Friday, March 8, 2024

State Of Disunion (The Four Beasts, Two.)

There are times, however, and this is one of them, when even being right feels wrong. What do you say, for instance, about a generation that has been taught that rain is poison and sex is death? If making love might be fatal and if a cool spring breeze on any summer afternoon can turn a crystal blue lake into a puddle of black poison right in front of your eyes, there is not much left except TV and relentless masturbation. It's a strange world. Some people get rich and others eat shit and die. Who knows? If there is in fact, a heaven and a hell, all we know for sure is that hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Phoenix — a clean well lighted place full of sunshine and bromides and fast cars where almost everybody seems vaguely happy, except those who know in their hearts what is missing... And being driven slowly and quietly into the kind of terminal craziness that comes with finally understanding that the one thing you want is not there. Missing. Back-ordered. No tengo. Vaya con dios. Grow up! Small is better. Take what you can get. 

~Hunter S. Thompson, Generation Of Swine.

"I didn't want to do it,'' he hears himself saying. "I didn't want to leave them behind.''

The void laughs at him. There are miles of empty air beneath his dangling feet. "You had no choice.''

"Yes I did! I didn't have to come here.'' He pauses. "I didn't have to do anything,'' he says quietly, and inhales another lungful of death. "It was all automatic. Maybe it was inevitable.''

"-- Evitable,'' echoes the distant horizon. Something dark and angular skims across the stars, like an echo of extinct pterosaurs. Turbofans whirring within its belly, the F-117A hunts on: patrolling to keep at bay the ancient evil, unaware that the battle is already lost. "Your family could still be alive, you know.''

He looks up. "They could?'' Andrea? Jason? "Alive?''

The void laughs again, unfriendly: "There is life eternal within the eater of souls. Nobody is ever forgotten or allowed to rest in peace. They populate the simulation spaces of its mind, exploring all the possible alternative endings to their life. There is a fate worse than death, you know.'' 

~From A Colder War, a novella by Charles Stross.

So the State of the Union was last night.

Joe of course, was Joe and apparently came out swinging.

The Republican response? Not so much.

I find it funny how all these MAGA and media idiots keep trying to paint Joe as some kind of doddering old guy but then...this happens, and then they have to switch tracks like guilty kids obviously caught lying about dumb shit.

And I'm tired of it.

I get it, the media made bank off Trump. I get that they would like to make more

Seems like they're just fine at doing that without him being President, so why the fuck do they want him??

I also get it, that you fuckers won't make no money if there's a second time around, in fact you along with most of the rest of the world will probably end up dead, if not from Trump's fascism and Republicans' collective desire to murder everybody else in America and any European country unwilling to live under the Russian jackboot, you're dead from when Trump ends up starting a nuclear war with Russia because Vladimir Putin wouldn't be his goddamn boyfriend.

Tell me something, why do all these American "Nationalists" want to sell America to our enemies for basically nothing more than Kim Jong Un's autograph or Vladimir Putin's toenail clippings??

(And while we're at it, just how the hell did these idiots fixate on Russia being a "Christian" country? It's not. Authoritarianism does not actually increase either religious observance nor the Power of most religious people. The Russian Orthodox Patriarch has power because he's connected to the Mafia and is/was a KGB agent. God has nothing to do with any of it.)

I'm tired of this shit.

It's stupid.

And I'm even more tired of the Republicans' recent turn to a sort of Suburban-HOA-meets-conspiracy-theorized-New-Age-ified-Pentecostalism-and-has-mutant-babies affect.

I'm even more tired of Republican women either deliberately trying to look like some kind of Stepford-wife Sex Robots or like they're trying to be Sy Snootles from Return Of The Jedi and all this fake-performative anxiety from rich people whose only real worry is losing a little bit of power or paying slightly more in taxes...which doesn't even hit anybody making less than $400K a year.

Fucking Katie Britt doesn't have a goddamn thing to be up late worrying about, she's a goddamn Senator and a lawyer, married to a former NFL player-turned-lobbyist. She's a fucking run-of-the-mill "Suburban Mom in the kitchen" in about the same way that the Huxtables in the Cosby Show were actually representative of African American life in the 1980's. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you people??

