Friday, June 9, 2023

Fiery The Angels Fell, Again (Pride Month, Five.)

Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner (A deliberate misquote of William Blake's "America: A Prophecy.)


“When a man takes an oath, Meg, he's holding his own self in his own hands. Like water (he cups his hands) and if he opens his fingers then, he needn't hope to find himself again. ~Thomas More, as depicted by Robert Bolt in A Man For All Seasons.


What is an oath then but words we say to God? ~Thomas More.

I had a therapy appointment on Wednesday.

So I left early and went over to my Mom's for a couple hours before that, then went to my appointment.

Both ways, but far more in the afternoon, there was a thick haze of leftover smoke from Canadian wildfires that blocked the sight of familiar landmarks and turned the day the color of ash.

We didn't get it 10% as bad as the Northeast did, particularly New York City.

Anyway, after my appointment I (with a brief intermission for a few groceries) came home, sat on the back deck and knocked out for an hour or two.

As it turned out, I got called in to work Wednesday night, because the other night shift person called in for some bullshit reason and, honestly, it was my shot at getting more hours this week so I took it.

By morning, I outright told anybody who questioned why I was crabby that I was functioning on two hours of sleep, two ginormous cans of Monster and pure rage.

The morning shift ladies were sympathetic and shed a little light on why she may have called in, which actually made my day a little bit better.

So anyway, Thursday was payday. I went and finished my grocery shopping, then came home and knocked out hard.

Hell, I thought the big news of the day was that Pat Robertson died. Fuck him.

So I slept through the really big news, which of course was Trump getting indicted on 71 felony counts including 37 counts of Espionage related to the Mar-a-Lago classified document seizures.

And, having a little knowledge as I do, the more I find out about this shit the worse it gets...For Trump.

I'm honestly not sure what sounds more like science fiction at this point, the climate/weather conditions or the political situation.

But here's what I am sure of.

I'm a United States Air Force Security Forces veteran. I had to have a clearance for my goddamn job.

If I'd had *One* not 71, One count of Espionage or of any felonies related to classified information or theft of any documents or anything of that sort...I wouldn't be here typing this. I wouldn't own a computer. Hell, I wouldn't know how to use the fucking internet past whatever limited access one might get in a Federal Prison (or possibly even USDB Leavenworth) if I was lucky enough to have that, because I'd very likely still be in prison.

And I was on SCIF security detail a few times. That shit is no joke.

Even before that, when I filled out the damn paperwork I had it explained to me exactly why this stuff was important and just what the penalties were for breaking the law and military regulations concerning classified materials.

Federal agencies including Intelligence services and the military take control of classified information very seriously for a goddamned motherfucking reason

If the wrong shit gets out, people can die. If the wrong thing is leaked to some idiot media person like Tucker Carlson and they say too much about it on the air, that can make our country more vulnerable to attack. 

"Loose lips sink ships" as the old WWII saying goes, is not and was not a joke, over-simplifying, or the least bit wrong.

And this stuff has to be handled by professionals. The "Do Your Own Research" crowd and the people saying all this info should be out there for the mob to knee-jerk react to have absolutely no idea what the fuck is even going on.

Among other things, a person has to even have the knowledge to know what they're looking at and why it's important.

And the entire reason Republicans want to throw this to the mob instead of courts and professionals is  because they think the idiot-mob that they're constantly winding up will get them out of trouble somehow.

And when you consider that it's been going on seven years now since Trump got elected and these fucking people are still trying to blame shit on Obama, who is and for all that time has been a private citizen with no particular power over anything...and who for a long time after he was out of office, said damned little about politics in general...yeah, I don't trust the decency or intelligence, let alone the objectivity of the average "Conservative" or Republican base voter one goddamned bit.

These fucking people try to make everything out to be a conspiracy against them

They insist that the world would be "paradise" (for them, at least) if everybody else just did what they want.

Well, how's that worked out on issues like Climate Change?? Which, as problems go, is basically running amok because "Conservatives" would rather watch the world burn than make any changes whatever, and they are completely in thrall to legacy industries like fossil fuels...and utterly unwilling, for the most part, to try anything different lest some Saudi oil sheik or Texas oil baron have to get by on just a few less billions of dollars or some shit.

