Saturday, December 3, 2022

Dickpocrisy (Reason For The Season, Four.)

Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him? ~Obi Wan Kenobi.

Goddamn, but I'm really tired of these people.

They think they've really got the Biden administration by the balls now.

Because *Checks Notes* in 2020, during what was still then the Trump administration, somebody from the Biden campaign asked somebody from Twitter to delete Hunter Biden dick pics that were being circulated as "Revenge Porn."

You know, I don't think anybody disputes that Hunter Biden is a dumbass. I don't think even he would argue otherwise at this point. But being a dumbass isn't illegal and he doesn't work for the government. 

More to the point, all these contacts and requests between private citizens and private entities aren't Unconstitutional. Not a one of the people in question worked in government at the time.

(More to the point, Republicans do this kind of shit all the time. Why is it Okay when they do it??)

I mean seriously if you don't know that this is how modern "Conservatives" operate at this point, it's because you don't want to know. That's called willful ignorance, and it doesn't absolve you.

I'm really tired of all the puerile bullshit. 

And I say that as somebody who used to be a Republican, I mean you have no idea.

I'm even more tired of these goddamn morons thinking every bit of puerile bullshit they make up is some kind of a Gotcha! scandal.

If it were up to me, these fucking people would have their internet taken away until they developed the maturity of the average 18-year-old, learned to understand the basics of the Constitution...or at least figured out how to, ya know, read a goddamned calendar.

Or for that matter, understand that none of this shit is about things like "Accountability" and that the rest of us know this and that even the most "intellectual" of MAGA's or Anti-Anti-Trump idiots is really just looking for an excuse to set the Mob on whoever they feel like.

I mean, these fucking people, every last one of 'em would become card-carrying members of the Communist Party if it guaranteed them power. 

But it's not only that they have no goddamned beliefs or principles worth mentioning (other than that they should have unaccountable power unrestrained by law or morality.) 

Or that these dudes would do or say anything to get power.

It's that these morons think some dude who goes by Buck Sexton in public (No, that's not his real name. His name is James.) is credible.

I mean, seriously, who the hell adopts the obvious porn-star-name on purpose...and then goes into media?

And then deliberately tries to style himself as a successor to Rush Limbaugh??

At least Rush knew how to properly act like a conservative and could thus keep some degree of plausible deniability that the dumb shit he said on the radio was...exactly that.

Dumb shit he said on the radio.

(Seriously, I was a Republican-and a cigar smoker-in the 1990's. Rush was inescapable. No, I wasn't a fan.)

The modern Right...including former avowed far-Leftists like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi...doesn't get to do that.

Of course it wasn't that long ago that I saw an article about how when he was working in Russia, Matt wasn't "far Left" at all. At that point, Matt Taibbi was a misogynistic dickbag who constantly sexually harassed his Russian female employees up to and including constantly asking them for anal sex.

For no better reason than Russia doesn't have sexual harassment laws worth a damn.

So, I mean, you'd think the dude wouldn't give a shit about dick pics. I'm afraid to ask how many dick pics he sent to just those Russian ladies, much less other people.

(And if I had to guess, none of these dudes junk is anything to brag about.)

But these people are like snotty little boys who will do whatever they think is permissible.

And then these fuckers have the balls to preach about "Restoring Western Civilization" as if that is some kind of basis for something, when their whole idea of things like Classical philosophy is, in fact, nothing more than drawing dicks on the walls of Plato's Cave to justify whatever stupid shit they already want to do.

These fucking people don't give a goddamn about Western Civilization.

They just want some kind of White Male Supremacist Ethnocracy where they can kill whoever they want, and rape women and children, be "kings" of the sort whose "knights" carry AK-47's, get fucked up on drugs all the time and ride around in rusting Toyota Hilux pickup trucks.

 And they want to rearrange the "rules" until they can burn down civilization to get that, and not be held to account, and that's all there even is to any of this garbage. 

As if disease or starvation or the guns of your fellow "Kings" wouldn't solve the problem of them long before some sort of international or liberal democratic military forces swept in to restore order as peacekeepers. And peacekeeping sucks. As an Air Force Security Policeman I spent a few months doing exactly that in Bosnia.

You know what all these far-right "Western Civilization" guys amount to once they're mostly disarmed and facing people who will punch back, much less superior firepower?

Weak men shouting unintelligible slurs at you while they're falling-down drunk in the middle of the street, still in their mismatched fatigues and combat boots, as if it all ever meant anything.

And then when a bunch of heavily-armed American, UN or NATO soldiers and some German, Irish or Senegalese cops show up to arrest they ass for public drunkenness or ya know, war crimes

THEN, that's when they suddenly stop singing "Remove Kebab" and arrogantly talking shit. 

That's  the part when they piss themselves while crying like little girls in the face of actual consequences...and they always want the mild-mannered obvious-Leftist British lady defense-lawyer with the cute Scots accent to represent they ass when they standing in some dirty former Communist jail with warm piss still running down the inside of their legs, too.

That's the quality of  These Fucking People. 

They think the goddamned Bosnian Serbs were the good guys. It'll be a rich irony indeed, if at the end of all this some of these Trump motherfuckers get busted hiding out in neutral European countries hawking medical woo woo bullshit like Radovan Karadzic.

It's only about dicks and fake political scandals and stupid bullshit until it isn't and they get power and they think they can get away with killing their mostly-imagined enemies.

The truth is though, it always comes down to killing real people that these motherfuckers simply do not like for any or no reason. If they get their ass kicked trying, then they'll just bullshit their way through with bad-faith negotiations in the hope that they can gain some kind of advantage while the international community is distracted. (See Also: Ukraine, Invasion Of.)

All this stupid shit and all the patty-cake with Nazis and Racists and treating this shit like a game is stuff they do or make up just to distract from that fact so they can get power in the first place.

Then they start finding ways to be as bad as, or worse than the damn Nazis.

(See Also: Putinism.)

And then it stops being about all this dumb shit and becomes a deadly serious business that the whole rest of the world has to sweep in and clean up and be traumatized by right along with you as they do the work of hunting down and arresting or killing the perpetrators of genocide.

The Nazis and the Bosnian Serbs were complete ass-clowns too, until they got power or some kind of political cover or rationalization they thought people would buy. and then they were damned effective at killing people.

I'm here to tell you, it'll come to that if we don't stop this shit now.

It already has.

Because these fucking people will do or say any old dumb thing to get that kind of power. (And the fact that they'll claim to do it for Christ and Christianity or "Western Civilization" just pisses me off.)

These kind of people are always the same. Don't let them get that power. It's only about this clown ass bullshit until it isn't.

And don't you forget it.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen. These people just saw the effect of exactly that in the US midterm elections...and that's why they want to tear down the entire concept of America or citizenship.

And they'll replace it with mass murder, if they can.

Слава Україна!

The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all. You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits — not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty." ~Ronald Reagan

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