Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Upon The Sand (American Revelation XIV, Seven.)

We need to expand the civil-rights struggle to a higher level—to the level of human rights. Whenever you are in a civil-rights struggle, whether you know it or not, you are confining yourself to the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam. No one from the outside world can speak out in your behalf as long as your struggle is a civil-rights struggle. Civil rights comes within the domestic affairs of this country. All of our African brothers and our Asian brothers and our Latin-American brothers cannot open their mouths and interfere in the domestic affairs of the United States. And as long as it's civil rights, this comes under the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam. But the United Nations has what's known as the charter of human rights; it has a committee that deals in human rights. You may wonder why all of the atrocities that have been committed in Africa and in Hungary and in Asia, and in Latin America are brought before the UN, and the Negro problem is never brought before the UN. This is part of the conspiracy. This old, tricky blue eyed liberal who is supposed to be your and my friend, supposed to be in our corner, supposed to be subsidizing our struggle, and supposed to be acting in the capacity of an adviser, never tells you anything about human rights. They keep you wrapped up in civil rights. And you spend so much time barking up the civil-rights tree, you don't even know there's a human-rights tree on the same floor. ~Malcolm X.


"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride."

~Volodymyr Zelenskyy, allegedly 25 February 2022, Associated Press

Yesterday, Joe Biden was on the picket line with striking UAW workers here in Michigan, the first President since Theodore Roosevelt to specifically take a stand with striking workers.

Today, Trump spoke at a non-Union shop in Clinton Township, MI. Far away from where the striking workers are. He held a fucking scab rally.

One of these things is not like the other one.

Yesterday Donald Trump lost all his business licenses in New York, after years of overvaluing his properties and scamming investors. Apparently, his properties will have to be sold, he and his sons lose the right to operate businesses in the state, and the Trump Organization itself has been ordered to be dissolved. I can't help but think there's going to be a lot of ripple-effects from this, because if I had to guess I'd say Trump didn't have his shit properly licensed and all that in a lot of other places. So, long story short, he's going to lose his ass.


Today, Eric Trump basically just kept trying to do the same goddamn thing.

I'm like...goddamn, does basic reality even matter to these fucking idiots?

Fuck these motherfuckers.

At the recent confirmation hearing for the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff, when General Charles Q Brown, Jr. was talking about the value of integrated air defense...integrated air and missile defense being an important Department Of Defense program for 20 years or so now...and Tommy Tuberville thought it was some kind of a racial thing and then voted against Brown's confirmation. It didn't matter, Brown was confirmed anyway

But the issue here is that Tuberville would just respond to some important national interest and super-technical project with nothing but knee-jerk lizard-brain racism because somebody said "Integrated" and fundamentally the stupid motherfucker is too dumb to realize that words can have multiple meanings.

Fuck you, dude. No, seriously, fuck you.

And the simple fact is...nothing matters to these morons.

They fully subscribe to the "New Right"/Putinist belief that Power is the only thing that matters, that there is no freedom, no law, no morality, except for that which is decreed by Power. So, basically everything is a joke...except whatever some idiot strongman wants.

This is America, like, if that's what you fuckers really believe then what the fuck do you think this country exists for?? Our entire purpose was that we rejected Kings and shit like that. 

More to the point, I'd like to ask the people who believe in this shit; "What happens when somebody gets one over on you??"

No, seriously, what happens when somebody can bullshit or fight better than you and you lose? Don't tell me it can't happen, nobody is that good that they can't lose...and more to the point you fuckers keep losing, to Democrats and regular people. (Who, thankfully for yourselves, have no interest in abusing anybody.) 

So don't tell me you're so fucking tough when the truth is, you're not.

So what happens when you assholes lose to somebody like Vladimir Putin...who's almost certainly smart enough to use the general stupidity, mental blind-spots and reactionary nature of somebody like Tommy Tuberville against him?? 

Why wouldn't they? That vain, preening prick makes it easy.