Among other things, it's rich that she thinks American kids should have to say the Pledge Of Allegiance in the classroom...and at a recent Trump rally, the goddamned MC didn't even know the words to it.

And by the way, referring to the West Bank as Judea And Samaria only makes sense if such a term is used as the locals use either Arabic or Hebrew...which is going to offend one side or the other. Nobody says "Judea and Samaria" outside of a Bible reading in a Christian church. Common English usage has been "The West Bank" longer than I've been alive. 

And yes, I know from personal experience that people from the Middle East tend to use the Arabic term for Judea and Samaria (Aḍ-Ḍiffah al-Ġarbiyyah) or people from Israel call it their name for it. But in American terms, or diplomatic or international terms calling the Palestinian territory "Judea and Samaria" is about like randomly shouting "I like big butts and I cannot lie!"

Like, seriously, nobody other than a certain claque of racists and rich people and a few hyper-religious idiots really wants "Christian Nationalism" not least because it tends to end up being neither of those things.

The world does not revolve around you, Republicans (and in fact, by trying to abandon America's role of leadership in the world you're ensuring that it has no reason to.) 

Nor does it give a shit about you. 

And no, you have no valid claim of ownership to the world, either, and I'm very, very damned tired of American fake "Conservative" White men thinking they have some kind of right to rub their dicks all over basically everything

It's like the Brexit people "throwing their toys out of the pram" as my British friend puts it, leaving the EU and then suddenly being mad when they didn't get the benefits of EU membership anymore and being surprised when all the people the British abused during their long period of Empire didn't magically come crawling back, begging to be ruled. 

And then all those EU-nation workers left and guess what?? Brits didn't want to do the work that Hungarians or Poles had done. I suspect, if they ever get what they want...that American anti-immigration nuts are going to be mad when Capitalism hands them a hammer and tells them to get they ass to work

I live in Northern Michigan, OK, White people don't want to do grunt labor type jobs anymore, no matter how well they pay. So the companies went and found people who would

That's what immigration is for.

Likewise, alliances like NATO make America stronger, not weaker, and in fact exist to help defend us, too...from people like *Checks Notes* Vladimir Putin.

People who'd sell America out to a Russian dictator for nothing more than ideology ain't your friend.

Grow the fuck up, people, and think about the implications of what comes out your mouth, and for that matter, of who says what. Some rich lady sitting in a hotel breakroom-looking place giving a speech ain't your friend.

I'm sick of these grocery store-Karen petty wannabe-dictators and their fake "Concern."

I'm likewise fucking tired of people who are mad at Joe Biden for not being "Entertaining." He's the President, that's not his job. He's also done more "Progressive" stuff than anybody since like, FDR. So I sure don't get what the "Far Left" is mad about! What are you people, on either end of the spectrum, five??

But the thing about these fucking people whether far-left or far-right is they don't seem to give a shit about other people.

(And, for some reason, this goes like, double for any card-carrying Republican and at least triple for MAGA itself.)

Which means the rest of us kinda have to give a shit and sometimes, that means telling these idiots "No."

And we need to because a great deal of our current State Of Disunion starts with Republicans, who've decided simply that it's "their way or the highway" and if they can't get that, they'll either overthrow America or they'll secede.

Fuck these fucking people.

We need to start dealing with the pervasive narcissism and stupid shit in this country before we "Entertain" and Greed-head ourselves right into the goddamned grave, does that spell it out for you?? 

It doesn't matter how much money you make if it stops being worth anything because Civilization fell.

And if you think inflicting all the torments of Revelation on the world to "Own The Libs" (whatever that means) would somehow be a good thing, "God" is not what you believe in.

You either believe in freedom or you don't.

Слава Україна!

Load up on guns, bring your friendsIt's fun to lose and to pretendShe's over bored and self-assuredOh, no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low?Hello, hello, hello, how low?Hello, hello, hello, how low?Hello, hello, hello
With the lights out, it's less dangerousHere we are now, entertain usI feel stupid and contagiousHere we are now, entertain usA mulatto, an albinoA mosquito, my libido, yeahHeyYeah

I'm worse at what I do bestAnd for this gift I feel blessedOur little group it's always beenAnd always will until the end.
~Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit.


"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." ~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

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