Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thought-crime. ~1984, George Orwell.

Hold on, back the truck up, Piers. Just a damn minute.

Let me get this straight.

Dude here is carrying his kid...and somehow that's "Emasculation?" Listen here, bitch, one of these things is not like the other one.

He's the guy that plays James Bond...and you're...not.

In fact, what you're mostly known for being is a fat slob of a Trump Supporter who says a lot of dumb shit. What I most remember you for is the fact that during a debate on gun control, Jesse Ventura wiped the floor with your stupid ass live on CNN.

Personally, what I'd like to know is how, in a matter of just a few years, did this motherfucker go from vaguely liberal-ish drooling anti-gun moron who worked for CNN to...Trump Supporting moron.

Well, I suppose you could say that the constant here is "Moron." The fact that he threw in a slur against Native American kids just kind of seals the deal.

For reasons that should be glaringly obvious, Twitter was not kind. I thought it was particularly funny that a majority of the negative responses came not from women, but from men who spoke about things like carrying their kids in baby-slings (or whatever) to various events and stuff. I just happened to think that the responses from women were much more hilariously brutal.

As well they should be. I'm kind of getting the vibe that a lot of women are done with these misogynistic Trump-Supporting idiots and their bullshit. Even a lot of guys I know are sick of this shit. Hell, I showed the Piers Morgan tweet to a co-worker, because I wanted a second opinion, and he laughed at it. Dude is a Democrat, but kind of on the toxic masculinity Bernie-bro end of the spectrum. He still takes care of his kid, though.

It wasn't just people actually in the conversation that were dogging Piers out, though. It was people like Brianna Wu, one of the many women who is running for Congress right now. She also has a history with these fucking people, being one of those who was hounded by the gamer-gate mob...a mob that was in many ways led by a homosexual, Milo Yiannopoulos.

We know what these fucking people would like to do to women. We can now surmise what they have in mind for men, also.

One has to wonder just what these people's idea of acceptable conduct for a man even is.

Look, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Mike Cernovich isn't exactly a good example of anything, but his idea of exposing himself to women and demanding that they get him off or he's going to masturbate...doesn't exactly sound like a very good dating policy. It sounds like a surefire way to end up on a sex-offender registry.

I'm not sure if people like Cernovich, or Gavin McInnes (who once stuck a microphone up his own ass because Hillary Clinton something something gazpacho) realize quite where their idea of grunting, fighting-in-the-streets hyper-masculinity is likely to get people...but you don't have to have watched all six seasons of Oz to guess that it quite likely ends in Sing Sing, with these Proud Boy idiots taking it up the butt from far less privileged dudes who are actual no-shit gang members rather than cowards who attack peaceful, unarmed protesters.

Is it just me, here, or are we drowning in Stupid Male Insecurity?

Whether it's Incels, losers like Gavin McInnes and Piers Morgan, or whatever, it seems like we're stuck with a lot of people who can't "successfully perform the sexual act...not to their own satisfaction, anyway, so I'm gonna guess that their partners are none too happy either. I know Piers Morgan has been divorced at least once, so I'm guessing that might have something to do with it.

...And then of course there's shitbirds like Trump, who one way or another have to pay for it, and whose entire existence is a shadow-play of trying to hide their own fears and male inadequacies, whether real or imagined.

I suppose, that Trump has managed to make Stormy Daniels look like she has some dignity, so there's that. Yet another unintended consequence in a presidency that's full of them.

Margaret Atwood, the Handmaid's Tale author, said once that "Men worry that women will laugh at them. Women worry that men will kill them."

Listen, guys, I don't know how to tell you this without being an asshole, so I'm a just say it: If you keep acting like this, you damned well deserve to get laughed at. You damned well deserve to have your various avatars of political stupidity voted out of office and you damned well deserve to have them be replaced by the ladies, who will not give a fuck about the various dick-anxieties that are what's really driving a lot of this stupid shit. If ya'll don't want the first question on a gun license form to be "Do you feel secure about the size of your penis" My suggestion is that it's probably time to cut out the stupid shit before ya'll ruin things for guys like me, who managed not to catch this particular societal herpes of authoritarian male stupidity, or at least managed to grow out of it.

I fully well realize that a lot of Western culture is driven by entirely dick-obsessed Greek mythology and philosophy, yet at the same time we have this obsession with thinking of prisoners looking at shadows in a cave, and viewing ourselves as the shadows...Plato of course being the basis for much of Roman Stoic philosophy as well...thus leading to a disdain for the physical world, particularly on the part of the religious, and to a love of ideas over people....but all too often, especially with outright cults like this Trump bullshit...it all comes back to that ancient obsession with the dick.

Listen up, my fellow white straight men, it's the 21st goddamned century, not the Bronze Age.

Most of the time nobody cares about your dick.

We'd best straighten out our bullshit and our petty insecurities and obsessions and cut out this drama-queen bullshit. We'd best cut out this strutting wannabe-authoritarianism and acting like it's some big bad thing that the rest of the world is talking back to us BEFORE the rest of the world smacks us in our collective mouths and tells us to sit down and shut the fuck up.

You want respect? Respect is earned, by every action, every day. Do you really think this kind of crap is respectable conduct? Hello? Is this thing on?

There are people in this country, right here, right now, who do not have food to eat or a roof over their heads and you want to act like it's the worst thing in the world that our society determined long before any of us were born that a woman should have the capability to say "No" to you?


You weren't promised respect, or power, or that women will have sex with you, or anything like that. Hell, if you actually read the Bible you'd know we're not promised that we'll get up tomorrow morning.

I was taught "You want something, you go out and you earn it."

But all I see right now is a bunch of entitled crybabies who think the world owes them everything, and I ain't talking about the liberals, I'm talking about what has become of too many conservative white men.

I used to be one of ya'll, but I was taught better than this.

The idol of the 21st century isn't the Golden Calf of Exodus, or even the Golden Bull of Wall Street, it's not Mecca or the Vatican or the Wailing Wall or some giant Buddha statue. No, the idol of the 21st century is nothing more than a giant gold-plated dick, with a bunch of idiots who want to show it to the world like it's some kind of a new thing and not something that we, each of us men, all have and should be in control of rather than being controlled by.

If this crap is what has become of conservatism I'll say it again, that I want no part of it. If you want to be a man, and have the conduct of a man, you shouldn't either.

The whole damned point of Plato, and of Christianity and of every decent philosophy or religion ever dreamed up by men (and women) sitting around a fire looking at shadows is that sinful Man is meant to rise above and have power over his urges, not to be controlled by them.

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