Thursday, December 17, 2020

Vote The Fuckers Out. (I'm sick of this shit, Part One.)

Pink elephants on parade
What'll I do? What'll I do?

What an unusual view!
I could stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms
Are really to much for me
I am not the type to faint
When things are odd or things are quaint
But seeing things you know that ain't
Can certainly give you an awful fright!
What a sight!
Chase 'em away!
Chase 'em away!
I'm afraid need your aid
Pink elephants on parade! ~Pink Elephants On Parade, from the Disney Movie "Dumbo."

I'm honestly starting to think these Republican fuckers are collectively drunk, or on some kind of fucking drugs, or...I don't know, fully a quarter of our population is having a mass psychic break or some fucking shit. I'm not fucking joking.

The fucking Q-Idiots have some kind of crackpot idea that the Chinese People's Liberation Army tried to invade the United States through Maine (Maine? Why not Alaska or Hawaii or the West Coast, you know, somewhere that would geographically make sense?) claiming as evidence pictures and video of a trainload of M109 Paladin self-propelled Howitzers...probably being shipped from the storage depot at what used to be Loring Air Force Base to some port facility thence to be shipped to whatever units will be using them next. Likely whatever field artillery brigades they belong to are converting to a different system. This shit happens all the fucking time. They are also claiming that an F-16 Fighting Falcon crash in Michigan (which I've found no evidence that there even was one) was actually a shoot-down, and apparently the Chinese are also invading Wisconsin, though I can't imagine how, or from where.

These fucking people talking this shit? They're people who have no idea what even a major live-fire military exercise looks or sounds like...and such can be heard miles away...who've never heard the rolling thunder out of a clear sky from an artillery training exercise or a bomb-comp, or positively felt the deep rumbling through the soles of their boots when a B-52H Stratofortress drops a stick of bombs on a target several klicks away, or heard the ripping linen sound of a GAU-8 30mm cannon and the scream of TF34 jet engines overhead as a tactical control party calls in a strike on a simulated enemy position filled with dead trucks and old M-60 tanks. I mean, come on, you can find Youtube videos of this stuff. I'm serious.

Far less glamourous but all the more useful in this would be the Air Force radar crews and drone operators, the Navy sailors standing long watches at sea and presumably now, the Space Force people watching the satellite feeds whose job it would be to detect and deal with any of this type of shit before it ever got to our borders, what about the massive disrespect this crap heaps on them?

But of course, if you think about it the truth is actually worse. What's really going on here is that these fucking people are hoping somebody would attack the United States, because they're mad that we've rejected their god. I don't know how they don't realize that not just the our military and our people wouldn't take this lying down, but neither would our allies. I mean, what makes these fucking fools think the Canadians would let another armed force into their country?

(Well, except for the generalized paranoid-conspiracy-theorist idea that everyone is plotting against them, I mean.)

And yet that somehow manages to not be the dumbest thing I've seen yet this week.

When I logged into Twitter, this post was the first thing I saw. Apparently somebody that's going to be on Biden's white house staff called Republicans "Fuckers" and Marco Rubio rather performatively got his panties in a wad over it. 

No, seriously, these fucking people fucking shit all over everything for the last twelve years and they still have the fucking nerve to get mad over profanity?

Fuck you, Little Marco, and fuck the Elephant you rode in on, too. If there's a better example of the emptiness of American conservative Christianity and the utter lack of values in the "Conservatism" that claims it, well at this point, I can't find any.

Take your performative fake outrage and shove it up your ass.

Marco Rubio is a perfect example of talking because one has the capability to talk, and for no other reason..


I mean, seriously, this little fucker has the gall to quote from the Bible and then lie about Facebook with the two right next to each other. 

And what's with this little asshole's hard-on for starting shit with the Chinese? The Cold War is over, dude. The Communists fucking lost, even the Chinese aren't really Communists anymore. (And your beloved corporations and fellow conservatives love them for it and are all too happy to borrow money from them and outsource our industry to them and I don't see you saying jack shit about that.)

