Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Lie of the "End Times" "Prophecy" "Movement."

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. ~Matthew 7:15

Fucking Seriously?

Rick Wiles, Anti-Semite, Fundamentalist nut, former advertising executive, false prophet, Islamophobe and wearer of bad suits predicts that he'll soon have to "go underground" to escape the murder of Christians in America.


I have to ask, is anybody "going underground" over the murder of Jews in America?

Has anybody "gone underground" over the murders of Black men by police?

Has anybody "gone underground" over the mass murders of concert-goers? Latinos? School children?

Did anybody "go underground" when nine people in a historic Black church were murdered by a white supremacist?

'Cause ya know, it's funny, Black churches that actually wanted to worship Christ have had to "go underground" in the past.

What about LGBT people, including those who are Christian?

How about the mass abuse of the overwhelmingly Christian Latino migrants at our southern border?

What about the children of non-Citizen members of the United States Armed Forces who are deployed overseas? What about children adopted overseas by members of the military, even if the parents are citizens?

Of course, the problem here is, as far as Rick is concerned none of that is real, As far as Rick is concerned "Christian" means "White Calvinist Big-C "Conservative" Evangelical Who Voted For Donald Trump, Who He Thinks Is Basically Jesus."

At this point if those people and other generic Trump Supporters get beat up, their heads shaved and tarred and feathered in some sort of American Epuration Sauvage, followed by an Epuration Legale which means a lot of Republicans get tossed in the clink for awhile, my basic answer is "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

Speaking as a former conservative here, Rick...and likely somebody who ticks more of the boxes than you do...I'm damned tired of killing. I quite suspect that most actual (rather than default, like me) liberals would likewise be against killing Christians. Wouldn't mind seeing some butts kicked in the street, but that ain't murder. People might be against their bad behavior and hateful conduct...but that doesn't mean anybody wants to murder Christians in general...let alone you in particular.

Hell, I had to look you up on Wikipedia to even know who you were...and I've heard your name before.

What you're doing here is projecting.

And, Rick, like it or not, so far murder and stealing and terrorism seems to be your side's game, not everybody else's.

But of course, to cowardly, shitty little fanatics like Rick Wiles...who, for the most part can't or won't tell you that their real faith is in White Supremacy and Far-Right politics because even they know it's shit and they don't have the guts to own it...even the existence of different ideas is considered an existential threat because they know their bullshit won't stand up in the light of day, to a critical eye or even challenge on its own terms by a person who's looking at the whole Bible and not just the cherry-picked parts that fit some kind of Gospel Of The White Jesus type of agenda.

Military dependent kids? Hell, these fools even want to go after corporations and various social media platforms that more often than not have proved to be very friendly to These Fucking People down through the years...because no amount of friendly is friendly enough.

These Fucking People want everybody from Facebook and Twitter on down to you and me to shout their own beliefs back at them and then set ourselves on fire for their own amusement. As with their (Orange) Lord and Savior, their "Chosen One" as he's named himself, no amount of self-abasement is too much. To these kind of petty fanatics, even the whole world remaking itself around their pet issues would never be enough. They would just find new ones.

Because it's not about Christ, it's not about Conservatism, and it sure as hell ain't about the "End Times." Hell I think even Whiteness might be expendable in the long term. It's about motherfuckers gonna fuck mothers and then they want to be glorified for being shitty little motherfuckers and any pointy-headed crop of fools that'll do that will work, in the long run.

It's just that, before Trump anyway, there's historically not been a lot of money in the cult business unless you can fool people into thinking that your cult is "Christian" and maybe have a bunch of pretty white girls as your front people. See also "Fox News."

Oh, hey, speaking of Fox News and projection; Some Fox News idiot said "Millennials are obsessed with self-love" and "Don't want to have anything to do with God or having kids."

Got that, kids? Become Christian and have a bunch of white babies and vote conservative so these cowardly rich shits can keep the money in the family while the planet burns and your children starve and a measure of wheat for a Denarius, but do not hurt the oil and the wine, and all that.

Seriously, fuck these motherfuckers.

They're the ones who don't give a shit about addition to ruining the whole God thing for one hell of a lot of the rest of us. Like I said before, nobody hates God more than these fucking people do, at least when it comes to actually doing anything that He says.

Oh, they'll talk all holy and shit. But these people? They're so holy that if Jesus showed up again they'd be shouting "Crucify Him!" in the streets. These are the people who, when given the choice between the murderer and the Son of God, will choose the murderer every fucking time.

The truth is, just like Trump, these people believe that Man is everything and the Universe was made for us and blah blah blah, all those same fake-ass "Western" conceits that have been with us since the days of Aristotle and Plato.

And that stuff was crap then and it's crap now, especially if you believe in the Bible or ever have.

It's not all about us, the universe exists for itself, and was not made for us, and we are but travelers here. If there is such a thing as God and He did create the world...why would He not punish us in the next one for abusing His creation?

That's the thing, none of this actually belongs to us.

But you can't tell that to these motherfuckers.

While the jungles burn and the oceans rise and the ice melts and people begin to be displaced by the effects of Climate Change...which are visible to any person paying even the remotest attention, these fucking people shout "Look at me, look at me! Look at me and how holy I am!" And then in a fit of inspiration, they shout "Look! He is Coming Soon!" And while everybody's looking away in this direction or that, they're stealing the money out of the offering plate.

If we're in the End Times, they're of our own making, born of fear of our own neighbors, hate and racism and shitty ideas and a suicidal desire to keep giving more to those who already have too much.

And these End Times Prophecy shits are balls deep in all that, waiting to blow their own loads in an orgy of self-gratification and self-worship, secure in the supposedly-hidden knowledge that it's all crap and that if a God they don't really believe in is planning something, they'll be dead before it gets here.

And there's nothing Christ-like about that, is there?

Guarantee you they'll make me out the bad guy for pointing it out, though.

I used to be a member of the End Times prophecy movement. I didn't get that deep into it, but I damn sure found out every bit of it had been a lie when I woke up to a normal day on January 1st, 2000.

And if we all find a way to get through this, we'll still all be the bad guys and they'll just move on to another dumb thing that supposedly points out that we're all going to go to hell while they get to gloat about it.

And if God supports that kind of garbage mentality, then he is not God and we need not worry.

And reduced air quality from half the Amazon burning will kill people in real life, just as surely as any imagined fire from Heaven.

If there's an End Times, that's it, right there.

But if we learn to control ourselves and not be too any mainstream religion including Christianity says we should...we have it in our power to stop this mess.

Think on that.

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