Monday, December 9, 2019

Destroying the town in order to save it, Again.

It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. ~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

Steve Bannon and US ultra-conservatives try to school the Pope about Catholicism. Seriously.

If ever there was a headline indicative of the level of stupidity we've reached, there it fucking is.

These Fucking People are evidently Very Concerned about the Pope expressing support for migrants and the poor while arguing against nationalism and unfettered Capitalism.

Perhaps my headline should read; "Christian does what is Biblically required of him, film at 11."

And this is something that these people have a problem with? These "Ultra-conservative" supposed Christians? These people who consider themselves, no joke intended, to be more Catholic than the Pope?

Conservatism is loosely based on the idea of "Things as they are."

And Jesus told them to support migrants and the poor.

The message of Christianity, as I was taught it, was not "Support the rich and act like you're religious."

Truth is Subjective.
~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

The Pope is, whether anybody likes it or not, considered the absolute monarch of the Holy See and of Vatican City, as well as the spiritual and temporal head of the Catholic Church. The Pope has, in point of fact, been quite clear what his views are and what he thinks is appropriate.

And, right or wrong, dude has lived up to his ideals regarding freedom of conscience, including for the most part leaving the conservatives alone except for sacking a few people who really had it coming. You'd think they'd be decent enough to return the favor, given that the Pope actually does still have the Holy Inquisition *Cough* I mean Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at his disposal.

If I was That Guy, I'd probably be putting some people on trial with an eye towards burning them at the stake. The Pope has, in fact, declined to do so thus far. Given the shit these people do, firing a few of them seems a rather light punishment.

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

Were these people what they actually say they are, the proper response would be "Thank you Sir, may I have another?"

But of course that's not what's going on here. These people are conservative like I'm a goddamned toaster oven.

Catholicism, Christianity, even Conservatism itself, along with every other value these people have ever claimed, have all been shown to be nothing more than a means to an end, all to be discarded the second they are no longer convenient.

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

What these fucking people have in mind for Christians, what they would have preached from the Pulpit, probably doesn't work out very well for the Christians.

This Nationalist, Trumpist, ultra-right bullshit thus far seems to do little more than funnel more money to the already-very-wealthy and leave an endless stream of bodies and broken people and wrecked lives in its wake. The cruelty is the point...when there even is one.

And then it expects those who lose everything to suffer in silence for the good of their shitty agenda.

I used to be a Christian, and this bullshit is not what I was taught.

I do not want to live in that kind of world. Honestly, if you have a brain in your head, I'm pretty sure you don't either.

It's not just that these people are wrong, but rather that they are wrong in the context of even their own historically claimed values, which seem to have been nothing more than utter bullshit the whole time. What people like that would have planned for you or me, they seem none too interested in openly stating, at least not while the rest of us have greater numbers than them and the capacity to defend ourselves. From that alone, you should be able to deduce that these people are not your friends and their idea of freedom is "They get everything and you get nothing but a big bag of dicks, if you're lucky." Fuck that shit.

Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything.
~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

The thing to keep in mind here is that these people, who wish to sublimate absolutely everything to their shitty politics, even their if on some level the Salvation of Souls secretly stems from one Richard Milhous Nixon rather than Jesus Christ...they don't give a fuck about you.

In fact, they likely view you as either cannon fodder, an enemy, or a potential slave.

And they're being remarkably, explicitly open about this in recent days as the walls close in on them, as if they hope that by their sheer shitty evilness they might justify themselves to the masses and cause the public to rise up in some kind of global reverse-French-Revolution and tear down centuries of Enlightenment liberalism (Which mind you, includes such documents as the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence.)

Perhaps to reinstall kings and priests? Rule by men, rather than rule of laws? I don't know, these fools are never terribly specific on what exactly they do consider a valid form of governance.

Yes, this really is the type of shit that Alt-Right Nazis say when they think nobody else is listening. And they really, really do think it's all about them.

I rather expect their vagueness is on purpose, because they don't want to be hanged from gas station canopies and spat upon by passing Partisans.

And given just how post-modern these opponents of modernity are, I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're probably more Saddam Hussein (Austin Powers-like tastes and all) or Moammar Gadaffi than Antonio Salazar or Francisco Franco, and far more Pol Pot than Gerald Ford.

Thus, their undermining of coherent religious doctrine is by design. They don't have any set beliefs, they don't want you to have any either.

Hatred is the emperor's greatest gift to humanity.
~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

Even their current belief in Trump is likely transitory.

The whole point of religion is not to justify what sinful unregenerate Man already wants to do, but rather to put a brake on his behavior and instill in him the idea that this world is not all there is, and in in the case of the Abrahamic faiths in particular, to instill in Man the idea that each of us, all men and women, will be judged someday by a God that is, in turn, merciful and righteously angry.

The whole idea is that no, it's really not all about you, the universe doesn't care what you want. More to the this is not all made for you, and when you die you're going to be judged by somebody else who's by definition smarter than you, who likely does not share your opinions and who, if the Bible is to be believed, did not and does not suffer fools, hypocrites or liars gladly.

If you think that the whole point of religion is simply to use it to sanctify that which you already want to do...get a publicist or a political operative, not a priest.

Or shut your goddamned mouth before you embarrass yourself any more than you already have.

Faith without deeds is worthless.
~Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War, Imperium Thought For The Day.

It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.
~Attributed to an unnamed US major by war correspondent Peter Arnett following the US bombing of Ben Tre, South Vietnam, in 1968.

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