Monday, November 20, 2017

Fucking Seriously? (Part 2)

And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. ~Revelation 9:20-21
I haven't said much about the Roy Moore which so far as I've heard at least eight women have accused Roy Moore of various acts from simply creeping on them and stalker-like behavior all the way up to sexual abuse, molestation and attempted rape. The victims were aged 14 to 16 at the time, and Roy Moore was in his 30's. That's called Statutory Rape. Evidently, everyone from a large percentage of Alabama Republican Party staff to some of their voters, all the way up to Evangelical and Fundamentalist Pastors seem to find this acceptable. It's been almost a couple weeks now since this dropped, and the scandal is still going, and not only that but it appears to be getting worse. 
What the fuck? I'm sorry, but I was taught that sex outside of marriage was wrong (though I've never been all that good at abiding by that.) I was also taught that those kind of relationships should be age-appropriate, and I've never had any interest in younger girls because I'm not a creeper, an immature motherfucker or a religious nut.
(As a case in point, why in the FUCK is a grown-ass man signing high-school yearbooks? Much less creeping on teenage girls at the mall to the point where he gets banned from the goddamned mall? If you support this guy, go ahead and answer me that. Show your work about why this dude shouldn't be on a sex offender registry at this point!)
Of course, the logic of people trying to justify this shit...and all this other crazy shit going on, not least Republican tax bills and support for Trump is starting to sound like Atlas Shrugged meets Letters to Penthouse. Some of these damned Trump Supporters apparently worship Trump more than they believe in Jesus.
Yes, if you follow the links you'll see that I've linked to RedState articles not once, but twice. There's a reason for that. I used to be a Conservative, and this kind of crap is NOT what I was taught. 
I have a lot more to say on this, which in the coming days, I'll probably expound on. But just think about this comment here by Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. 
The Republican Party has become the party of Moral Relativism, Pedophilia, and ridiculous Tax Cuts for the wealthy (but your taxes and mine WILL go up) and don't you forget it.
Vote the sons of bitches out next year, so we'll still have enough left of a country that we can pick up the pieces.

I'm tired of this crap.

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