I've been seeing stuff about this for the last couple days. Apparently Tucker Carlson made a "Documentary" by which I mean softcore gay porno, about some kind of imaginary "Crisis in Masculinity" called "The End of Men" which prominently featured "Testicle tanning."
Well, I'm here to tell you, there absolutely is a crisis in masculinity. Seriously, there is, no joke.
It's like this: The crisis is that a lot of supposed "Men" are stupid enough to believe this garbage and think things like that broiling their nuts under a heat lamp like a gas-station hot dog is gonna do anything other than leave their junk dried up and shriveled like a gas-station hot dog. I mean, are you fucking kidding me?
If you think giving yourself gas station ball-sack is the answer to your problems, to put it mildly, you're stupid.
Male mammals evolved to have testicles because otherwise body heat would kill the sperm and they couldn't reproduce. It's as simple as that. So what kind of effect do you think cooking your junk under some kind of heat lamp is really going to have?And more to the point, there's plenty of other aspects of this image of the naked man on the mountaintop with lightning shooting him in the cock that are disturbing for other reasons.
Like when I'm talking about Techno-Gnostic neo-primitivism, this is what I'm talking about. I mean, the image itself is like half a step from making an offering to Apollo, but with Tucker Carlson's sniveling voiceover followed by a commercial for MyPillow or Viagra instead of all that cool Greek mythology stuff.
And the fact that it hits that close to the basic Pagan DNA of Western Civilization itself, combined with the fact that somebody like Fucker Carlson who has an ass-load of lizard-brain followers is what makes this stupid misogynistic bullshit so dangerous.
The fact that so many people are so historically and philosophically ignorant just makes it worse.
Like the old philosophical bit about Plato's Cave...but as told by Donald Trump Jr. during a Coke binge.
The guys who follow this bullshit that whack off to Frank Miller's 300 and The Punisher don't care about the mystical and philosophical aspects nor how much Greco-Roman culture invested in defining men and manhood...often in ways that, today, would be thought of as gayness and homoeroticism.
(And NO, you can't explain that to These Fucking People. I've tried. The fact that most Classical Greek and many Roman men were bisexual just goes right over these dudes heads.)
And the fact that Tucker Carlson doesn't get this and isn't smart enough to control for this tendency, which is also a part of "Conservative" DNA, is exactly why the trailer looks like a gay porno.
No, the dudes that are into this crap are going to think "If they barbecue their dick enough they'll be just like Hercules."
Cue bunch of dudes showing up at the ER with second-degree burns on their penises. All this stuff manifests as a tendency towards misogyny and generalized stupidity.
This is what happens when people don't follow the Truth. (I mean "Truth" as a concept. And no, it doesn't matter what your Truth is, but you have to find it, Tucker Carlson isn't going to help and doesn't care about you. And if you burn your Wang because of some dumb shit he said, he'll just laugh.)
A huge part of the problem with the "Crisis In Masculinity" is that you have a whole bunch of dudes who think dudes like Tucker Carlson and Scott Adams, who've never had to do manual labor, fight somebody, gut a deer or shoot a gun in their lives...much less deal with the nuts and bolts of building a house, digging a well, planting a garden or raising a family if they didn't want to...are some kind of icons of masculinity.
I'll note, Scott Adams has said himself that he and his wife do not live together. That should be a red flag that dude does not believe all this "Traditionalist" or "Ultra-Conservative" crap he talks. I mean, come on dudes, what the fuck?
And then we wonder why so many of these dudes that have cottage cheese for brains end up following after symbols like the Confederate Flag, the Hammer And Sickle or the MAGA Hat?
Well, I can tell you why, and it's because American society has done a singularly shitty job of teaching values for about 40 years. Capitalism promotes what makes money and thus becomes popular, and from generation to generation I've watched as society has done less and less to control for morality, promote thinking (critical or otherwise) and teach values to counteract such things. If anything, the trend seems to be towards greater and greater displays of and reliance on emotionalism and "feelings" rather than facts and truth.
Almost especially when it comes to White, Conservative, Men.
That might have kind of worked in the ancient world. It doesn't now.
The Ancient World of the Classical Era was vastly complex, our modern world, and the postmodern one now emerging, is infinitely more so.
And modernity and post-modernity themselves are and will be in contention for a long time.
And because These Fucking Guys don't think about what they're doing...all too often, everybody else has to. And then American society privileges these idiots so they don't have to think about this shit.
So while these guys are jerking off and shining UV lights on their balls until their scrotums resemble dried gas-station beef jerky...women like this Ukrainian Tank Girl are gonna be out there kicking ass and taking names and when people like her and her comrades have justly earned their no-shit reputation as defenders of the Free World and the respect and free drinks that go with that...all these White "Conservative" American dudes who were busy sun-Tanning Mr. Happy at the time are gonna be mad and wonder why they're not getting the props and the Ukrainian Tank Girls won't sleep with them.
Or understand why the Ukrainian Tank Girl is laughing at them.
And thus the circle of resentment, stupid shit and woo woo bullshit will continue, and as long as dumb and insecure people believe this kind of crap, there will always be some smarmy jerkoff looking to profit from this garbage. This is the essence of Putinism, Trumpism and all that bullshit.
Guys, seriously, don't be that fucking guy.
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why these conservative men cling to guns, they are TOTEMS and FETISH items of this vision of masculinity one that the 21st digital age is rendering obsolete. I work for the Global Empire that is known as Amazon. At my facility there not a single role that is gender specific. We are a 21st company, this is the way of the future the manly man jobs are being automated and outsourced into extinction.