Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Dying Of Privilege.

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

I saw this last night.

Jordan Peterson, drug-addicted alt-right Nazi escaped Walking Dead extra-looking motherfucker, said that Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue cover model Yumi Nu is "Not beautiful."

Racist-ass motherfucker looks like somebody cast "Animate Dead" on his ass and he clawed his way up out of the ground but voluptuous AAPI lady in a bathing suit is "Not beautiful?"

I saw that picture and the song "Ass like that" by Eminem popped into my head.

A younger me would be serving notice that this is the level of Guy Code violation that requires Jordan surrender his penis. Odds are he wasn't using it anyway, though. And I suspect most of the dudes agreeing with him online would be embarrassing themselves with stupid pick up lines trying to get with Yumi if they ran into her at the bar.

What the hell kind of level of privilege is it...to think that you have some kind of a right to have the model on the cover of a magazine be somebody who's body type or skin color you approve of? 

In the end, I think for me the most offensive thing about These Fucking People is that they want to live in a world where people are defined by what they are born as, what you've done, what you've got, or what you can do with it doesn't enter into the equation and only people who are born in the "right" category get to do anything much.

And somehow these fucking idiots think when the dust settles from them burning down America and destroying civilization, that they're automatically going to be the winning group in this zero-sum game. Somehow they think they'd be able to rig the "End Of The World" the same way they rig the vote in South Carolina. Here's a pro-tip, idiots. Status depends on civilization

You fuckers can't even correctly identify a real threat and you lose your shit over the simplest things while trying to buddy up to people that were your ancient enemies 40 years ago.

And guess what, dudes? If you think you're going to be able to be picky about where you stick your cock, or that women won't just stab you for your ignorant racist or sexist bullshit, you have another thing coming. I mean hell, guys, you'd be damn lucky if the other survivor you were able to team up with was female, let alone that they liked you enough to want to fuck. 

I don't give a damn who the enemy is, or who you think the enemy is. Whether it's the Homies from Compton or the Russians, they're going to eat your ass for lunch. Conservatives, you're afraid of everything and most of you sons of bitches couldn't fight or function without being part of the very system you're trying to tear down. The Homies from Compton, or the Russians...or any disadvantaged people or people who are used to getting robbed by their rulers and going into battle with broken shitty weapons, they're going to work with what they have, and chances are they'll know the stakes and be more ruthless than you because, ya know; Survival.

To defeat that, you have to have...guess what...Civilization! The Ukrainians are winning because they understand that and because the world is supporting them. Savagery can be useful in the (very) short term from a certain perspective, but it has its limitations.

More to the point if the End comes, most of the people that comprise the global Other Half are not going to starve to death for lack of a plain old can opener, they'll figure it out.

A lot of these people would basically die of their own fucking privilege.

Modern Republicans think they're going to die if they can't oppress people and have show trials and summary executions of their enemies. The idea of a food shortage of some kind...is for the most part just an idea to them, or a thing they can use as a stick to beat their political rivals with.

Faced with privation or war or any of the other ills known to man, most of them would surrender or try to get away because they simply couldn't function without being able to buy their way out of it.

I can't help but feel like if Putin had picked a fight with Republicans instead of Ukrainians, it would have gone, maybe not exactly according to plan but pretty close. It would have been over in a week and Republican elected officials would be submitting to all type of shit, ritualistic brainwashing and shaming, Communist-style, to try to keep something of their positions. Their "Americanism" and their "Conservatism" were just scams. 

If you think people like Janice McGeachin or Jordan Peterson wouldn't stand on a stage in front of a roaring mob and embrace the Hammer And Sickle in front of a giant poster of Stalin...or shout "Death To America" in front of grim-faced Russian soldiers, you're on drugs. 

If you think they wouldn't team up with alleged far-left ideologues like Glenn Greenwald or Julian Assange or some of these far-leftist weirdos I've seen on Twitter, you're insane. That there is a class of people, most of them privileged and well-off who's primary ideology is Anti-Americanism...in fact, for its American members almost a perverse inversion of the Right's "American Exceptionalism" is something that the Russians, among others, are counting on. 

And for Republicans it's simply resentment at this point that they do not have enough power or privilege nor live in a hierarchical society that guarantees such in perpetuity.

Especially in the wake of the Buffalo supermarket shooting, these fucking people are telegraphing their positions about wanting to burn down the United States of America for ideology or for kicks, and while quite a few people seem to be catching on, I'm not sure it's enough yet.

If America is going to die, it's going to be killed by These Fucking People, their dorm-room radicalism, their entitled racism and their privileged mentality.

If you want a better country, you have to be a better citizen...and this ain't it.

Слава Україна!

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27


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