowa, and that's probably an understatement, and if you don't think Mississippi or Texas would be nothing but a miserable, grinding insurgency, go ahead and refer to some of those pictures up above. These fucking people want to start a war, in the middle of a pandemic, because they can't handle reality or because they think social change, social distancing or the virus threatens their white male dominance or something.
And here's the part that's really fucked up. There's a faction of "Progressives" who would let them, or half-ass the national defense against them, or help them burn it all down because they didn't get their fucking Unicorn.
If you don't see the problem with standing up and demanding a fucking Unicorn when people are dying and your country is in a slow-rolling state of collapse around you and people need relief from this mess now, not three weeks from now when you get it all hashed out in committee, not tomorrow, RIGHT NOW, you might be part of the goddamned fucking problem.
Thus far it's not just Republicans holding up the next Coronavirus relief bill, it's "Progressives" too.
Listen, ya'll, as programmed at this point we have one real shot at making the Republican plan to break the United States so that they can claim some little banana republic out of it and/or kill millions of people work less well, and we're damned lucky that the other side has chosen itself a leader who is inadequate to the task of leading and who clearly suffers from some kind of profound mental disability at this point and whose incompetence and mental inadequacy seems to rub off on other Republicans seriously enough to degrade their performance, because I'm just saying if we were up against a competent, confident, well-led Republican Party that wasn't a Potemkin Village dedicated to keeping the Dear Leader happy we'd all be pretty fucked right now especially with these Unicorn hunting idiots in Congress.
It's those fucking people, the bamboozled and cowed Republicans and the Unicorn Progressives all doing the political equivalent of debating about angels on a pinhead while people are dying and Nazis are shooting it out with the FBI, that make me wonder if all the old End Times novels were true and some Antichrist really could get the United States of American to just roll over and join him, and would the Conservatives and the Evangelicals even care so long as Olive Garden and Planet Fitness stayed open?
Or would they join the Antichrist instead of fighting him, damn their own souls or turn America into the Killing Fields, for nothing more than a gift card or a free gym membership...or a chance to kill somebody?
I used to be one of these people. It bothers me that I can't say no to that question. At this point, I'm pretty sure they would get that bar code burned into their forehead or right hand, knowing what the Bible and the End Times Movement said about it, just because they saw some liberal or never-Trump conservative or theological expert preach against it, with no more reward than thinking they got one over on some expert or liberal or something.
And that's a problem. We have to stop these fucking people, for their own good as much as our own.
Part Thirteen.
Part Fifteen.
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