Never mind that even if the world were to change completely, rapidly, enough for it to matter...such people would still be fabulously wealthy and would simply invest that wealth in whatever it was currently profitable to invest in...which might include new things.

But no, they'd rather call Climate Change a "Communist Plot" even though Communism hasn't been a thing enough for its plots to matter since 1989, and the only one trying to bring that shit back (albeit without the social welfare aspects) is Vladimir Putin.

It's almost like it was all bullshit, or something.

And more to the point, RE: Putin, "Conservatives" seem to be just fine with the Hammer and Sickle now, and the Soviet Union for that matter. They've decided that Ukrainian Lives Don't Matter, even though most Ukrainians are for the most part both Christian and (in the traditional meaning of that word) conservative.

The Ukrainians decided in 2014 in the Maidan Revolution that they believed in democracy and human dignity and they didn't want to be Russian bitches anymore, and that was enough to get the Republican mobocracy to vote them off the island once Putin decided to invade.

These fucking people seem completely, willfully ignorant of the fact that if Putin's Russia is allowed to unilaterally decide that Ukraine should not exist...they can make that decision concerning any other country, too, including the United States of America...and the only way to then stop that shit is by force of arms.

And if things had gone more the Russians' way, say with a leftover Ukrainian rump state centered on Lviv or something, had the Red Army 2.0 been in Kyiv in 3 days or 3 weeks or 6 months...there would likely have followed invasions of the Baltic States and Poland...likely with an uncontested Russian occupation of Belarus as well...and we would have gotten sucked into it. 

Granted the tide would quite likely have turned there, and now there would be efforts underway to liberate occupied Ukraine...but then the MAGA's would be mad about that, too.

And Russia's economy would still be in the shitter but if anything it would probably be even more re-Sovietized than it is now, plus, having fucked around they'd now be finding out courtesy of the Polish Army, with other NATO allies coming online and the United States Armed Forces rapid-deployment elements getting into the fight too even as we try and spin up all the old REFORGER plans and shit.

And I'm here to tell you all these violent Republicans would all the sudden be all about Peace.

See, These Fucking People aren't actually against Communism.

They don't give a shit about how strong America or NATO or any of our other allies are. They no longer care about our collective place in the world. Shit, even Russia is just a means to an end for them. All things are Bad Faith.

<------They'd just rather look at this flag...

...And live under all that it entails...

<-------Than look at this one and know that people they don't like are just as free as they are.

These motherfuckers would rather burn America down around us all than see everybody that's here get a slice.

Heaven isn't Heaven if everybody gets to go.

Republican Jesus gets soggy and hard to light if somebody isn't Left Behind to suffer and die for no damned good reason.

And belief in bullshit like the Rapture really is a major source-code for this whole goddamn problem.

It doesn't really matter to them if it's Black folks, Latinos, LGBT people, or (from their perspective) literally everybody who doesn't meet the criteria for whatever few individuals or narrow clade of humanity they see as "Chosen." NOTE: This does not necessarily include themselves, so long as they can "identify" with whoever it is.

What does matter is, they want to claim the "Authority" to decide who is Chosen and who is Not.

And they Chose Trump because they thought his bullying racism, overhyped dealmaking prowess and tendency to dabble in whatever got him attention and money (in that order) would deliver them this Cruelty-based world.

If that's the kind of thing you support, fuck you.

I don't want to live in that kind of world and I suspect you really don't either, or at least you won't once you find out you're not the one getting the better end of the deal.

But by then it'll be too late. By the time these idiots figure out that the jackboot crushes all, nobody will be in any shape to do much about it.

If this is what Christianity and conservatism has come to, maybe those things need to die off so something different can rise in their place?

Fascism ends up the same way every time somebody tries it, with people bathing, drinking out of and shitting in the same water-filled bomb-craters and with the fascists themselves getting put up against a wall, or running and hiding, and pretty often with something as bad or worse replacing it...but simply turning the cruelty against those who thought they would profit from cruelty.

I'm sick of this bullshit, you'd think we Humans would have learned something better...or at least now.

You either believe in freedom or you don't.

We The People...has to mean all of us.

If you think Donald Trump is your god, you're doing it wrong.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like rain. Time to die. ~Roy Batty, Blade Runner.

Bonus Content

You get freedom by letting your enemy know that you'll do anything to get your freedom; then you'll get it. It's the only way you'll get it. ~Malcolm X. 

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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