Just like Putin made Trump his bitch by flattering him and giving him money...and then dropped the hammer in private in Helsinki. Don't tell me something like that didn't happen because Trump has been Putin's bitch at least since he started running for President the first time

I also don't doubt that among all the teenage girls and young women that Matt Gaetz has trafficked, there was almost certainly a Russian or two, who has enough evidence to make sure if he steps out of line it comes out and he goes to prison.

And Republicans can't wait to try to use their new political theory as an excuse to brutalize Black people. 

Oh no, they're coming right out and saying exactly that.

And if they try it, they're going to lose.

And they won't even understand why.

Worse, they've never thought to ask what happens when they meet somebody that's far worse than their most inflated visions of their own toughness? Bro, I've been to some of the dark and dangerous places in the world. I've seen some shit. I've met people like that. But because along the way, I learned "Don't be a dick" it was Okay.

Republicans, not so much.

Because you cannot switch back and forth between competent and maliciously incompetent...or between mercenary and principled or even between respect and sycophancy as it's convenient for you. It just doesn't work like that.

Sooner or later everybody runs into the wrong bitch and gets they ass slapped.

That's just life

And personally, whether such is "Politically Correct" or not, I maintain that a lot of these people must've never got an ass whuppin' as a kid. They never understood that it emotional, mental, physical, or whatever...isn't fun. Or that it hurts and it shouldn't be inflicted unnecessarily. They think it's a fun toy for them to play with, to inflict on other people. I think we learned during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic that most of these "Conservatives" have no idea what crisis and danger, or pain and suffering...even is.

And they themselves are bored and debased, so of course they don't understand what it's like for other people. They don't care enough to bother. They don't want to.

These idiots think somebody else having power or wealth is, like, the worst thing in the world or some shit.

So of course they don't understand what Black people, or striking workers, or Ukrainian soldiers have had to deal with.

Shit, these fuckers thought they could "Do you know who I am?!" a virus. And then they refused to understand that it did not, indeed could not, because a virus is literally not that intelligent.

When these fucking people break themselves off some small part of the United States because of their lust for power and wanting to have their own little Banana Republic...and the vast majority of a liberalizing America simply says "Bye, Whore, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" what are they going to do? When the rest of us primarily concentrate on defending that Inner-American border and getting the vulnerable and anybody else who wants to leave out of their territory then what? Well....When these motherfuckers ask the Russians for help so they can wage their glorious war...the path to their own defeat and Russification will be short.


Because even in their own minds, White Conservatives leave themselves no recourse against Power. They simply believe they will always have it...even though to a very great extent they already just don't.

Hell, they traded the inherent power that they had for bullshit-ass games and moral relativism almost 30 years ago.

Nobody should want the Ukrainians to win more than Republicans. I'm not just talking historically, in a Ronald Reagan "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!" sort of way, I'm saying if they don't want to fight they should be glad somebody else stepped up and did it first.

I didn't watch the Republican "Debate" tonight, but it's a safe bet that these fucking people managed to get punked by both Biden and Trump without either having to even show up...and thus far, without Trump even having to do anything at all.

You have to stand for something.

And these motherfuckers just...don't.

Therefore, they will fall for anything.

Greed and Power aren't values, they're vices.

How would these Republicans even know the difference between the Church of Christ and seamy, hidden shrines to Dis Pater and Mammon?

What the fuck even separates us from the Barbarians of the Classical World in these people's minds? And no, some complex system of beliefs in privilege and race won't cut it here.

You either believe in civilization or you don't.

So what's it gonna be??


Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. ~Matthew 7:24-27

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Song, song of the south

Sweet potato pie and shut my mouth
Gone, gone with the windThere ain't nobody lookin' back again
Cotton on the roadside, cotton in the ditchWe all picked the cotton but we never got richDaddy was a veteran, a Southern DemocratThey ought to get a rich man to vote like that.
~Song Of The South, Alabama.

Seriously Bro?

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