Monday, March 23, 2020

Is America great yet, MAGA's? (Part Two.)

Thou Shalt Not Steal
~Exodus 20:15

I was, unfortunately, out and about quite a bit today. Mostly, this is because my state is implementing a shelter in place order and I needed to make sure I had certain things, fill a few holes in my groceries, put some gas in the car, and get dog food and ferret litter. Thankfully, for whatever reason the pet store qualifies as essential services, so things aren't as desperate as I'd feared. However, this all but guarantees I'll be off of work longer, and that's long as the paychecks keep coming.

Which can't be indefinite.

Not least, because I'm not a corporation.

Seriously, fuck these motherfuckers.

Republicans tried to sneak through a 500 BILLION dollar money pot for corporations and the wealthy that, as I understand it, was supposed to be disbursed at Trump's discretion? Are you fucking kidding me? Like THAT wouldn't be abused?!

And also, where'd we get the money for this?

I first saw this mess while I was out, and all day I've seen Republicans whining about Democrats "playing politics" with the stimulus bill.

How come it's always "Playing politics" when the Democrats try to look out for the common person, not to mention taxpayers who will ultimately be saddled with paying off all this debt, and somehow Republicans claim that giving FIVE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS to their wealthy donors and friends is...I don't know...essential services or something?

How is it, that at least one third of Americans take shitty Republican beliefs and giveaways to the wealthy that less well-off Americans will almost certainly eventually have to pay for as absolute gospel, but anything anybody else wants to do is "Ideology" and "Playing politics?"

You know, I don't know about you but I'm goddamned tired of this hypocritical bullshit.

Listen, Cletus, it's time to wake up and realize that when it comes to that 500 billion...if they get it, you're not going to get any. So you might as well just vote your own self-interest, at least. And no, nobody besides a minority of white men gives a fuck about patriarchal white supremacy. In point of fact, the capitalist system our ancestors created can no longer afford for only one group to have all the money...and too much is concentrated at the top as things currently stand. If this virus doesn't cause the whole mess to come crashing down like a game of Jenga at a drunken college frat party in the next few months I'm going to be damned surprised.

To avoid that, at this point, requires our government not putting a foot wrong.

That's not where we're at. Where we're at it "Incompetent dick-bags actively trying to kill people by aggressively stupid decisions."

Do you know what's going to happen to the American economy if we lose a million or two million people on top of all the rest of the damage? Let alone if we lose eight, up to maybe 33 million people?

At the low end, we're not going to have an economy, and the damage will take years to sort out. On the high end? Collapse of civilization and you'll be more likely to die of typhus than Coronavirus at the end of the day, because do you know what happens when there's a lot of dead bodies laying around? More disease outbreaks!

Do I like the current situation? No. I like that I'm getting paid, but on the whole it's a big inconvenience and a lot of worry. However, ignoring the virus won't make it go away or magically regenerate the stock market.

You bet your ass I'm staying at home and social distancing because I don't want to get sick. Government guidelines aren't going to change that. I used to be a conservative, and I've never lived by what the government told me when it wasn't a job requirement to do so. I sure as hell don't understand how today's "Conservatives" ever arrived at the idea of rabid hatred for the government when anybody else is in power (including standard Republicans) and living by every word the Leader doth speak when it's Donald Fucking Trump.

Listen, people, if these motherfuckers were coming at you with guns and knives to kill you and take your shit, you'd defend yourselves, correct?

Why is it any different when they're coming at you with laws and votes?

And why, when the only real defense against this shit IS the other political party, have so many fools allowed themselves to be programmed to hate the very people who are trying to make sure they have health insurance...not to mention essential services, food and money in the midst of the worst crisis in generations?

If hating the people who are trying to protect your ass is American greatness, count me the fuck out.

Vote these Republican sons of bitches out, ALL of them. Vote like your life depends on it, because it probably does.

Part One.

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