Friday, January 13, 2023

Father Of Lies (Left Behind Is A Lie II, Thirteen.)

[trying to sell a new stereo system to a teenage couple] 

Ken: Check it out, my man! This is the Dominator X-10. Thirty inches of thigh-slapping, blood-pumping, nuclear brain damage!
Kid: Bitchin'! Hey, what's it fucking cost?
Ken: That's the bitchin' part about it! It don't matter! If you can't afford it, FUCKING FINANCE IT! [turns it on] 
Ken: So what if it's as big as a Subaru and costs as much? You'll never have to trade this in! This is gonna be with you for the rest of your life! And when you die, they can BURY you in it!
~From the film Ruthless People.

I'm getting tired of this whole George Santos thing already.

Excuse me, Anthony DeVolder, George Devolder, Antonio Dos Santos, Tony the Tiger, The Artist Formerly Known As George, Azzam Abdul Al-Akbar, whatever the fuck his name is...why the fuck is this dude still in Congress?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why was he seated in the first place? I mean, come on, what the fuck??

You know he's gonna lie to Republicans and get himself and/or all of them in trouble somehow, and oh yeah, I'm sure that'll be different...except that Republicans have removed any basis possible for doing anything about this shit, and they can't be bothered to care at all until it hurts them somehow.

At which point it's going to be too late, the damage will already have been done and it will be perfectly obvious what was necessary to prevent it.

This is basically Idiocracy meets The Manchurian Candidate over an Idaho airport-restroom Glory Hole.

Like, seriously at this point what basis do Republicans have for any moral stance whatever? I'm serious.

This isn't some kind of postmodern moral relativism...this is just good old fashioned street-level bullshit (AND they got caught) that anybody with a Sense Motive skill above -34 should have been able to see coming and done something about.

Of course, the Venn Diagram between "Defenders of Andrew Tate" and "current Republican voters" is a smoothly-polished perfect circle, so I'm not surprised. Disgusted, yes, but I'm not surprised.

There is no moral bottom with these fucking people.

And it has to fucking stop.

Why does it matter?

Well, it always matters, because what's true vs. what is not true is always important. Lying perverts the purpose of communication, for one.

For another, respect is earned by every action, every day. If you want people to put responsibility for their life in your hands you have to be worthy of that trust.

But perhaps more importantly, on a more temporal basis...there is some bloody, serious, nasty shit going on in the world that requires serious people to deal with it properly. And while the other side clearly doesn't have that...which is why they're losing...two sets of immoral morons in command authority rather than one is clearly not going to improve the situation.

The Russians sabotaged a gas pipeline in Lithuania today, it's winter, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that's who did it or what their intent was.

And while I'm reasonably sure that a majority of Republicans (in general) and Freedom Caucus Loon-buckets (in particular) would be just fine with surrendering the whole damn world to Russia because something something Christian Far-Right values or some shit...I and most of the rest of the whole damn world don't want to live under that shit.

And for that matter, we have the sense to know how even Freedom Caucus Republicans would be treated by the Russians...even if the Republicans themselves do not. The Russians tend not to treat those who join them or surrender to them or who get conquered by them very well.

So I sure as hell don't understand why Republicans "Like" the goddamned Russians or want to undermine the moral basis of democratic governance with all this do-nothing bullshit and by seating motherfuckers like George Santos. 

I mean, I get that the average MAGA thinks they'll be able to call Black people the N-word and drink alcohol until they fall down in the street and never have to make any hard decisions, all while getting free junk food and money, or something something Gazpacho...while watching people they don't like get worked to death in Gulags or some shit.

But...people who engage in any level of political connivance with the Russians/Soviets tend to end up dead later on. This isn't my opinion, it's historical fact. And defeat by Russia basically means atrocity, or genocide, or slavery for the conquered people.

It's not even subtle, look at the lurid shit the Commies say on Russian State TV.

Look at the obviously, on-the-face-of-it-ridiculous shit that Republicans say right here in America, comparing women to cows and shit? Come On!

That hellish fire raging in Lithuania, turning darkness into daylight...that's the future that these fucking people want for the rest of us.

And if you think it's more important to abuse women, or lie your way into Congress, or play silly rat-fuck games like the Republicans are doing, or talk up a bunch of stupid religious bullshit then it is to act like a grown-ass adult and deal with all the various crises facing this world...what in the fuck makes you any different?

Jesus ain't gonna save America from these new Soviets any more than He saved us from the old Soviets in 40 years of the Cold War.

People, doing difficult things, making hard decisions, putting in the goddamned effort to get the job done...that's what it took. People on the other side getting tired of the bullshit helped, but it was far from the only factor in play. A lot of the people who made that happen were Republicans.

All the Left Behind, Pie-in-the-sky bullshit is a lie, period. You want this world to be better, to be free, you have to go out and make it so. I strongly believe that whatever the afterlife is, where we land in it is strongly affected by what we do in this life.

These new Republicans? Fuck, they'd rather just lie about it all, do absolutely nothing about any of it, and bow before the Hammer And Sickle when the time comes. So long as they get to keep making money and playing silly rat-fuck games and watch others suffer. Then they'll keep doing it right up until grim-faced young men with Kalashnikovs come and take them away. 

And I really do think a majority of these people believe in their hearts that Christianity and all that is just crap, and that when you die, you're just dead, nothing but worm-food. Certainly, Republicanism has shown itself these last few years to be little more than a legalized front for atheistic criminality.

If they can't be God, current Republicans simply won't recognize the concept.

And when the ringleaders, the famous ones, etc. are dead...all the rest of them will just grovel and submit harder, because that's easier than standing up for yourself and fighting back. They just did that last week, concerning their own goddamn nuts. What makes anybody think these idiots are going to want to fight the damn Russians? They couldn't even stand up to Marge and Matt. Kevin McCarthy gave away the store to these fucks just to get a goddamned title!

I literally can't afford to be one of those fucking people. Most of the people I know can't, either.

All that all the lies and silly games will get you is dead and in hell, Republicans.

After you've lived a fairly miserable life in this world, that is.

If you want life to have meaning, if you want there to be any sort of spiritual...well, anything, you have to believe in some truth that is greater than yourself. You have to believe that something is true.

And you have to fight for it.

And you know what? The worst part of this is, it's not even that hard to stand up and fight for something, if the Ukrainians can do it, why can't you, Republicans??

This is America, and Republicans want us to lose to some shitty third-world country just because that country claims "Christianity" and preaches a bunch of hard-right shit that no one who lives there follows. Think about that for a second.

It's all bullshit.

And they want in on it, because they think they'll get money and power in exchange for souls even they believe they ain't got. 

And there's about a third of "We The People" who accept this in return for the fact that these assholes keep putting up leaders who do nothing but incarnate their rate and hatred. Think about that one, will ya?

They hate the rest of us more than they love their own freedom.

One of the names the Bible and Christian doctrine assign to the Devil is "The Father Of Lies." But you know, I can't help but think that even the Devil has higher standards than this bullshit.

Without truth, there is no freedom, simply because no one has any basis to push back against Power.

Remember that.


Слава Україна!

If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. ~Ronald Reagan

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