Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Judgement Day. (Part Two)

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~Hebrews 11:1

I saw this picture over the weekend, and I've been enraged about it ever since. Apparently at least some of the kind of idiots that would normally fly Confederate flags have now traded up to Russian flags.

Look, this may be the only time I ever speak in favor of it for any damn reason, but at least the Confederate flag was created, flown by and represents American traitors and American treason. Whether one loves the memory of Robert E. Lee or hates it, he fought for America before he fought against it, he was descended from one of its revolutionary heroes, and he faced what he thought was a sincere moral question in choosing between loyalty to his government and loyalty to his home state. I happen to believe he made the wrong choice, is all. Now, You show me where any Russian has the kind of care for America that Robert E. Lee expressed by his actions and blood and guts, serving in the Mexican War and leading troops at Harper's Ferry against John Brown's insurgents before he ultimately betrayed it. Go ahead, I'll wait. Now look here. I hate the Confederate Flag and every damn thing it stands for or ever did and I will STILL take that shit over somebody flying a Russian flag off their pickup truck, all day. No, seriously, fuck that shit. I'm not joking. If somebody would have tried that shit 30 or 40 years ago when I was coming up...No, you go ahead and stop and think what would've happened to some Bubba that decided to fly the Soviet Hammer and Sickle off the back of their pickup truck, especially in a place like Virginia, that was far more conservative-happy then than it is now. Go ahead. Think about it. I'll wait.

Most likely, a person flying the Red Banner would've ended up dead. You know it as well as I do. So, what's the damn difference with the modern Russian tricolor?

I have a theory.

In the Twitter thread that accompanied the above photo, I learned that "Nationalists" have started flying Russian flags, because something something Gazpacho Vladimir Putin Masculinity Argle Bargle or something. Now, wait a god-damned minute here. Back the truck up and run the motherfucker over, again. Shouldn't somebody who claims to be an American nationalist be flying the Stars & Stripes?

My theory is that "Conservatives" have lost faith in America.

My theory further states that since declaring White Supremacy as their country is failing and not even recognized as an option by the other two thirds of us, since Racism is the hill they want to die on and that last so-called "value" that they will not set on fire...and that's killing their credibility and even their own perception of themselves, in real time, these fucking people have realized they're going to lose. They've realized that Trump sold them a bill of goods and isn't the man he led them to believe he was...and now, in all too many cases he's costing all the wrong people money.

But of course, like any computer with a few bad lines of code or a calculator with a short in the wiring...you can program in any variables you like but they'll still spit out -1 every single fucking time. #MAGA and "owning the libs" have become the new "Chicken in every pot" and "Taxation is Theft!!!" all at the same time even as Trump talks like Huey Long even as he elbows Ayn Rand out of the way to become the new Republican Jesus, complete with Paul Ryan's Atheistic Objectivist policies in Congress. I'm just sayin' the tension between these two things is going to snap, soon. One of these things is not like the other. You cannot have your cake, eat it, and sell it at a profit all at the same time. -1, Divide by zero. This call cannot be completed as dialed. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

You know who else has figured this out? Wealthy Hedge-Fund motherfuckers, that's who. They know it's all going to come crashing down. But instead of, you know, reversing course, using the power of the purse to reign this crap in or respecting science, taking care of people and the Earth...they'd rather upload their consciousness into a computer, try to coerce the loyalty of their "Security Forces" with combination locks on the food or shock collars and, I don't know, sit there stewing in electronic format until civilization collapses, their money becomes worthless, the power goes out and somebody eats the only guy who knows how to connect the backup solar panels or make that balky backup generator work. Long story short...you're going to die anyway. Why not just live life and enjoy it?

I'd rather die on my feet than sit there stewing in my own electrons waiting for the power to go out.

I mean, seriously, if I can't eat a good meal, get some booty, laugh with friends, play with some ferrets, spend a day at the range blowing holes in targets with assorted guns, swear in frustration at some video game I'm playing or sweat through a long night's work and have the satisfaction of living life...what's even the point of existing?

Without faith, without hope, without the desire to see what's over the next hill or what the next year will bring or simply to see how a large group of ferrets might entertain themselves with something as simple as a cardboard box...without feeding your mind and stretching the muscles of your imagination...what is even the point of being alive?

If all you want to do is exist to sit there as some collection of and accrue more and more money until the lights of civilization go out...or until the programming degrades...what's the difference between you and this laptop I'm sitting here typing on?

 What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul? Just sayin.'

These fucking people have reached the point where they really, really seem to want to declare Donald Trump as their God.

But at the same time, anybody who can connect the dots already knows this thing isn't going to work out at all. So, all the sudden, most people besides dumb, gullible Evangelicals are hedging their bets, heading for the exits, trying to bullshit their way through and hoping that if they don't talk about that nagging sense of doom, it'll just go away on its own.

Republican Judgment Day isn't coming. It's here. It's every day between now and the election that we see that these people never had any intention of doing the right thing, and all too often they'd rather chase after stupid shit than even try. These fucking people know there's going to be hell to pay. They're screaming bloody murder about it already.

But to make that happen, you have to show up. You have to care. You have to know the truth, or at least that there is a truth and translate that knowing into action. You have to believe in America more than they believe in money and The Rapture escapism and show up and vote these motherfuckers out.

If you can't have more faith than these faithless sons of bitches you're in the wrong damn business.

We the People, We the Voters *Are* Judgment Day. Use that power. Vote.

That's the whole damn point of America, and an idea that a hell of a lot of people of all races religions and genders and different kinds of sexuality believed in enough to step up and fight and die for it down through the almost two-and-a-half centuries of our national life.

Why not you?

Part One

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