Monday, April 8, 2019

And there came one of the seven angels... (Part Two)

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. ~Revelation 18:4 (KJV)

So, yesterday, I wrote what I wrote.

Then I woke up this morning, and this crap right here was the first thing I saw.

Erick Erickson, yo, apparently noted Christian theologian. Oh, wait, did I say that with a straight face?

No, seriously, who the fuck does this guy think he is to define what is or isn't "Christian?"

I mean, last I checked, Episcopalians are Christians. They believe, as a matter of theology, in all of the traditional creeds of Christianity and in my experience the average Episcopalian tries to act on all that as best they can. Episcopalians are likewise scattered across the political spectrum and...

Oh, right. Yeah, never mind.

None of this is about that, not really.

It's about the fact that Mayor Pete is gay, and committed two of the three true sins of Conservative Evangelical Fundamentalism (Those being abortion, denial of the self-conferred right-wing birthright of defining everybody else because Jesus, and of course, homosexuality.) Yep, He's gay, and he publicly calls bullshit on the gimcrack monopolization of the Christian faith for their own political and social purposes. Therefore he must be theologically-defined out of Christianity by the same fucking people who go to absurd lengths to try to convince themselves of the "faithfulness" of Donald Trump.

Trust me, if I had to pick one of the two to watch the offering plate I'm a pick the mayor.

But of course, none of that matters to Evangelicals.

If you ever needed more evidence that Evangelicalism is nothing more than the Imperial Cult of hard-right Movement "Conservatism," Well, here it is. These motherfuckers are so "righteous" that they'd give Jesus the boot right alongside everybody else. All these fucking people lack is an Empire...although my guess is that's why they seem so intent on trying to colonize the rest of us. Never mind that Jesus taught people should reject Empires and worldly kingdoms.

Jesus...and anything He actually said even as it's recorded in the scarcely even mentioned by Conservatives anymore, much less actually followed.

And who might they have in mind to replace Him?

I give you the Republican casino magnate and mega-donor Sheldon Adelson wearing a Trump Yarmulke, ladies and gentlemen.

Sheldon is, of course, at least nominally Jewish, but I'm sure the Evangelicals will think of something shortly.

I'm honestly surprised that anybody beat out the Evangelicals to declaring Trump their god, but I guess I'm going to just have to admit that I was wrong and award the gold-plated dick to the Republican Jewish Coalition. We'll throw in a lifetime supply of pulled pork and cheap off-brand barbecue sauce as a bonus for heresy.

(In case you thought I was joking, yes, former Republican Senator Norm Coleman actually led the group in a prayer in which Trump literally replaces God.)

Yo, these people are literally praying to Trump. The same guy who equivocated on Nazis, for fuck's sake, and who is directly responsible for an increase in Anti-Semitism, whose policies of giving the Israelis whatever they want will almost certainly lead to a spike in Middle East tensions, and which recognize Israel's territorial claim that gives it a land border with Syria...which has both Iranian and Russian troops on the ground within its borders. Anybody want to take a guess on how that's going to end up? The whole mess is a war waiting to happen.

Not to mention, Trump's speech to the actual group was peppered with the same kind of anti-Semitic bullshit dog-whistles that people like Ilhan Omar and Jeremy Corbyn got politically mugged by conservatives for allegedly having made. The asshole specifically referred to Benjamin Netanyahu as "their" Prime Minister...inferring that the assembled Jewish Republicans were somehow Israelis, and not Americans.

And that's the point, isn't it?

These fucking assholes keep trying to define anybody who isn't Conservative, Straight, their-kind-of-Christian and White as somehow not being American...and if you're from somewhere else and want to come here Trump doesn't even want to consider you human. Also, no, being on the same political side does not even close to help you or get you an exemption.

So why do it?

(Funny how over 70% of Jewish people are consistently voting Democratic these days, eh?)

Seems like a wonderful advertisement for expanding their movement in response to cultural and social change, doesn't it?

Republican logic here is: Let's quadruple-down on every single form of assholery that's EVER got us in trouble before, after we've elected an inept buffoon as President that nobody outside of our bullshit In-group likes, and whose policies are absolute shit!

Conservatives, or at least the American ones, are setting themselves up for the kind of fall that just means there simply won't be any left after this crap all comes crashing down, I'm talking the kind of mess that has even whatever's left of These Fucking People denying that they supported Trump and telling all and sundry how they heroically gave the Trumpist goons wrong directions and publicly shunning anybody who didn't renounce the Orange God fast enough when everybody knew it was all over...

...Only to re-emerge in 20 years as an openly fascist political party that represents 15% of the population, when they think they can get away with it.

Ya know, the same kind of mess that still creates problems for France and most of the rest of Europe 74 years after the defeat of Nazi Germany. The kind of thing that tells you that even after Trump is voted out of office or whatever, we as a people are still gonna have a lot of work to do at fixing the problems that caused this mess.

And while I'm at it, I kinda think these Jewish Republicans are probably going to end up having some explaining to do when they meet their maker in the afterlife.

But hey, that's just me, and it's all these double standards, hypocritical inconsistencies and lies that are why I'm not religious anymore in the first place.

Conservatives at this point, one and all, act as if their God is either dumb as fuck or doesn't really exist.

I can't support that shit.

And you shouldn't either.

Part 1.

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