I got home from work this morning, after having been so damn busy I couldn't check social media all night, to find that "Death To America" was trending on Twitter.
God damn it, it's fucking New Years.
Apparently, our Embassy in Iraq was attacked, and had to be at least partially evacuated. Note: So far as I'm aware, the Marine guards are still there. That's a pretty damned bad situation. It is, or should be, something that every person in this country is following or at least aware of. This is a big deal, third-party fighters, likely backed by Iran, stormed our Embassy and apparently shot it out with the Marines.
That's pretty damned bad, like potentially starting a war bad. I'm kind of upset about it for a few reasons. I have people who I care about who could end up in combat because of this bullshit.
But you know what? I ended up having to bitch at my weirdo ex-partner because she called me on the phone and wanted to pray for me because she thinks she has the "Gift Of Healing." She texted me this morning and I told her I didn't want to talk because work was shit-fucked and I was in a lot of pain. So what does the goofy bitch do, but decide to bother me more, and deliberately and particularly try to do so by shoving her beliefs, which she knows I believe are wrong, right in my face.
I'm in pain, and then I have to painfully hobble out the door and answer the phone on the porch because reception is shit in the house and she knows this. She just doesn't care.
What I want, or even what is going on in the world, is not important in the face of her need to feel important and religious. Did I mention she has a kid that's handily in the age-range for military service who's been raised on nothing much but this Evangelical horse shit?
If I was her I'd be worried about a lot more than an ex that's a few ex's ago right now. But again, she just doesn't care.
I hope she's not surprised when I don't answer the phone again. I think we're done talking for awhile. I'm legitimately pissed.
Apparently, the embassy attack happened as revenge for US airstrikes.
This shit is pretty much exactly what Republicans tried to make the Benghazi attacks into, except that the attackers in that situation were not backed by any state actor and there wasn't anybody at fault on our side. It was, as the old saying goes "shit happens." People got killed, and that didn't stop Republicans from trying for years to use it to bury Hillary Clinton.
Ambassador Stevens and the other people who were killed were just an excuse. Did I mention I know somebody who interacted with that guy online, for whom this was a bit more personal? To the rest of us, Benghazi became a ridiculous political witch hunt, but there were actual people for whom this whole mess must have been torture.
You'll notice that the fact that people are fighting and likely dying in a place they shouldn't have to doesn't stop Lindsey Graham from getting in a subtle dig at Clinton as well, in the process of trying to fluff Trump. Of course, he literally sounds like he has no idea what is even going on, because he likely doesn't.
He doesn't care, and his personal bullshit is way more important to him than the lives of United States Marines. My God, Colonel Graham, the Airmen- and women of the South Carolina Air National Guard must have just loved you.
Those diplomats and those Marines have families too. He doesn't give a shit.
Because his personal bullshit is way more important to him than what is actually happening.
We are in the middle of a major national security incident that easily can and likely will spiral out of control...and Trump is Tweeting about Joe Biden.
Are you noticing a pattern here yet?
These fucking people don't care, about much of anything, really, except satisfying whatever their wants are at the moment, and god forbid any other human being or their actual needs get in the way of the wants of the comfortable, the privileged, the religious, and the wealthy.
America is, if not overrun with these assholes, at least possessing an overlarge share of the world's population of them. As I've said before, it quite honestly seems like 30% or so of us are not salvageable as human beings. And hell, in one way or another I've been trying to talk sense to that ex-partner of mine for 20+ years now.
You cannot reason with unreasonable people.
Republicans have become so jacked that they're starting to lose even many of their core supporters.
They sense a reckoning on the horizon, and it's making them even more unhinged, and their rhetoric even more violent, and their ability to care about anything outside of themselves and their tunnel vision wants even less and it wasn't that great before.
I mean, for fuck's sake the entire world...including us...uses the metric system and has for years (as I stare at the 2-liter Pepsi bottle on my desk and for that matter remember where I learned about clicks and meters and stuff like that.) This is the world, and American conservatives could give a shit, because they love the idea of an ignorant sound-bite to drive up ratings from their drooling followers.
For that matter, forget Iraq for the moment. People are getting shot or stabbed in some kind of mass attack damn near every day right here in America and there is starting to be a definite ethnic/racial, political and even religious component to a lot of these attacks...so what do the conservatives do? Pitch the idea of a gun in every pocket, commies under the bed like it's 1950, not 2020, and n****** gonna steal yo stuff while Mexicans take your job yet again, as if more firearms in circulation, combined with mass racial prejudice, would ever do more than up the body count considerably...and I say that as a gun owner.
But ya know, it's actually worse than that. One hell of a lot of these ass clowns don't see obviously middle-aged, overwhelmingly white-bread Americans of quite obviously European heritage as American either.
Mr. Guterman here, for example, is apparently a Never Trump conservative judging from the company he keeps, and his Twitter feed is about 90% vintage photography. I have no damned idea what he did to set off the rando, none at all.
As I've often wondered before, just where the hell do these drooling morons think they're going to deport a Native-born American citizen to?
I mean, I'm fairly certain the average Norwegian probably speaks better English than I do and the people are cool. But I'll be honest, I'd be more than a little lost in that country even though I've been there once, because I sure as hell was the first time. Of course, I spent most of my life as an American Conservative Christian and I don't even goddamn well recognize my own people anymore. So there's that. I can remember when talking like Scott here is would get your ass beat, by other conservative Christian white dudes.
And you know what? For a decent percentage of that time I lived in California, in heavily Republican Orange County, to boot. I remember riding with my Mom to school every day, dealing with the insane traffic around Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, and going to a pretty diverse Catholic school that was not too far from there. A hell of a lot of the kids I went to school with were Mexican or Vietnamese, not to mention there were military-dependent kids of many different ethnic groups besides that...and you know what? We were damned near all from some level of conservative family...and if you talked like this idiot who's saying "California sucks" somebody would tell you "Why don't you move somewhere else and see how you like it?" California hasn't, as I understand it, really changed all that much except that it's more expensive to live there and its state government is a bit more liberal now. Well, that and the California Republican Party that produced Nixon and Reagan has just about destroyed itself. As if that's anybody else's fault besides their own?
Yet that's enough for conservatives and those influenced by conservatives to talk about California like it's some kind of third-world country or something.
Does any of this bother you yet?
If we don't do something to stop this endless foray into crazy-land, this march ever rightward into drooling mental illness, these motherfuckers are going to kill people and however Impeachment or the elections work out, this is going to end with Americans shooting at each other and when it's a safe bet that both sides will have plenty of nuclear weapons...well that doesn't work out well for anybody.
We, as a people, have got to stand up and put a stop to this shit.
Or "Death To America" will come by no hand but our own. It's easy to say that we'll have conservative fear and hate to thank for it, but to a great extent liberal inaction is to blame for even letting this shit happen in the first place.
Vote the bastards out, all of them.
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