And if you really have an objection to Republicans being called racists...why do you permit so many fucking racists to be in or to support the Republican Party, thus fueling such accusations?

But of course, the hypocrisy seems to be the goddamn fucking point for this fucking guy.

Just like, for a hell of a lot of the Republican base at this point, the crazy done runneth over and I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how in the fuck anybody can believe this fucking ridiculous bullshit.

Of course the truth is, a lot of them really fucking don't, a lot of this shit seems to be some sort of a contest about who can say the most dumb shit to prove that they hate liberals and moderate Republicans and pretty much everybody else who isn't a doctrinaire Trumpist (as if Trumpism ever had any fucking tenets besides glorifying Trump and the self-abasement of his supporters?)

How many of these fucking people even know the first thing about Communism, rather than simply equating it with "Anything to the Left of Augusto Pinochet?"

'Cause I've studied the history of World War II and its aftermath, some of which was required reading back when I was in school, and if you don't think kids in Christian schools in the 1970's and 1980's got a healthy dose of anti-Communism in their educations you haven't fucking been paying attention.

And trust me, American liberalism and Communism ain't even on the same goddamned fucking page, not even close.

Communism hasn't even been a thing since 1989.

Hell, American liberalism would qualify as moderate conservatism throughout most of the rest of the developed world. For fuck's sake, far-right parties in Hungary and Poland have far more generous social programs that most American Democrats are even proposing here. 

But none of this matters to modern Republicans, for whom words themselves mostly don't have meanings, except for the emotions they wish to invoke and the reactions they intend to elicit.

There's no real thinking involved in this proposition, because the people who've done the thinking don't want anybody else to.

It is, in fact, the Republican Party that has become the dangerously authoritarian outlier, and they're mad and regarding the election as "Stolen" because people voted against them?

This is America, the Vote is the whole goddamned point.

And here's the worst part; I crawled through the river of shit that was the "Patriot Party" trending topic on Twitter earlier, and there's plenty of people out there who think the Republicans aren't authoritarian or cheating or shitty enough.

Take it from me, I'm a former conservative with an ample history of dealing with religious nuts, Republicans have no idea of the bug-eyed crazy jerkoff bullshit they've been playing footsie with for decades, they always just thought it would disappear whenever it became inconvenient or they didn't need it anymore. They were wrong.

The Republicans, being the mercenary bastards than they mostly are, will end up having to fight against this crazy bullshit just to save their own fucking asses, same as the rest of us, they just don't know it yet.

The difference is, they'll be mad because they didn't get paid for it.

It's like this, Republicans; People who are trying to use a deadly virus to kill their fellow citizens, who will make up total absolute bullshit for no reason, and who will turn on even their closest allies for the smallest imagined slight, they don't give a shit about you, your shitty economic and social views, or your dreams of total power...because they have their own. They don't give a damn about the government. Trump thought he was going to be King. His base? See, they have people they don't like that they...whether you intended to tell them this or not...thought for 50 years that they were going to get to exercise power over, and that for the most part didn't even close to happen. You insinuated it. Trump promised it. They thought Trump was somehow magically going to make it 1953...or 1859... again, and he caught on and told them as much.

And they didn't get that. And Republicans, it looks like they're going to blame you. These are the people who didn't want the New Deal anymore when they found out they were going to have to share it with Black people. Now, they don't want the Republican Party anymore, because the Republicans couldn't save Trump from (mostly) himself or the wrath of the public.

And enough people showed up to vote, that they couldn't steal the election for Trump.

But of course MAGA is so swacked on conspiracy theories that they can't/won't see that.

And now, Republicans, they want to burn down your Party.

And who made these people this way? Oh, that's right, Republicans did. Have fun in hell, idiots.

We need to vote these fuckers out, all of them, before they manage to screw this shit up worse.


Author's Note: Every use of the word "Fuck" in this article has been brought to you in honor of Marco Rubio.

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