Tuesday, January 31, 2023


"I didn't want to do it,'' he hears himself saying. "I didn't want to leave them behind.''

The void laughs at him. There are miles of empty air beneath his dangling feet. "You had no choice.''

"Yes I did! I didn't have to come here.'' He pauses. "I didn't have to do anything,'' he says quietly, and inhales another lungful of death. "It was all automatic. Maybe it was inevitable.''

"-- Evitable,'' echoes the distant horizon. Something dark and angular skims across the stars, like an echo of extinct pterosaurs. Turbofans whirring within its belly, the F-117A hunts on: patrolling to keep at bay the ancient evil, unaware that the battle is already lost. "Your family could still be alive, you know.''

He looks up. "They could?'' Andrea? Jason? "Alive?''

The void laughs again, unfriendly: "There is life eternal within the eater of souls. Nobody is ever forgotten or allowed to rest in peace. They populate the simulation spaces of its mind, exploring all the possible alternative endings to their life. There is a fate worse than death, you know.'' 

~From A Colder War, a novella by Charles Stross.

So, this afternoon I saw that "Pureblood" was trending.

I've always figured this whole "Pureblood" bit was some kind of a racist thing. Turns out it's more Anti-COVID-19-Vax but there's clearly racism going on here as well.

Looking for more writing material I clicked on the trend, then I posted about it, linking to my previous post

So then, this jackass decides to "@" me. A "Mr. Kilo 221" with three followers.

Sure, Comrade, seems legit.

Called me a "Mud Blood." Said what were people like me gonna do, fight him with that "Mud" clogging up our veins? Motherfucker, I'm a veteran. I've got a card somewhere around here with a couple dozen shots listed on it. Why is this one any different?

Also, like my Grandpa used to say "Rotsa Ruck." You're going to need it.

I'm going to have to be mocking this shit for awhile now.

Bitch, in classic WASP parameters and terms I'm probably whiter than you...not least because I was basically an adult by the time Slavic and particularly Russian people like you likely are, who hadn't fled Soviet tyranny and become card-carrying fanatical Conservatives with a healthy side of Randian Objectivism were actually accepted as "White."

Entire feed is Antisemitism, Antivax woo, calling people "Groomers," conspiracy theories, January 6th fetishism and this...wanting to "Save" Greta Thunberg from the "Woke Machine?"

Why, oh why, do they always end up having a thing for liberal women in general, and teenage girls in particular??

Like...you would be so cool, if only you would give up every single thing that makes you interesting.

It's funny how these perverts *Always* every single time, end up telling on themselves.

Like, seriously this shit is creepy.

Like, Dr. Strangelove meets HP Lovecraft in a seedy truck stop bathroom creepy.

Like, Lindsey Graham lurking around a gay bathhouse creepy.

This dude sitting there zombie-eyed in the break room watching FOX News like an ADHD kid cranked out on watching cartoons...which is disturbing enough. But the truth is, in his own mind he's looking at Jesse Kelly or Tucker Carlson and he's thinking "Harder, daddy, harder!" kind of creepy.

At this point, I imagine at some time in the near future some unsuspecting MAGA Republican will have a focus group going, say the wrong thing, and set these people off. They'll start chanting "Blood for the Blood God" and end up sacrificing him to...I don't know, whatever the fuck it is.

This shit is a cult of stupidity, and it's the stupidity that makes this shit dangerous.

If these people get their civil war, their "Killing fields with a mall" as I've said before...they are going to die in great numbers, by preventable means, and it will be their own damned fault. These fucking people love them some Vladimir Putin and they want to do what he's trying to do in Ukraine...but I strongly suspect if they get their shot at it, they'll fail just as bloodily, maybe even worse.

Because they'll look at the directions for the goddamn awful-tasting water purification tablets and then throw them out because it's "too complicated" and they'll make up some "alternative" means that they think is somehow "better" and then a whole bunch of them will die from bad water and disease. 

Not least because they don't have the sense the Gods gave Roman legionaries to at least pipe their own shit downriver.

Decency, reality, and not being a fucking creeper are real things, and it used to be easy as hell to be a conservative and stay within those boundaries. I miss those days.

This shit is ridiculous. What the fuck is it going to take before the rest of us say "Enough is enough" and make it stop?

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." ... "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."  ~HP Lovecraft

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For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:27

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